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DateSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingTitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingDept./Section
04/03/2022 09:42 AMBus Service to Paradeep & BhubaneswarP & A
03/03/2022 12:49 PMReschedule of Essay competition for Employees & Safety Quiz competition for Dependent Ladies for 51st National Safety Week-2022z_Others
03/03/2022 10:07 AMProgramme of Inaugural Function of 51st National Safety Week Celebration-2022z_Others
22/02/2022 10:25 AMPulse Polio progamme-2022Medical
21/02/2022 09:40 AM51st National Safety Week Celebration-2022 (Programme & Competitions for employees, dependents and contract workers)z_Others
21/02/2022 07:35 AMSYSTEM UP NOWSystem
18/02/2022 05:19 PMAbsentee Report - Feb 2022P & A
18/02/2022 09:34 AMNational Productivity Week-2022 Slogan & Suggestion Winners listTechnical
16/02/2022 01:17 PMSYSTEM SHUTDOWN (18.02.2022 to 21.02.2022)System
12/02/2022 11:48 AMUnit Head's message on "National Productivity Week, 2022"Technical
12/02/2022 11:27 AMGrant of Special Casual Leave to employees on the day of poll - Panchayat Raj Elections 2022P & A
09/02/2022 10:11 AM"National Productivity Week-2022" Circular for Slogan & Suggestion CompetitionTechnical
08/02/2022 03:09 PMRegarding Vaccination of age group of 15-18 years (COVAXIN)Medical
01/02/2022 01:10 PMGuidelines to be followed by Employees & Township residents till 28.02.2022P & A
26/01/2022 10:03 AMUnit Head's message on the occasion of 73rd Republic DayP & A
22/01/2022 11:24 AMReimbursement of Shoes/Sandals/Socks for the Block period from 01.01.2022 to 30.06.2022P & A
21/01/2022 10:55 AMCelebration of Republic DayP & A
20/01/2022 02:13 PMClosure of all Township branch roads connecting Reservoir PondP & A
19/01/2022 05:01 PMAbsentee report foir the month of January 2022P & A
18/01/2022 03:20 PMVaccination schedule in TownshipMedical
18/01/2022 03:04 PMRegarding Precaution doseMedical
18/01/2022 09:58 AMShift deviation report from 16.12.2021 to 15.01.2022P & A
17/01/2022 01:40 PMStoppage of Water Supply on 18.01.2022P & A
12/01/2022 03:50 PMVaccination DiriveMedical
07/01/2022 05:38 PMFormation of COVID-19 Monitoring CommitteeP & A
07/01/2022 05:35 PMImplementation of COVID guidelines by Employees & residents of TownshipP & A
07/01/2022 05:32 PMCancellation of bus service BBSR Marketing & Paradeep marketing P & A
07/01/2022 01:26 PMCancellation of Night Surveillance DutyP & A
07/01/2022 10:54 AMGuidelines to be followed by Employees & residents of TownshipP & A
05/01/2022 04:19 PMDearness Allowance  - January to March 2022P & A
03/01/2022 03:47 PMRegarding health check-up of employees with spouse (Above 45 years)Medical
03/01/2022 03:46 PMCardiology OPD in Township HospitalMedical
03/01/2022 03:45 PMGuidelines to be followed by Employees & Township residents from 01.01.2022 till 01.02.2022P & A
28/12/2021 01:48 PMFinancial Assistance to Talented childrenP & A
24/12/2021 04:14 PMGuidelines to be followed from 25.12.2021 till 02.01.2022P & A
24/12/2021 12:48 PMRegularisation of leave / shift deviation / tour / on duty passes for the year 2021P & A
24/12/2021 12:46 PMClosure of IFFCO Township Lord Jagannath TempleP & A
22/12/2021 09:20 AMArticles for PV magazine(Oct-Dec,2021)P & A
21/12/2021 08:29 AMAbsentee report of regular employees for the month of December'2021.P & A
21/12/2021 08:28 AMCircular No. 1765 – Amendment of Medical Assistance SchemeP & A
18/12/2021 09:00 AMDATA CENTER Downtime from 18/12/2021 (18.00 Hrs ) to 19/12/2021 (10.00 Hrs)System
14/12/2021 11:30 AMNational Energy Conservation Week 2021: Award winnersTechnical
13/12/2021 10:27 AMCondolence MeetingP & A
11/12/2021 08:08 AMNational Energy Conservation Week Celebration 2021- ReminderTechnical
09/12/2021 08:58 AMNational Energy Conservation Week Celebration 2021 - Message from Unit HeadTechnical
08/12/2021 04:12 PMNational Energy Conservation Week Celebration 2021-Change in Written Quiz dateTechnical
07/12/2021 01:08 PMVaccination Drive 2021P & A
07/12/2021 08:49 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2021 - Competitions for employees & dependentsTechnical
06/12/2021 01:44 PMGuidelines to be followed during graded unlockingP & A
06/12/2021 08:19 AMEmployees who have not applied LTA for the year 2021P & A
04/12/2021 11:33 AMCancelation of bus service BBSR Marketing & Paradeep marketing P & A
30/11/2021 03:37 PMMarketing Bus to Paradeep & BhubaneswarP & A
23/11/2021 08:14 AMFilling up of Law Officers Vacancies in Grade H1 from amongst IFFCO employeesP & A
20/11/2021 09:01 AMAbsentee report of regular employees for the month of November'2021.P & A
18/11/2021 04:19 PMDowntime for Legacy Database and Application (from 17.00 Hrs to 21.00 Hrs on 19/11/21)System
16/11/2021 04:23 PMShift Deviation report of regular employees for the period from 16.10.2021 to 15.11.2021.P & A
12/11/2021 10:34 AMPrize Distribution Schedule - Vigilance Awareness Drive-2021z_Others
10/11/2021 01:38 PMHolidays to be observed during 2022P & A
03/11/2021 04:17 PMVaccination Drive 2021P & A
03/11/2021 08:29 AMClosure of Cooperative Store, Petrol Pump & LPG Division of IPECCS on Diwali (04.11.2021)Materials
30/10/2021 11:21 AMResult - Vigilance Awareness Drive-2021z_Others
29/10/2021 04:25 PMNight Surveillance from 01.11.2021 to 30.11.2021P & A
28/10/2021 10:47 AMInvitation for Concluding Ceremony VAD-2021z_Others
27/10/2021 04:48 PMREVISED Health check up of employees at Apollo,BBSRMedical
27/10/2021 12:50 PMHealth check up of employees at Apollo,BBSRMedical
25/10/2021 05:26 PMStoppage of water supply on 26 Oct 2021P & A
25/10/2021 05:21 PMVigilance Awareness Drive 2021P & A
23/10/2021 10:21 AMFever Clinic P & A
23/10/2021 09:16 AMAward of Diwali Gift / SweetsP & A
21/10/2021 05:34 PMStoppage of Water SupplyP & A
20/10/2021 04:36 PMAbsentee report for the priod from 16.09.2021 to 15.10.2021P & A
14/10/2021 12:56 PMHealth check up of employees at Apollo,BBSRMedical
14/10/2021 12:27 PMDATA CENTER Downtime on 16/10/2021 , 18.00 Hrs to 17/10/2021 , 12.00 HrsSystem
12/10/2021 08:14 AMCondolence MeetingP & A
11/10/2021 12:50 PMVaccination Drive 2021P & A
04/10/2021 12:46 PMDearness Allowance  - October to December 2021P & A
01/10/2021 03:57 PMNext vaccination DateP & A
01/10/2021 10:27 AME-Invoice Portal Downtime (02/10/21,11 PM to 03/10/21 , 7 AM)System
30/09/2021 05:23 PMStoppage of Ultrafilter Water Supply in TownshipP & A
30/09/2021 04:46 PMUnauthorized parking of vehicles inside Plant premisesP & A
30/09/2021 10:48 AMNight Surveillance in plant Area - October 2021 P & A
29/09/2021 04:35 PMProhibition of illegal substances, public smoking and drinking in TownshipP & A
25/09/2021 09:57 AMURGENT CAUTION : SPAM Mail being received by UsersSystem
25/09/2021 07:50 AMToday 9:00 AM - Live Webcast - National Cooperative Conference System
20/09/2021 12:56 PMInvitation of articles for In-House magazineP & A
20/09/2021 12:55 PMAbsentee report of regular employees for period from 16.08.2021 to 15.09.2021P & A
18/09/2021 10:27 AMOPD Timing in IFFCO Township HospitalP & A
17/09/2021 11:03 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2021: प्रतियोगिता परिणाम z_Others
16/09/2021 05:08 PMShift Deviation report of regular employees for the period -16.08.2021 to 15.09.2021.P & A
16/09/2021 12:59 PMहिन्दी कार्यक्रम : स्थान परिबर्तन :कर्मचारियों हेतु निबंध प्रतियोगिताSystem
10/09/2021 10:05 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2021 (13 सितंबर से 17 सितंबर '21) : संशोधितSystem
07/09/2021 10:47 AMVaccination Drive 2021- Employees & dependentsP & A
07/09/2021 10:45 AMAvailing Compensatory OffP & A
06/09/2021 05:07 PMStoppage of Water Supply in TownshipP & A
02/09/2021 03:51 PMVISIT OF CONSULTANTSMedical
01/09/2021 03:45 PMGuidelines to be followed during graded UnlockingP & A
01/09/2021 09:23 AMReopening of IFFCO Recreation Clubz_Others
31/08/2021 01:03 PMPrecautions during preparation of Service Receipt Voucher in ERPSystem
28/08/2021 11:01 AMGuidelines on celebration of Janmashtami and other PujaP & A
19/08/2021 01:02 PMResumption of Consultant OPD ClinicP & A
18/08/2021 05:18 PMAbsentee report of regular employees period from 16.07.2021 to 15.08.2021.P & A
18/08/2021 03:57 PMAADHAAR No. seeding in EPFO for filing of ECR - UrgentP & A
17/08/2021 03:56 PMShift Deviation report of regular employees period from 16.07.2021 to 15.08.2021.P & A
14/08/2021 10:28 AMVaccination Drive 2021P & A
13/08/2021 01:51 PMConstitution of IEU, Paradeep 2021-24P & A
13/08/2021 10:16 AMCelebration of Independence Day 2021P & A
12/08/2021 01:03 PMINSSAN Contest - 2021P & A
09/08/2021 02:28 PMCondolence meeting- Late Sri Chandrama TiwaryP & A
07/08/2021 09:56 AMCondolence meeting- Late Sri Ullash ChaoudharyP & A
07/08/2021 07:59 AMOpening of Cooperative Stores On Saturday & Sunday as per new Guidelinesz_Others
06/08/2021 10:23 AMNotice - Reg. IEU, Paradeep Election 2021-2024P & A
06/08/2021 10:22 AMRestriction of Public Worship / Darshan in IFFCO Township Lord Jagannath TempleP & A
05/08/2021 03:31 PMVaccination Drive 2021P & A
04/08/2021 02:33 PMGuidelines to be followed during Graded UnlockingP & A
04/08/2021 01:43 PMIEU Election Notice- Final List after NominationsP & A
02/08/2021 01:21 PMFinancial assitance to talented children of emoloyees - 2021P & A
02/08/2021 01:15 PMCondolence Meeting- Late Sri Anil Kumar PandeyP & A
30/07/2021 06:28 PMConstitution of IOA 2021-24P & A
27/07/2021 03:25 PMVaccination Status of Employees & DependentsP & A
27/07/2021 03:24 PMCOVID Guidelines for persons travelling from Outside State / persons under Home IsolationP & A
27/07/2021 03:23 PMStrict Implementation of COVID GuidelinesP & A
26/07/2021 05:31 PMCode of Conduct & Guidelines for IEU Election 2021-24P & A
26/07/2021 05:30 PMIFFCO Employee's Union, Paradeep Election 2021-2024 NoticeP & A
26/07/2021 12:55 PMSchedule of COVID-19 vaccination in TownshipP & A
23/07/2021 01:35 PMIOA Election NoticeP & A
21/07/2021 06:07 PMIOA Election 2021-24 NoticeP & A
21/07/2021 09:24 AMAbsentee report of regular employees for the period from 16.06.2021 to 15.07.2021.P & A
19/07/2021 11:12 AMCondolence Meeting of R K MishraP & A
17/07/2021 11:05 AMShift Deviation report of regular employees period from 16.06.2021 to 15.07.2021.P & A
13/07/2021 01:54 PMElection of Executive Body of IOA 2021-2024P & A
03/07/2021 01:01 PMVaccination Drive 2021P & A
03/07/2021 10:44 AMFORM-16 for Financial Year 2020-21F & A
01/07/2021 02:56 PMGuidelines to be followed during LockdownP & A
28/06/2021 02:05 PMCondolence Meeting- Late Sri Ram Dinesh YadavP & A
26/06/2021 10:43 AMVaccination Drive 2021 P & A
26/06/2021 09:49 AMDowntime for H.O. Database and ApplicationsSystem
24/06/2021 05:49 PMVaccination Drive on 25th June 2021 -2nd Dose for employees who are 45 years & aboveP & A
24/06/2021 04:53 PMVaccination of non-dependent family membersP & A
24/06/2021 08:44 AMVaccination Drive on 24th & 25th June 2021P & A
23/06/2021 01:40 PMDependent Deletion/AdditionP & A
19/06/2021 12:42 PMVaccination Drive w.e.f. 21.06.2021P & A
19/06/2021 09:13 AMAbsentee report of regular employees for the period from 16.05.2021 to 15.06.2021.(Grade E0 to R0). P & A
18/06/2021 02:05 PMDowntime for Oracle ERP and Legacy Database and applications System
17/06/2021 01:21 PMGuidelines to be followed during LockdownP & A
04/06/2021 05:05 PMUnit Head's Message on the Occasion of "World Environment Day" 2021z_Others
25/05/2021 10:54 AMPrecautions to safeguard Computers during Cyclone YAASSystem
24/05/2021 10:06 AMEMERGENCY CONTROL ROOM (FIRE & SAFETY BUILDING) Intercom Number - 5555z_Others
24/05/2021 10:05 AMDo's & Don'ts regarding preparedness for the expected Cyclonic Storm "YAAS" from (25th to 27th) May-2021z_Others
19/05/2021 08:32 AMIT Asset Allocation in EISSystem
15/05/2021 09:58 AMLegacy Database Downtime on Saturday night (15/5/2021) from 10.00 PM to 1.00 AM (3 Hrs)System
10/05/2021 12:58 PMCovid Vaccination Status Entry SystemSystem
22/04/2021 10:43 AMEarth day 2021Electrical
22/04/2021 09:38 AMPurchase Requisition for IPECCS through WhatsApp No 7077721587z_Others
20/04/2021 11:31 AMSafety Advisory Notez_Others
19/04/2021 04:34 PMRestriction on Darshan in Township Temple on 21 April 21 due to Pandemic SituationP & A
17/04/2021 11:29 AMShift Deviation report of regular employees for period from 16.03.2021 to 15.04.2021P & A
16/04/2021 04:41 PMCondolence Meeting- Late Sri Raj Kumar MallP & A
16/04/2021 04:14 PMCondolence Meeting- Late Sri Raj Kumar MallP & A
16/04/2021 10:12 AMCOVID Guidelines to be followed by employees & residents P & A
13/04/2021 08:11 AMOnline Performance Development System for the year 2020-2021 P & A
09/04/2021 09:26 AMInternet based Mobile enabled MIS System
08/04/2021 05:25 PMStoppage of Water supply on 09.04.2021P & A
08/04/2021 08:05 AMNOTICE – Reg. Change of cadre to HR/AdministrationP & A
07/04/2021 03:34 PMRESULT- Winners of 31st INSSAN Convention,WIC z_Others
07/04/2021 03:32 PMDearness Allowance  - April to June 2021P & A
07/04/2021 10:19 AMPostponement of Health Check-up at Apollo HospitalMedical
07/04/2021 08:29 AMCOVID-19 Monitoring CommitteeP & A
06/04/2021 04:47 PMInvestment Declaration for FY 21-22F & A
01/04/2021 02:06 PMCOVID Guidelines to be followed by employees & residents P & A
26/03/2021 04:28 PMStoppage of Filter Water Supply Due To Maintenance Work in Filter Water lineUtility
26/03/2021 02:28 PMStrict Implementation of COVID GuidelinesP & A
25/03/2021 04:06 PMRemoval of Scrap Cycles, Scooters & Motorcycles P & A
23/03/2021 03:34 PMTotal power shutdown on 28th March'2021.Electrical
23/03/2021 03:31 PMProhibition on celebration of HoliP & A
18/03/2021 05:23 PMAbsentee Report of regular employees for the period from 16.02.2021 to 15.03.2021.P & A
17/03/2021 12:52 PMIPECCS - Distribution of Annual gift for FY 19-20 & FY 20-21z_Others
17/03/2021 12:46 PMShift Deviation Report of regular employees for the period from 16.02.2021 to 15.03.2021P & A
16/03/2021 04:00 PMSTEPs for MARCH' 21 OSL RECEIPTSystem
11/03/2021 02:18 PMअखिल इफको निबंध प्रतियोगिता (अंतिम चारण) का परिणामSystem
11/03/2021 09:43 AMOne time IT relaxation in LTC for the FY 2020-21F & A
11/03/2021 08:14 AMSubmission of medical billsMedical
10/03/2021 12:41 PMWinners of 50th National Safety Week Celebration-2021z_Others
09/03/2021 08:22 AMToday's Programme for 50th National Safety Week Celebration-2021z_Others
05/03/2021 08:53 AMToday's Programme for 50th National Safety Week Celebration-2021z_Others
04/03/2021 09:29 AMToday's Programme for 50th National Safety Week Celebration-2021z_Others
03/03/2021 10:42 AMHOUSE KEEPING COMMITTEE AWARDS 2020-21Production
03/03/2021 09:45 AMCelebration of Safety Day CircularProduction
24/02/2021 08:05 AMStrict Implementation of COVID guidelinesP & A
23/02/2021 08:21 AM 50th National Safety Week Celebration-2021 programmez_Others
18/02/2021 04:53 PMAbsentee report of regular employees for the period from 16.01.2021 to 15.02.2021.P & A
18/02/2021 01:43 PMNational Productivity Week-2021 Slogan Winners listTechnical
18/02/2021 01:40 PMAchievement of Paradeep Unit: Best Productivity Excellence Award 2020z_Others
18/02/2021 09:49 AMShift Deviation report of regular employees for period from 16.01.2021 to 15.02.2021.P & A
17/02/2021 05:23 PMStoppage of Water Supply on 18.02.2021P & A
12/02/2021 10:35 AMUnit Head's message on "National Productivity Week- 2021"z_Others
12/02/2021 10:26 AMRegarding Dental OPD.Medical
11/02/2021 09:53 AMProductivity Week Circular for Slogan Competitionz_Others
04/02/2021 04:37 PMAllotment of C Type QuarterP & A
03/02/2021 03:50 PMAppointment of New Management Representative for IMS, EnMS and IFA Protect & Sustain Product Stewardship Programz_Others
29/01/2021 12:49 PMImportant Value Additions & Validations in ERP - Finance and MaterialsSystem
29/01/2021 11:42 AMPulse Polio-2021Medical
25/01/2021 02:46 PMCelebration of Republic Day 2021P & A
25/01/2021 08:23 AMMaterial Gatepass System developed in .Net platformSystem
19/01/2021 03:37 PMReimbursement of Summer Uniform & Shoes for the block period 01.01.21 to 31.12.21P & A
19/01/2021 01:26 PMWCM Launch Webinar - New ranking of the World’s Largest Cooperatives : 20th January at 6.30 pm ISTP & A
19/01/2021 09:52 AMShift deviation report of regular employees period from 16.12.2020 to 15.01.2021.P & A
16/01/2021 10:01 AMINSSAN CONTESTS-2021z_Others
12/01/2021 06:07 PMStoppage of Water Supply P & A
12/01/2021 02:28 PMDearness Allowance  - January to March 2021P & A
11/01/2021 10:16 AMCondolence MeetingP & A
08/01/2021 04:48 PMC type quarter allotmentP & A
04/01/2021 01:04 PMHDFC _ Awareness Programme through digital meeting P & A
04/01/2021 12:06 PMCanteen CommitteeP & A
04/01/2021 12:05 PMReimbursement of Summer Uniform for the block period 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021P & A
04/01/2021 12:04 PMReimbursement of Shoes/Socks for the block period 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021P & A
04/01/2021 08:25 AMReopening of IFFCO Recreation Club Activities z_Others
01/01/2021 05:58 PMConstitution of Committee of IRC for the period 2021-2022z_Others
01/01/2021 03:03 PMResuming of consultant services in HospitalMedical
31/12/2020 04:48 PMA free 3-Day Virtual Event on Meditation by Heartfulness InstituteP & A
31/12/2020 04:46 PMProhibition of Celebration of New Year/ Zero Night CelebrationP & A
31/12/2020 03:35 PMGift Distribution from IFFCO Recreation Clubz_Others
31/12/2020 01:59 PMCondolence meetingP & A
29/12/2020 08:21 AMRearrangement of Working Hours in respect of General Shift EmployeesP & A
28/12/2020 06:01 PMRegularisation of leave/shift deviation/tour/on-duty for the year 2020P & A
24/12/2020 10:40 AMNew Suggestion CommitteeP & A
21/12/2020 05:25 PMAbsentee report of regular employees for period from 16.11.2020 to 15.12.2020.P & A
18/12/2020 04:42 PMShift Deviation report of regular employees period from 16.11.2020 to 15.12.2020.P & A
15/12/2020 11:03 AMNational Energy Conservation Day 2020: Award winnersTechnical
14/12/2020 04:21 PMEmployees who have not availed LTA for the year 2020P & A
14/12/2020 04:19 PMPlucking of flowersP & A
14/12/2020 08:27 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2020 : Message from Unit HeadTechnical
11/12/2020 11:02 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2020 - ReminderTechnical
10/12/2020 01:33 PMIFFCO ONLINE SMART-MIND QUIZ | 11th DECEMBER, 2020 (FRIDAY) | 1100 HRSP & A
10/12/2020 01:32 PMAntibody Test of COVID-19Medical
08/12/2020 09:59 AMVirtual Prayer Meeting to be held on 08.12.2020 at 11 AM for paying respect and homage to Late Shri Kamal Kumar Verma, Senior Executive Director (F&A), IFFCO System
07/12/2020 11:16 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2020 - Competitions for employees & dependents.Technical
07/12/2020 10:21 AMInvitation of articles for In-House magazineP & A
07/12/2020 10:14 AMImportant Value Additions & Validations in ERP - Finance and MaterialsSystem
01/12/2020 11:15 AMBan on use of PolytheneP & A
27/11/2020 02:17 PMResult of poster competition held by INSSAN-NICP & A
27/11/2020 02:16 PMConstitution of New Committee for Paradeep VaibhavP & A
26/11/2020 05:42 PMProhibition of Celebration of Kartik PurnimaP & A
24/11/2020 04:33 PMCollection of Blood Sample for IgG TEST System
20/11/2020 01:55 PMAbsentee report of regular employees for period from 16.10.2020 to 15.11.2020P & A
19/11/2020 01:16 PMAzure Active Directory : Password synchronisationSystem
18/11/2020 05:42 PMProhibition of celebration of Chhat PujaP & A
17/11/2020 09:49 AMTime Office Module of HMRS migrated to .Net TechnologySystem
16/11/2020 05:12 PMVAD-2020 Prize distributionz_Others
11/11/2020 05:14 PMCooperative Stores - Revised Timing w.e.f. 15-11-2020z_Others
11/11/2020 05:11 PMCooperative Stores - Holiday on 14-11-2020 on the Occasion of Diwaliz_Others
11/11/2020 08:26 AMRe-arrangement of working hours gor General Shift EmployeesP & A
10/11/2020 10:31 AMPrevention of use of fire crackers during Diwali 2020P & A
05/11/2020 10:49 AMIFFCOPDP MIS AppSystem
04/11/2020 06:07 PMIFFCO Employees’ Children Higher Education Scheme – Enhancement of Loan AmountP & A
04/11/2020 11:59 AMVigilance Awareness Drive-2020 Results for various Eventsz_Others
02/11/2020 05:16 PMZoom Link for Online debate on Vigilance Awareness Drive-2020z_Others
02/11/2020 08:12 AMInvitation and Program details for VAD-2020 (Reminder)z_Others
30/10/2020 04:06 PMGrant of Special Leave - COVID-19P & A
30/10/2020 01:42 PMIFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive 2020 - Online Inaugural Program at 10.00 AM on 02nd November, 2020z_Others
29/10/2020 05:59 PMAward of Diwali / Special Gifts / SweetsP & A
29/10/2020 05:43 PMAvailing Compensatory OffP & A
29/10/2020 04:55 PMVigilance Awareness Drive -2020z_Others
28/10/2020 07:52 AMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
22/10/2020 02:01 PMDamage due to spraying sanitizer liquid to PC and MonitorSystem
20/10/2020 11:41 AMAbsentee Report of regular employees for period from 16.09.2020 to 15.10.2020.P & A
19/10/2020 08:48 AMShift Deviation report of regular employees period from 16.09.2020 to 15.10.2020.P & A
15/10/2020 01:14 PMShifting of telephone cable from old admn bldg to new P & A
14/10/2020 04:48 PMINSSAN CONTESTS-2020 -REMINDERP & A
14/10/2020 04:46 PMSale of CarP & A
14/10/2020 08:28 AMOnline Vehicle Requisition regarding..System
13/10/2020 02:56 PMRegarding allotment of C Type QuartersP & A
13/10/2020 10:48 AMCondolence MeetingP & A
12/10/2020 01:14 PMCondolence MeetingP & A
09/10/2020 03:46 PMRearrangement of Working Hours for General Shift EmployeesP & A
09/10/2020 10:51 AMDearness Allowance  - October to December 2020P & A
08/10/2020 11:26 AMCollection of Paradeep Vaibhav magazine P & A
07/10/2020 08:29 AMINSSAN CONTESTS-2020 P & A
05/10/2020 01:31 PMCondolence MeetingP & A
05/10/2020 01:30 PMGuidelines for observance of Durga PujaP & A
01/10/2020 03:50 PMSystem Shutdown from 5.30 PM to 6 PM todaySystem
30/09/2020 10:45 AMCondolence MeetingP & A
28/09/2020 01:13 PMSuspension of Night Surveillance DutyP & A
25/09/2020 03:59 PMWebinar on Financial Well-being & Retirement Solutions for IFFCO Employees on 26th Sept 2020P & A
23/09/2020 01:40 PMInvitation of articles for new edition of Paradeep VaibhavP & A
21/09/2020 05:49 PMPrevention of Spread of CoronavirusP & A
19/09/2020 10:44 AMAbsentee Report of regular employees for month of September'2020.P & A
18/09/2020 02:41 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम 2020 : प्रतियोगिता परिणामSystem
18/09/2020 10:17 AMFEVER CLINICP & A
17/09/2020 01:03 PMDatacenter Shutdown at HO ,19/09/2020 , 14.00 to 22.00 HrsSystem
17/09/2020 08:45 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम (कुछ कविताएँ)System
16/09/2020 08:11 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम ( हिन्दी मुहाबरे)System
15/09/2020 09:49 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम 15/09/20 , कर्मचारी (विचार भाव अभिव्यक्ति प्रतियोगिता) , समय: 14:00 बजे से 15:00 बजे तकSystem
14/09/2020 09:36 AMGuidelines for observance of Vishwakarma PujaP & A
12/09/2020 09:49 AMWebinar on Self-Reliant India and Sustainable Agriculture on 12/09/2020 @12.00 PMSystem
10/09/2020 04:16 PMCancellation of Night Surveillance DutyP & A
09/09/2020 03:19 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2020 (14 सितंबर से 18 सितंबर '20)System
07/09/2020 02:08 PMIPECCS - Online RequisitionSystem
04/09/2020 05:50 PMRestriction in TownshipP & A
03/09/2020 04:08 PMPlying of Dumpers & Heavy equipment for construction of Pontoon JettyP & A
03/09/2020 04:03 PMRequirement of Manpower for Nano Fertilizer PlantsP & A
03/09/2020 01:27 PMRelease of Leave application Module of Workflow on New State of the art Technology - DotNet P & A
03/09/2020 01:21 PMRequirement of Manpower for Nano Fertilizer PlantsP & A
29/08/2020 09:00 AMNight Surveillance for Sept. 2020P & A
29/08/2020 08:51 AMNight Surveillance for Sept. 2020P & A
26/08/2020 04:27 PMAbiding Traffic Rules by all employees & residentsP & A
24/08/2020 06:01 PMCOVID Guidelines Compliance P & A
21/08/2020 08:44 AMSelf Declaration for COVID-19P & A
20/08/2020 08:20 AMAbsentee Report of regular employeesP & A
18/08/2020 02:16 PMImportant : Microsoft Azure AD ServiceSystem
18/08/2020 09:40 AMNight Surveillance DutyP & A
17/08/2020 04:16 PMShift deviation report - 16/7 to 15/8/20P & A
11/08/2020 11:21 AMIndependence Day CelebrationsP & A
10/08/2020 09:43 AMNight Surveillance Check ListP & A
10/08/2020 09:02 AMCOVID 19 online Self Declaration Form for employeesP & A
09/08/2020 12:56 AMCloud Server is Up and Available to UsersSystem
07/08/2020 02:07 PMCloud Server Shutdown on 08/08/2020, 11.30 PM to 09/08/2020, 5.30 AMSystem
07/08/2020 08:40 AMOpening of shops in TownshipP & A
06/08/2020 04:16 PMRevised guidelines to be followed by Township Residents to successfully combat COVID-19P & A
03/08/2020 03:22 PMCooperative Store weekly closureP & A
03/08/2020 03:21 PMOpening of shops in TownshipP & A
03/08/2020 10:55 AMNight Surveillance DutyP & A
01/08/2020 10:40 AMCongratulation tweet from Honb'l MDSystem
31/07/2020 02:02 PMMedical Health Insurance Policy renewal for the Period 01.08.2020 to 31.07.2021P & A
28/07/2020 04:05 PMNight Surveillance DutyP & A
28/07/2020 03:05 PMNight Surveillance for August, 2020P & A
28/07/2020 11:17 AMGuidelines to successfully combat COVID-19P & A
25/07/2020 04:38 PMFinancial Assistance to talented children -2020P & A
25/07/2020 04:04 PMChange in General Shift Timings w.e.f. 01.08.2020P & A
24/07/2020 03:50 PM“Power supply shall remain OFF in E type Qtrs.(48nos.), Block no.-10,11,12 for 3 hours on 25/07/2020 (Saturday) from 09:00 AM to 12:00 AM.” for new Power Distribution board replacement in place of old distribution board.

This is for kind information to all concerned.
P & A
22/07/2020 11:29 AMCOVID-19P & A
20/07/2020 11:02 AMAbsentee report of regular employees for the month of July ' 2020P & A
19/07/2020 01:55 PMChange in General Shift TimingsP & A
17/07/2020 03:29 PMShift Deviation report of regular employees period from 16.06.2020 to 15.07.2020.P & A
16/07/2020 04:13 PMDearness Allowance  - July to September 2020P & A
16/07/2020 03:20 PMProtective Steps against COVID 19P & A
16/07/2020 01:55 PMDigitally signed FORM-16 available in EISF & A
15/07/2020 08:58 AMPreventive Measures for containment of COVID-19P & A
11/07/2020 04:16 PMAppeal to all employees & residents of TownshipP & A
11/07/2020 04:14 PMDisclosure of information on getting infected by COVID-19 virusP & A
11/07/2020 10:16 AMImportant Value Additions & Automation and Performance Tuning in ERP - Finance & MaterialsSystem
10/07/2020 10:35 AMRestriction in TownshipP & A
10/07/2020 10:33 AMRestriction in OfficesP & A
09/07/2020 02:46 PMRequirement of Chemical Engineers and Mechanical Engineers for NANO FERTILIZER PlantsP & A
02/07/2020 01:30 PMOpening of shops in TownshipP & A
01/07/2020 04:43 PMGuidelines to be followed during Unlock 2.0P & A
26/06/2020 04:45 PMNight Surveillance for July, 2020P & A
25/06/2020 05:05 PMDistribution of Safety Shoes for the block period (01.01.20 to 30.06.20) & Gum Boots on 26.06.2020P & A
25/06/2020 08:35 AMRenewal of Vehicle PassP & A
22/06/2020 10:49 AMFree Webinar By INSSAN - How to Generate Good IdeasTechnical
22/06/2020 10:29 AMVery Important - Safeguarding yourself from Chinese Cyberattack using Covid as bait thru malicious/phishing EmailsSystem
20/06/2020 02:24 PMRath Yatra - Supreme Court directive regardingP & A
19/06/2020 08:06 AMअखिल भारतीय ऑनलाइन कवि सम्मेलन सह संगीत संध्याP & A
18/06/2020 03:50 PMAbsentee Report - 16/5 to 15th June, 2020P & A
17/06/2020 03:05 PMShift deviation report - 16/5 to 15/6/2020 reg.P & A
16/06/2020 11:07 AMERP : Requisition (MPR) approval through e-mail System
12/06/2020 04:22 PMProhibition of Group tuition's in TownshipP & A
12/06/2020 11:06 AMRelaxation in Night Curfew on 12.06.2020P & A
08/06/2020 10:46 AMKeeping Backup of your files and foldersSystem
06/06/2020 01:51 PMStoppage of water at D-type Qtrs. on 8th June, 2020 (Mon.)P & A
05/06/2020 08:40 AMResults of competitions held on the occasion of "World Environment Day" 2020z_Others
05/06/2020 08:36 AMUnit Head's Message on the Occasion of "World Environment Day" 2020z_Others
04/06/2020 04:52 PMClosure of Recreation Club and allied activitiesz_Others
03/06/2020 05:37 PMOpening of shops in TownshipP & A
03/06/2020 11:02 AMNight Surveillance for the month of June, 2020 reg.P & A
02/06/2020 04:47 PMTweet from honb'l MDSystem
02/06/2020 11:33 AMRevised Guidelines to be followed during Unlock-1P & A
01/06/2020 01:31 PMGuidelines to be followed during Unlock-1P & A
30/05/2020 02:47 PMReopening of Club premises for TT and Badminton activities from 1st of June 2020.z_Others
30/05/2020 01:05 PMAppreciation of COVID-19 Warriors & singing of Bande Utkal JananiP & A
27/05/2020 06:27 PMStoppage of water supply in Township on 28.05.2020P & A
26/05/2020 09:54 AMCelebration of World Environment Day 2020 - Competitions for Employees & Dependent Childrenz_Others
23/05/2020 10:44 AMAbsentee Report - 16/4 to 15/5/2020P & A
22/05/2020 01:33 PMCircular regarding restructuring of AllowancesP & A
20/05/2020 12:55 PMMinimum essential employees in Plant in the wake of cyclone "AMPHAN"P & A
19/05/2020 03:22 PMMinimum essential employees in Plant in the wake of cyclone "AMPHAN" P & A
19/05/2020 02:16 PMHome QuarantineP & A
19/05/2020 08:22 AMSwitching off PC,Printers etc. during heavy rainSystem
18/05/2020 02:57 PMDo's & Dont's during expected Cyclonic Storm "AMPHAN" from 19th to 21st May-2020z_Others
18/05/2020 02:43 PMShift deviation report - 16/4 to 15th May, 2020P & A
18/05/2020 01:24 PMGuidelines to be followed by all during extended Lockdown periodP & A
16/05/2020 01:12 PMCyclone "AMPHAN" - Precautions to be undertakenP & A
13/05/2020 09:13 AMNational Productivity Week - Winners List regardingP & A
13/05/2020 09:04 AM Regarding Resume of Physiotherapy servicesP & A
12/05/2020 04:45 PMResult of Competitions (National Safety Week Celebration-2020)z_Others
11/05/2020 02:50 PMShift deviation report of Regular Employees - 16/4 to 03rd May, 2020P & A
09/05/2020 03:58 PMInterruption of Power Supply at E-type Qtrs. on 11/5/2020 for two hours reg.P & A
05/05/2020 05:29 PMOpening of Shops w.e.f. 06 May 2020P & A
05/05/2020 01:44 PMReimbursement of cost of two turbans - 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2021P & A
03/05/2020 11:39 AMGuidelines for Employees and Township residents for Extended LockdownP & A
02/05/2020 05:41 PMOpening of shops at Township w.e.f.4/5/2020P & A
02/05/2020 05:39 PMRecommencement of Duty by all employees w.e.f. 04th May, 2020P & A
22/04/2020 08:56 AMAbsentee Report - 16/3 to 15/4/2020 of regular employeesP & A
18/04/2020 10:59 AMRestriction on movement of residents in Township, Spitting in Public places & Alcohol consumption reg.P & A
18/04/2020 08:17 AMShift deviation report - 16/3 to 15/4/2020 reg.P & A
16/04/2020 04:42 PMAppeal- Hindi VersionP & A
16/04/2020 02:52 PMAppealP & A
16/04/2020 10:04 AMClosure of Coop. Stores on 17/04/2020.System
16/04/2020 08:58 AMPayment of HRA / Lease Rent to employees superannuating during Lockdown periodP & A
16/04/2020 08:38 AMPayment of LTA/ EL encashment & Salary AdvanceP & A
15/04/2020 03:17 PMAdherence to timelines - Online Performance Development System for the year 2019-2020P & A
15/04/2020 11:33 AMIncome Tax Declaration for FY 2020-21F & A
14/04/2020 06:18 PMExtension of Lockdown till mid-night of 03 May 2020P & A
14/04/2020 04:37 PMShutdown 2020: A challenge for IFFCO Paradeep unit amidst Coronavirus ThreatDirector/GM office
07/04/2020 04:33 PMDA for the Quarter April - June, 2020 reg.P & A
07/04/2020 04:29 PMRestriction for movement by employees, dependants & children reg.P & A
07/04/2020 01:53 PMAmendment to IFFCO PF Rules regardingP & A
07/04/2020 11:18 AMWearing of Mask - Govt. of Odisha Order reg.P & A
06/04/2020 03:29 PMOnline Performance Appraisal timelines reg.P & A
06/04/2020 02:38 PMDAV School Admission NoticeP & A
05/04/2020 07:14 PMTweet from Honb'l MD (आईये हम सब मिलकर जलाएँ उम्मीद के दिये)System
04/04/2020 05:15 PMLighting of Diyas / Candles, etc. on 5th April, 2020 at 9.00 p.m.P & A
04/04/2020 05:13 PMThrowing of garbages by Township Residents - Strict action reg.P & A
04/04/2020 04:44 PMRestriction of Opening of Shops in the Township reg.P & A
03/04/2020 06:21 PMPOWER OF MY IDEA | 2-15 APRIL, 2020P & A
30/03/2020 01:56 PMRegarding Use of Face MasksMedical
30/03/2020 01:52 PMA KNOWLEDGE TO FIGHT CORONAMedical
26/03/2020 10:59 AMStoppage of Celebrations at Township MandirP & A
24/03/2020 05:46 PMInstruction to Township ResidentsP & A
23/03/2020 07:46 PMLockdown in Dist Jagatsinghpur - Safe Shutting down of Plant and subsequent action P & A
21/03/2020 04:21 PMCorona Virus Advisory in HindiP & A
21/03/2020 01:26 PMClosure of Betel shop, Hair-cut Salon & Beauty Parlour reg.P & A
21/03/2020 01:16 PMSuspension of Night Surveillance from 23rd March to 15th April, 2020P & A
21/03/2020 01:14 PMCancellation of all Buses till 15th Apr. 2020 reg.P & A
21/03/2020 01:11 PMRestriction of visitors & Housekeepers in the TownshipP & A
21/03/2020 11:43 AMPostponement of Concluding Ceremony of 49th National Safety Week Celebration 2020z_Others
20/03/2020 01:11 PMCancellation of Marketing buses reg.P & A
19/03/2020 10:06 AMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
19/03/2020 09:14 AMGuidelines on Social DistancingP & A
19/03/2020 08:56 AMCelebration of Basant Navaratri & Ram Navami at our MandirP & A
18/03/2020 03:14 PMAbsentee Report - 16/2 to 15/3/20P & A
18/03/2020 11:37 AMSTEPs for MARCH' 20 OSL RECEIPTSystem
17/03/2020 03:05 PMShift Deviation report - 16th Feb to 15th March, 2020P & A
17/03/2020 02:01 PMAttendance through face recognition machinesP & A
16/03/2020 02:12 PMFace recognition attendance registrationSystem
16/03/2020 01:59 PMIT Equipments Quarantine ServiceSystem
14/03/2020 05:13 PMCancellation Marketing Bus for Bhubaneswar on 15th Mar.2020 (Sunday)P & A
14/03/2020 04:55 PMSchool Bus Pass Registration 2020-21P & A
09/03/2020 08:42 AMToday's Programme for 49th National Safety Week Celebration-2020z_Others
07/03/2020 04:02 PMPicnic to Gangtok and Darjeeling in March 2020z_Others
07/03/2020 03:59 PMPicnic to Gangtok and Darjeeling in March 2020z_Others
07/03/2020 09:38 AMToday's Programme in 49th National Safety Week Celebration-2020z_Others
07/03/2020 09:21 AMSubmission of pending medical bills reg.P & A
06/03/2020 03:28 PMStoppage of Water supply at D & E type Qtrs. on 7th March, 2020 reg.P & A
06/03/2020 02:14 PMCelebration of Holika Dahan on 09th March, 2020 reg.P & A
05/03/2020 08:47 AMPrevention against Corona VirusP & A
04/03/2020 03:29 PMStoppage of water supply on 5/3/20 reg.P & A
03/03/2020 01:28 PMProgramme of Inaugural Function of 49th National Safety Week Celebration-2020z_Others
03/03/2020 11:46 AMInvitation of Articles for Paradeep VaibhavP & A
02/03/2020 11:38 AMSummer Vocational Training reg.P & A
29/02/2020 09:43 AMRevised Schedule in Celebration of 49th NSW-2020 Programmez_Others
28/02/2020 01:55 PMNight Surveillance for March, 2020P & A
28/02/2020 01:12 PMC type quarter allotment reg.P & A
28/02/2020 01:09 PMSegregation of Organic Waste reg.P & A
27/02/2020 11:33 AMAVEDAN in MISSystem
27/02/2020 10:03 AMPhotos of CriVolley-2020 in MISz_Others
22/02/2020 05:00 PMERP Production Downtime from 22.02.2020 5 PM (Saturday) to 23.02.2020 11 AM (Sunday)z_Others
22/02/2020 04:45 PMCancellation Marketing Bus for Bhubaneswar on 23rd Feb. 2020 (Sunday)P & A
21/02/2020 09:54 AMPran Pratishtha Utsav on 24/02/2020 at Shri Jagannath MandirP & A
20/02/2020 09:59 AMMS PROJECT : Level 4 Step by Step GuideSystem
19/02/2020 04:35 PMAbsentee report - 16/1 to 15/2/20 of regular employeesP & A
19/02/2020 09:34 AMMaha Shivratri celebration on 21/02/20 at Shri Jagannath MandirP & A
18/02/2020 02:34 PMShift deviation report - 16/1 to 15/2/2020P & A
18/02/2020 11:37 AMMarketing bus to Paradip on 19/2/2020, 10.00 a.m. cancelled P & A
18/02/2020 08:54 AMCelebration of 49th National Safety Week-2020z_Others
17/02/2020 03:55 PMCrivolley2020 Website in MISSystem
17/02/2020 03:31 PMCelebration of National Safety Day on 4th March, 2020P & A
15/02/2020 03:22 PMNon=availability of Marketing Bus to Bhubaneswar on 16/2/20P & A
14/02/2020 09:55 AMCollection of Paradip Vaibhav - Oct-Dec. 2019 editionP & A
12/02/2020 04:27 PMUnit Head's message on National Productivity WeekP & A
11/02/2020 01:52 PMDisruption of Power Supply - E type qtrs.P & A
11/02/2020 01:50 PMCondolance meetingP & A
11/02/2020 11:15 AMNational Productivity Week - 12th to 18th Feb. 2020P & A
05/02/2020 04:07 PMRoad disruption due to cable laying.P & A
05/02/2020 10:13 AMPower cut in township "E" Type Qtrs. on 6/2/2020P & A
01/02/2020 02:36 PMIFFCOApp and IFFCOPDP MIS AppsSystem
01/02/2020 10:06 AMRegarding Civil maintenance complaints of TownshipMaintenance
31/01/2020 10:53 AMश्रीलाल शुक्‍ल स्‍मृति इफको साहित्‍य सम्‍मान समारोह-2020z_Others
29/01/2020 10:53 AMNight Surveillance -February 2020P & A
29/01/2020 08:53 AMTransfer of Estate Maintenance job to Estate Civil SectionP & A
25/01/2020 01:28 PMFelicitation of awardees during Republic Day Celebration-2020P & A
25/01/2020 01:24 PMCancelation of Bhubaneswar Marketing Bus & Paradeep Marketing Bus Morning time at 09.30a.m P & A
23/01/2020 09:09 AMRepublic Day 2020 - Toffee distribution from Cooperative StoreP & A
23/01/2020 09:04 AMCelebration of 71st Republic Day 2020P & A
22/01/2020 04:27 PMCloud Database Downtime today (22-01-2020) from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm System
21/01/2020 04:46 PMReimbursement of shoes/sandals & socks to employees 2020P & A
21/01/2020 03:12 PMAbsence report of regular employees for the period 16.12.2019 to 15.01.2020P & A
20/01/2020 10:14 AMStoppage of electricity in E-Type Qtrs. P & A
19/01/2020 06:05 PMCloud Based System from MUMBAI Datacenter is LIVE and UP nowSystem
17/01/2020 04:46 PMShift Deviation report of regular employees for the period from 16.12.2019 to 15.01.2020.P & A
17/01/2020 03:33 PMDistribution of Dry Fruits for Republic Day 2020P & A
17/01/2020 03:30 PMIssuance of Uniform to employees for the block period 1st Jan. to 31st Dec. 2020P & A
17/01/2020 03:26 PMDistribution of Safety Shoes / Gum Boots (Last Date)P & A
17/01/2020 10:03 AMCloud based system shutdown (18/01/20, 7PM to 19/01/20, 7PM)System
13/01/2020 02:32 PMCelebration of Makara Sankaranti at Sri Jagannath Mandir on 15/01/2020P & A
13/01/2020 01:53 PMObservance of 31st National Road Safety Week on 14/1/2020P & A
11/01/2020 05:04 PMCRI VOLEY 2020 - Final List of PlayersP & A
10/01/2020 01:40 PMCircular of IEBT - Enhancement of employees' contribution to IEBT reg.P & A
09/01/2020 04:34 PMBhubaneswar Mktg. Bus on 12th Jan. 2020 (Sun.) cancelledP & A
09/01/2020 02:04 PMAnnual Fete - 11/1/2020P & A
09/01/2020 09:53 AMPulse Polio Immunization, 2020P & A
08/01/2020 03:42 PMDA for the Quarter Jan - March, 2020P & A
08/01/2020 10:26 AMKITE FLYING FESTIVAL ON 14-JAN-2020z_Others
07/01/2020 10:31 AMREPUBLIC DAY-2020 VOLLEYBALL TEAMSz_Others
06/01/2020 01:44 PMREPUBLIC DAY-2020 GAMES CRICKET TEAMSz_Others
06/01/2020 10:54 AMReminder - Workshop on Medicine free life & Stress Management - on 7/1/2020P & A
04/01/2020 10:47 AMRevised sports event schedule of Republic Day-2020Production
03/01/2020 12:54 PMWorkflow Issue ResolvedSystem
03/01/2020 10:23 AMIssue in WORKFLOW SystemSystem
03/01/2020 09:23 AMDistribution of Safety Shoes / Gum BootsP & A
31/12/2019 09:13 AM New EnergPolicy for IFFCO Paradeep in accordance with ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management SystemTechnical
31/12/2019 07:58 AMEvent Schedule of outdoor sports for Republic Day -2020.Production
30/12/2019 01:12 PMDistribution of IFFCO Diary, Pen, Bag etc. from Plant Guest House reg.P & A
28/12/2019 03:58 PMNight Surveillance - January 2020P & A
26/12/2019 05:07 PMREPUBLIC DAY SPORTS CIRCULARProduction
26/12/2019 03:24 PMWorkshop on “Medicine Free Life & Stress Management” on 7th Jan 2020P & A
24/12/2019 01:24 PMCloud Database DowntimeSystem
23/12/2019 03:26 PMCelebration at club premises on its 10th anniversary.z_Others
23/12/2019 02:42 PMCOMMITTEEs - REPUBLIC DAY, 2020P & A
21/12/2019 10:42 AMNon-availability of Marketing Bus for Bhubaneswar on 22nd Dec. 2019 (Sun.)P & A
21/12/2019 08:42 AMRegularisation of attendance / Tour / OD for the year 2019P & A
20/12/2019 09:24 AMCri Volley 2020 - Shortlist of PlayersP & A
19/12/2019 01:15 PMAbsentee Report - 16/11 to 15/12/2019P & A
18/12/2019 11:09 AMCloud WLS VM Migration on Oracle Data Center at MumbaiSystem
18/12/2019 09:33 AMShift deviation report - 16/11 to 15th Dec. 2019 reg.P & A
16/12/2019 02:43 PMe-Nomination at Member Interface at Unified Portal regardingP & A
14/12/2019 10:37 AMNational Energy Conservation Day 2019: Concluding ceremony and list of winnersTechnical
13/12/2019 09:36 AMNon-availability of Marketing Buses for BBSR & Paradip on Sun. 15th Dec. 2019P & A
12/12/2019 02:39 PMअखिल इफको निबंध प्रतियोगिता के अंतिम चरण के परिणामz_Others
12/12/2019 11:01 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2019-Message from Unit Headz_Others
12/12/2019 10:34 AMIRC Picnic 2019 - extension till 15th of December 2019 for nominations for March Tripz_Others
10/12/2019 05:11 PMQuarter preference Circular - B-type (Old & New) reg.P & A
07/12/2019 03:22 PMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2019 - Competitions for employeesP & A
06/12/2019 01:23 PMNon-availability of Marketing Buses on Sunday, 08th Dec. 2019P & A
06/12/2019 08:58 AMSelection process for Cricket & Volley ball teams - Crivolley, 2020P & A
05/12/2019 04:33 PMJE Vaccination in Township HospitalMedical
05/12/2019 02:16 PMSegregation of garbage materials in the Township reg.P & A
30/11/2019 10:36 AMInvitation of articles for Paradeep Vaibhav - Oct. to Dec. 2019 editionP & A
26/11/2019 04:17 PMCri Volley 2020 - Selection of PlayersP & A
26/11/2019 11:13 AMParadeep Vaibhav - Magazine CollectionP & A
26/11/2019 11:10 AMNight Surveillance - December 2019P & A
19/11/2019 05:13 PMAbsentee Report of Regular Employees - 16/10 to 15/11/2019P & A
18/11/2019 02:57 PMShift deviation report - 16/10 to 15/11/2019P & A
14/11/2019 02:09 PMFAI Environmental Protection Award : Tweet from Honbl MD System
11/11/2019 09:32 AMOver TimeP & A
09/11/2019 03:44 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus to Bhubaneswar on 10th Nov'2019 (Sun.)P & A
09/11/2019 11:52 AMvaccination for Japanese encephalitis (JE) z_Others
07/11/2019 04:44 PMDry Fruits DistributionP & A
07/11/2019 03:23 PMRegardig Picnic 2019-20 to Gangtok & Darjeeling by IRCz_Others
01/11/2019 03:55 PMCircular regarding reimbursement of Medical ExpensesP & A
01/11/2019 12:41 PMResults of various events - Vigilance Awareness Drive 2019P & A
31/10/2019 09:15 AMMessage from Chairman, IFFCO on VAD 2019P & A
29/10/2019 04:05 PMNight Surveillance for November, 2019P & A
26/10/2019 04:53 PMMarketing Bus to BBSR not available for tomorrow 27/10/2019P & A
25/10/2019 01:21 PMSubmission of Aadhar copy by left out employees - URGENTP & A
25/10/2019 09:46 AMDistribution of Sweets today, 25th Oct. 2019 from Welfare Section (Plant Guest House)P & A
25/10/2019 09:03 AMList of Holidays to be observed in 2020P & A
24/10/2019 01:53 PMChannel List | New PlanP & A
23/10/2019 02:18 PMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
23/10/2019 09:38 AMDeepawali Puja at Sri Jagannath Temple on 27 Octoberz_Others
22/10/2019 04:37 PMERP Shutdown between 6 PM and 7 PM today (22/10/2019)System
22/10/2019 03:37 PMVigilance Awareness Drive (From 31/10/2019 to 01/11/2019)P & A
21/10/2019 03:27 PMWater stoppage on 22/10/19 reg.P & A
19/10/2019 09:33 AMINSSAN Contests 2020P & A
18/10/2019 03:05 PMDistribution of Annual Gift for FY-2018-19 from IPECCSz_Others
18/10/2019 01:46 PMAbsentee Report - 16.9 to 15/10/2019P & A
17/10/2019 01:51 PMShift deviation report - 16.9 to 15.10.19P & A
16/10/2019 10:50 AMReimbursement of Woolen Clothing SubsidyP & A
16/10/2019 10:39 AMAward of Diwali Special Gifts & Dry Fruits / SweetsP & A
10/10/2019 08:22 AMDearness Allowance - October to December 2019P & A
08/10/2019 11:17 AMInvitation for Ramleela Programme on the occasion of Vijayadasami - 2019z_Others
05/10/2019 08:39 AMCircular No. 1737-Revision of Benefits under Medical Scheme of IEBTP & A
04/10/2019 01:15 PMRevised Competition Programme during Durga Puja 2019P & A
04/10/2019 10:10 AMNavaratri Celebration 2019 : Dandia Raas CompetitionP & A
03/10/2019 03:20 PMSelection of participant for Ramleela Programme on the occasion of Vijayadasami - 2019P & A
02/10/2019 08:35 AM Durga Puja Programme and Competition schedule 2019P & A
02/10/2019 08:35 AMDurga Puja Programme and Competition ScheduleP & A
28/09/2019 06:54 PMCircular for Picnic 2019 to Gangtok & Darjeelingz_Others
28/09/2019 09:51 AMNight Surveillance - October, 2019 regardingP & A
25/09/2019 08:39 AMHealth & Wellness Programme for Ladies on 26th Sept. instead of 28th Sept. 2019 - REVISEDP & A
24/09/2019 02:08 PMHealth & Wellness programme for ladies on 28/9/2019P & A
23/09/2019 02:08 PMSale of Car OD-21-8739 on "As is where-is" basisP & A
23/09/2019 02:05 PMSale of Car - OD21-D-3686 on "as is where-is" basisP & A
21/09/2019 03:48 PMUnit Head's Congratulatory message on Environment Excellence Award, 2019P & A
21/09/2019 03:44 PMCancellation of Bhubaneswar Marketing Bus on 22nd Sept. 2019P & A
21/09/2019 03:23 PMNavaratri Committees - 2019 P & A
21/09/2019 10:38 AMNavaratri, Durga Puja & Vijaya Dasami Puja Committees - 2019P & A
21/09/2019 08:48 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2019 (14 से 21 सितंबर '19) : प्रतियोगिता परिणामSystem
21/09/2019 08:08 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह: समापन समारोह - 21/09/2019, 16:00 बजे ,गेस्ट हाउस , ट्रेनिंग हालSystem
19/09/2019 10:41 AMAbsentee Report - 16/8 to 15/9/2019 reg.P & A
19/09/2019 08:22 AMIFFCO Recreation Club will be closed till 20th of September evening.z_Others
18/09/2019 08:11 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह 2019 (आज का कार्यक्रम) :18/09/2019System
17/09/2019 04:40 PMAdditional Bus Services to Paradeep on the occasion of Vishwakarma Puja festivalP & A
17/09/2019 02:50 PMShift deviation of employees - 16/8 to 15/9/2019P & A
17/09/2019 02:35 PMजय श्री श्री विश्वकर्माय नमःz_Others
17/09/2019 11:02 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह 2019 (आज का कार्यक्रम) :17/09/2019System
16/09/2019 05:11 PMSweet Packet Distribution on the ocassion of Lord Vishwakarma Puja 2019P & A
16/09/2019 08:25 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह 2019 (आज का कार्यक्रम)System
14/09/2019 03:38 PMCancellation of Bhubaneswar Marketing Bus tomorrow, 15th Sept. 2019P & A
14/09/2019 08:37 AMREVISED : हिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2019 (उद्घाटन समारोह : 14 सितंबर , 4.30 PM , न्यू ऍडमीन टेक्निकल कॉन्फ्रेंस रूम) System
13/09/2019 01:31 PMLord Viswakarma Puja 2019 : INVITATIONSystem
12/09/2019 03:07 PMChange E-Mail Password : FW: Spam / fake email from email id of Mr Piyush MisraSystem
12/09/2019 11:31 AMLORD VISHWAKARMA PUJA - Coconut breaking Nominationz_Others
12/09/2019 10:55 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2019 (14 सितंबर से 21 सितंबर '19)System
12/09/2019 08:53 AMRevised - appointment of visiting doctor Physician Dr.P K Samal & Peadiatrician Dr.Sanjay Sahoo between 2.00pm to 4.00 pmSystem
11/09/2019 04:30 PMAppointment for visiting doctor's from 2 P.M. to 4 P.MSystem
11/09/2019 01:38 PMहिन्दी समिति - 2019 की गठनSystem
11/09/2019 11:25 AMAvailability of Medicine specialistMedical
09/09/2019 08:46 AMRequirement of Manpower in Production DeptP & A
07/09/2019 02:09 PMStoppage of Water Supply in Township on 09.09.2019P & A
05/09/2019 04:04 PMStoppage of Water Supply in Township on 06.09.19P & A
04/09/2019 11:26 AMInvitation of Articles for Paradeep Vaibhav forthcoming editionP & A
04/09/2019 09:13 AMReimbursement of Woolen cloth - Block period 1/9/2019 to 31/8/2022P & A
03/09/2019 04:13 PMRevised Schedule of Cultural Programme of Ganesh Puja for 03-Sep-2019System
03/09/2019 04:05 PMCleanliness Drive inside Plant on 5th Sept. 2019 (Behind Bagging Plant Area)P & A
03/09/2019 10:27 AMReimbursement of Woolen Clothing - Block Period 1/9/19 to 31/8/2022P & A
03/09/2019 09:34 AMCollection of Paradeep Vaibhav (latest edition)P & A
02/09/2019 10:36 AMAbsenteeismP & A
02/09/2019 10:12 AMSwachchta 2019 - Environment cleaning in the TownshipP & A
31/08/2019 04:17 PMOnline booking of Air tickets through mybiz.makemytrip.com websiteP & A
31/08/2019 01:17 PMCelebration of Ganesh Puja, 2019 - Invitation & ProgrammeP & A
31/08/2019 01:01 PMSchedule of Cultural Programme for Ganesh Puja on 3/9/2019P & A
31/08/2019 12:57 PMSchedule of Cultural programme for Ganesh Puja on 2/9/2019P & A
31/08/2019 08:20 AMSwachchata Pledge taking ceremony on Mon. 2nd Sept. 2019, 10.00 a.m.P & A
30/08/2019 02:09 PMSHREE LORD GANESH PUJA - 2019 : INVITATIONSystem
29/08/2019 04:22 PMIFFCO Online Smart Mind Quiz for all employeesP & A
29/08/2019 02:56 PMSystem Shutdown for 1 hour today (5 PM to 6PM)System
28/08/2019 12:57 PMGreen Initiative by IFFCO, Paradip (Each one Plant one)P & A
28/08/2019 12:52 PMNo use of Mobile Phones in Ammonia Storage areaP & A
27/08/2019 02:48 PMNight Surveillance - SEPT. 2019 reg.P & A
27/08/2019 02:43 PMSize of Safety Shoes / Gum Boots to eligible IFFCO employeesP & A
27/08/2019 10:13 AMSwachchata Pakhwada (1st to 15th Sep. 2019) in our TownshipP & A
27/08/2019 08:48 AMSubmission of song/track for Ganesh Puja Cultural Progamme-2019P & A
26/08/2019 10:32 AME filing of ITR 2019-20 - Awareness Programme reg.P & A
23/08/2019 04:28 PMSystem Shutdown on 25/08/2019 , 9AM to 5PMSystem
20/08/2019 11:05 AMSwimming Pool Operation reg.P & A
20/08/2019 08:41 AMAbsentee Report - 16/7 to 15/8/2019 regardingP & A
17/08/2019 04:16 PMShift deviation report - 16/7 to 15/8/2019P & A
17/08/2019 10:16 AMCelebration of Janmashtami at Sri Jagannath MandirP & A
16/08/2019 11:45 AMVishwakarma Puja Committees - REVISEDP & A
14/08/2019 08:36 AMFelicitation of awardees during Independence Day Celebration-2019 P & A
13/08/2019 05:02 PMFelicitation of awardees during Independence Day Celebration-2019 P & A
13/08/2019 08:36 AMRoad Blockage near Diesel pump area inside Plant for construction of CulvertP & A
09/08/2019 03:36 PMDistribution of Dry Fruits for Independence Day, 2019P & A
09/08/2019 09:15 AMCelebration of 73rd Independence Day, 2019 reg.P & A
07/08/2019 03:18 PMChocolate distribution on the occasion of Independence Day, 2019P & A
05/08/2019 05:11 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2019: Call for Cultural Programme Audition (09th & 10th August'19, 4.30 PM, Club)System
03/08/2019 05:31 PMArt of Living - Meditation Programme reg.P & A
03/08/2019 01:54 PMUrgent : Changing HRMS PasswordSystem
03/08/2019 11:06 AMShri Ganesh Puja Committees - 2019 REVISEDP & A
01/08/2019 12:50 PMCongratulatory Msg from Honb'l MDSystem
01/08/2019 08:56 AMPunching FacilityP & A
01/08/2019 08:51 AMParadeep Vaibhav - REVISED CommitteeP & A
31/07/2019 04:13 PMParadeep Vaibhav CommitteeP & A
31/07/2019 09:49 AMRenewal of Vehicle PassP & A
30/07/2019 01:32 PMVitamin-A administration for ChildrenP & A
30/07/2019 10:08 AMNight Surveillance for August, 2019 reg.P & A
29/07/2019 09:17 AMCommittees - Celebration of Sri Ganesh Puja, 2019 regardingP & A
27/07/2019 02:38 PM73rd Independence Day, 2019 - Committees reg.P & A
27/07/2019 08:22 AMDowntime of ERP Production today i.e. 27th July 2019 from 1730 to 2330 HrsSystem
26/07/2019 03:38 PMDown time for Software Applications Deployed on Oracle CloudSystem
26/07/2019 10:00 AMHealth Check Up of Employees below 45 yrs. reg.P & A
26/07/2019 09:57 AMHealth Check up of employees below 45 yrs. reg.P & A
23/07/2019 01:12 PMLeave / Tour / OD applicationsP & A
20/07/2019 03:43 PMStandard Operating Procedure for using Swimming Pool in IRCP & A
20/07/2019 12:52 PMAbsentee Report of regular employees - 16th June to 15th July, 2019P & A
19/07/2019 09:10 AMShift deviation report - 16/6 to 15/7/2019 regardingP & A
18/07/2019 08:29 AMTweet from Honourable MDSystem
16/07/2019 04:47 PMInterruption in water supply on 18th July, 2019P & A
13/07/2019 03:37 PMPankti Bhoj on 15th July, 2019 Evening.P & A
13/07/2019 10:14 AMBhubaneswar / Puri Marketing Bus – booking / cancellation regarding.P & A
11/07/2019 02:46 PMUnauthorized entry into IRC premisesP & A
11/07/2019 01:05 PMBahuda Yatra - 2019 on 12/07/2019 reg.P & A
09/07/2019 10:19 AMDearness Allowance - July to September 2019P & A
06/07/2019 09:37 AMChanging password in Outlook E-mailSystem
06/07/2019 09:21 AMChanging password in ERPSystem
06/07/2019 09:16 AMChanging Password in HRMSSystem
05/07/2019 04:50 PMCultural Programme on Rath Yatra - 5th & 6th July 2019P & A
05/07/2019 04:27 PMFinancial Assistance to talented children 2019P & A
05/07/2019 01:19 PMRevision of TA DAP & A
03/07/2019 02:35 PMChanges in Rath Yatra ProgrammeP & A
02/07/2019 09:34 AMRatha Yatra Programme Schedule P & A
02/07/2019 09:30 AMRatha Yatra Programme Schedule P & A
02/07/2019 09:08 AMParadeep Vaibhav magazine collectionP & A
02/07/2019 08:16 AMCircular regarding Form 16 for Financial Year 2018-19F & A
29/06/2019 02:09 PMNight Surveillance for the month July 2019P & A
29/06/2019 08:21 AMSystem Shutdown from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM today i.e. 29/6/2019System
24/06/2019 09:46 AMResults of World Environment Day Competitions 2019z_Others
23/06/2019 01:28 PMIUCF 2019 Paradeep - Program ScheduleP & A
22/06/2019 02:58 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus to Bhubaneswar tomorrow the 23rd June, 2019P & A
21/06/2019 01:31 PMCelebration of "International YOGA Day on 21st June, 2019P & A
20/06/2019 10:48 AMAbsentee Report - 16/5 to 15th June, 2019P & A
18/06/2019 04:51 PMShift Deviation report - 16.5.2019 to 15.6.2019P & A
18/06/2019 08:11 AMIUCF-2019 : Website & Link for Live WebcastSystem
17/06/2019 01:41 PMRath Yatra and MD visit - Committees regardingP & A
17/06/2019 01:39 PMMD visit & Rath Yatra CommitteesP & A
15/06/2019 01:31 PMData Center DowntimeSystem
15/06/2019 10:27 AMInvitation of articles for Paradip Vaibhav, Apr - June, 2019 editionP & A
13/06/2019 03:51 PMDown time for Software Applications Deployed on Oracle CloudSystem
13/06/2019 10:37 AMIUCF 2019 - Final Dress RehearsalP & A
13/06/2019 10:25 AMIUCF - Dress RehearsalP & A
12/06/2019 08:10 AMDev Snana Purnima at Shri. Jagannath Temple on 17/6/2019P & A
05/06/2019 03:40 PMImportant - Mail Outside IFFCO : Email Security Enahancement System
04/06/2019 03:11 PMEmail Security - Money related emails - ImportantSystem
04/06/2019 08:40 AMBoard of PF Trustees w.e.f.1/6/19P & A
01/06/2019 03:47 PMEmployees entering Plant premises in intoxicated condition P & A
01/06/2019 01:36 PMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
31/05/2019 02:49 PMEmail - Thru Mobile devices (mobile phones, iPad etc)System
29/05/2019 02:48 PMManagement Representative for ISO 50001:2011 EnMSP & A
29/05/2019 02:34 PMCelebration of World Environment Day 2019 on 5th Junez_Others
29/05/2019 02:31 PMNight Surveillance - June, 2019 ScheduleP & A
25/05/2019 05:19 PMSafety compliance by the residents of township at Overhead water tank being constructedP & A
24/05/2019 04:37 PMSafety Adivisory in view of E type building roof terrace repairsP & A
22/05/2019 09:31 AMINSSAN Contest , 2019 - REVISEDP & A
22/05/2019 08:44 AMINSSAN Contest, 2019 - Participation regardingP & A
21/05/2019 04:36 PMProtection from Heat Wave regardingP & A
20/05/2019 01:40 PMAbsentee Report for the period 16th Apr. to 15th May, 2019P & A
17/05/2019 11:39 AMSummer camp from 17th May to 30th June 2019 for TT, badminton and football.z_Others
17/05/2019 09:58 AMShift deviation report - 16/4 to 15/5/19P & A
16/05/2019 03:51 PMAttendance on 2nd & 3rd May, 2019 due to Cyclone FANI regardingP & A
11/05/2019 01:32 PMNight Surveillance - 16th May, 2019 to 31st May, 2019P & A
09/05/2019 08:15 AMComputer Communication Links RestoredSystem
02/05/2019 03:29 PMMinimum Essential Employees in Plant in wake of Cyclone "FANI"P & A
02/05/2019 03:26 PMDO's & DONT's during Cyclone FANIP & A
02/05/2019 10:10 AMCyclone "FANI" - Phone Nos. of Control RoomP & A
02/05/2019 09:30 AMFANI : Important Telephone Numbers of Govt. officialsz_Others
02/05/2019 08:23 AMTwitter Msg from Honb'l MDSystem
01/05/2019 10:38 AMCyclone "FANI" - Precautions to be takenP & A
30/04/2019 09:17 AMSchedule of DPCP & A
30/04/2019 08:47 AMProceeding on Leave without prior sanction / approvalP & A
30/04/2019 08:41 AMInformation on Dependents - REMINDERP & A
26/04/2019 04:40 PMScheduled Maintenance downtime of ERP on Saturday i.e. 27th April 2019 from 1800 to 2200 HrsSystem
25/04/2019 05:01 PMNon-Availability of Buses for Paradip / BBSR Marketing and School regardingP & A
24/04/2019 04:48 PMReminder for collection of Uniform cloths and Safety ShoesP & A
22/04/2019 08:37 AMCircular regarding visit of paediatricianSystem
18/04/2019 04:30 PMAbsentee Report - April, 2019 reg.P & A
18/04/2019 03:02 PMCircular : Medical System
17/04/2019 03:20 PMShift deviation report for the period 16/3 to 15/4/2019P & A
15/04/2019 04:59 PMChange of date for Orthopaedic ConsultantP & A
15/04/2019 01:16 PMList of employees NOT FILLED appraisalP & A
15/04/2019 11:07 AMReminder for collection of Uniform Cloths and Safety Shoes reg.P & A
15/04/2019 08:52 AMAccess for IFFCO Online Smart Mind Quiz-2019 for all Employees on 15/4/2019 System
12/04/2019 11:51 AMIFFCO Online Smart Mind Quiz-2019 for all Employees on 15/4/2019 regardingP & A
12/04/2019 09:45 AMSAVINGS DECLARATION FOR F.Y 2019-20F & A
10/04/2019 03:53 PMHoliday on the day of Polling for Elections on 29/4/2019 in Jagatsinghpur DistrictP & A
10/04/2019 03:34 PMSri Ram Katha at our Sri Jagannath Mandir reg.P & A
10/04/2019 03:32 PMCelebration of Sri Hanuman Jayanti on 14/4/2019 at Sri Jagannath Mandir P & A
10/04/2019 01:09 PMCERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION from NSCIz_Others
10/04/2019 10:33 AMDistribution of Safety Shoes & Reimbursement of Shoes, etc.- REVISEDP & A
09/04/2019 05:15 PMDearness Allowance for the quarter April 2019- June 2019P & A
09/04/2019 11:09 AMProceeding on leave without prior sanction / intimationP & A
09/04/2019 10:38 AMAbiding traffic rulesP & A
08/04/2019 04:24 PMIssue of Safety Shoes & socks, Reimbursement of shoes & socks to employees, stitching charges reg.P & A
08/04/2019 04:23 PMPrecaution to take while filling up Performance Appraisal FormSystem
08/04/2019 10:22 AMERP : APRIL'19 Period OpeningSystem
06/04/2019 10:50 PMList of participants for IUCF-2019 after auditionP & A
06/04/2019 03:03 PMBhubaneswar / Puri bus plying on 1st Sun. i.e. 7th April, 2019P & A
05/04/2019 08:01 AMCircular : IUCF System
04/04/2019 09:44 AMCollection of Paradeep Vaibhav from Welfare Section tomorrow 5/4/2019P & A
03/04/2019 04:01 PMBasant Navratri & Shri Ram Navmi Puja celebration at our Shri Jagannath Mandir P & A
03/04/2019 03:45 PMFilling up of Performance Appraisal P & A
03/04/2019 02:59 PMIUCF 2019 - CALL FOR AUDITION / SCREENINGz_Others
03/04/2019 02:09 PMStoppage water in Township on 04/04/2019 - 9 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.P & A
02/04/2019 02:19 PMReminder for collecting Uniform cloths on 5th April, 2019P & A
02/04/2019 08:09 AMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
01/04/2019 01:52 PMUsing Google Chrome for New EIS (eis.iffco.coop)System
27/03/2019 02:17 PMNight Surveillance for the month of April, 2019P & A
27/03/2019 09:34 AMRoll out of Monthly Claims, EL Encashment and Leave Travel Assistance on New Platform w.e.f. 1st April, 2019System
26/03/2019 04:52 PMGoverning body (REVISED) of Jagat Pavan Adhyatmik KendraP & A
21/03/2019 03:13 PMGovernning Body of Jagat Pavan Adhyatmik KendraP & A
20/03/2019 03:19 PMCelebration of Holi Dahan and festival on 21st and 22nd March, 2019P & A
19/03/2019 03:47 PMIFFCO QUIZATHON, 2019 SCHEDULE REG.P & A
19/03/2019 03:23 PMAbsentee Report - 16/2 to 15/3/2019 regardingP & A
18/03/2019 04:31 PMShift deviation report - 16/2 to 15/3/2019 reg.P & A
18/03/2019 11:03 AMInvitation for articles for Paradip VaibhavP & A
18/03/2019 10:00 AMCollection of Uniform cloths reg.P & A
18/03/2019 09:53 AMCondolence meeting regardingP & A
18/03/2019 08:11 AMHousie on 20th March 2019 in Recreational club at 7.PMz_Others
15/03/2019 05:20 PMAvailability of Ortho. OPD on 24/3/2019 instead of 31/3/2019P & A
15/03/2019 05:16 PMInvitation for participation in selection to Paradeep IUCF – 2019 Team.P & A
14/03/2019 01:27 PMSTEPs for MARCH'19 OSL RECEIPTSystem
12/03/2019 09:00 AMDistribution of Suggestion Scheme bookletsP & A
12/03/2019 08:45 AMNon-compliance of Leave Rules by some employeesP & A
09/03/2019 08:26 PM48th National Safety Week Celebratin-2019 : RESULTSz_Others
09/03/2019 04:07 PMObservance of Holi on 22nd March, 2019 (Friday) instead of 21st March, 2019 reg.P & A
09/03/2019 02:20 PMConcluding Ceremony & Prize Distribution of Safety Week Celebration-2019z_Others
09/03/2019 10:34 AMIssuance of Uniform to employees for the block period 1st Jan. to 31st Dec. 2019P & A
09/03/2019 08:07 AMValue additions and Improvement in ERPSystem
08/03/2019 04:31 PMChange of Venue of Safety Quiz Competition for Employee dtd.09.03.2019z_Others
08/03/2019 02:26 PMREMINDER - PULSE POLIO PROGRAMME 2019 (10/03/2019 TO 12/03/2019)Medical
07/03/2019 02:13 PMFLTE, Washing Allowance, Mag Allowance, EL Encashment, Internet Claim and LTA System
05/03/2019 04:59 PMLocker facility at IOB, Musadia (Township ) BranchP & A
05/03/2019 09:40 AMSubmission of pending medical bill for FY 2018-19.Medical
04/03/2019 01:36 PMInaugural Function of 48th National Safety Week-2019z_Others
02/03/2019 10:00 AMConfirmation of Tax before cancellation/correction of SRVSystem
28/02/2019 05:17 PMCircular reg. new Unit Head w.e.f. 1/3/2019P & A
28/02/2019 03:06 PMMaha Shivaratri Celebration at our Mandir on 4/3/2019P & A
28/02/2019 12:49 PMRevised Farewell Meeting VenueP & A
28/02/2019 11:18 AMIRC Circular - YOGA classz_Others
28/02/2019 08:35 AMPULSE POLIO PROGRAMME 2019 (10/03/2019 TO 12/03/2019)Medical
27/02/2019 03:14 PMIrregular refunds Claimed by IFFCO Employees : Letter Ref:ITO/WARD/PDP/2018-19/1222 dt.26.02.2019 received from Paradeep Income Tax OfficeSystem
27/02/2019 10:54 AMDistribution of suggestion bookletsP & A
27/02/2019 09:05 AMFarewell meeting on 28/2/2019 at 3.30 p.m.P & A
27/02/2019 08:41 AMNight Surveillance for the month of March, 2019 reg.P & A
27/02/2019 08:36 AMIntroduction meeting with IEU & IOA members at Board Room on 1st March, 2019P & A
25/02/2019 10:44 AMAction taken report for points discussed in 63rd QRM, Point No. 28: Curtailing e-mail fraudSystem
23/02/2019 01:12 PMERP Downtime from 23.02.2019 @ 5 PM to 24.02.2019 @ 1 AMSystem
22/02/2019 04:07 PMNational Safety Week Celebrations-2019z_Others
22/02/2019 10:15 AMSuggestion Week, 2019 - Slogan winnersP & A
22/02/2019 09:16 AMWinners of National Productivity Week 2019 reg.P & A
20/02/2019 02:43 PMCelebration of Pran Pratistha Utsav at Shri Jagannath Mandir on 24th Feb. 2019 reg.P & A
19/02/2019 03:25 PMAbsentee report - 16/1 to 15/2/19 reg.P & A
18/02/2019 04:30 PMShift deviation report - 16th Jan. to 15th February, 2019 reg.P & A
16/02/2019 10:12 AMHomage to Martyrs today at 5.45 p.m.P & A
16/02/2019 08:45 AMSuggestion Week Celebration 2019- Competitions for employees

Suggestion Week Celebration 2019- Competitions for employees

Suggestion Week celebration, 2019 - Competitions for Employees reg.
P & A
14/02/2019 02:04 PM Value additions and Improvement in Response time in ERP System
14/02/2019 11:06 AMValue additions for Indentors in ERPSystem
14/02/2019 08:52 AMSub-letting of allotted Quarters regardingP & A
13/02/2019 11:10 AMWorkshop on Health & Stress Management reg.P & A
11/02/2019 11:35 AMIFFCO QUIZATHON, 2019 - COMING SOONP & A
11/02/2019 11:29 AMNational Productivity Week - 12th to 18th February, 2019 regardingP & A
09/02/2019 03:14 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus to Bhubaneswar tomorrow, 10th Feb. 2019 reg.P & A
09/02/2019 10:47 AMInfluenza Vaccination reg.P & A
09/02/2019 09:01 AMChange of visit by Medicine Consultant w.e.f. 11/2/2019P & A
07/02/2019 04:17 PMRatha Anukula Programme regardingP & A
07/02/2019 01:38 PMAnnual Property Return Pending List System
06/02/2019 08:20 AMFiling of Annual Property Return : Immediate Action RequirementSystem
05/02/2019 11:32 AMFinal Reminder - Submission of Property Return reg.P & A
02/02/2019 08:12 AMEmployees who have not filed the Property Return (as on 01-02-19) - REMINDERP & A
31/01/2019 04:11 PMReimbursement of Turbans for Block Period 2018-2019P & A
31/01/2019 09:55 AMश्रीलाल शुक्‍ल स्‍मृति इफको साहित्‍य सम्‍मान समारोह का सीधा प्रसारणSystem
29/01/2019 10:00 AMUse Google Chrome for filing Property Return System
29/01/2019 09:00 AMProperty Return filing - Last Date 09th Feb. 2019P & A
25/01/2019 03:33 PMNight Surveillance for Febr. 2019 reg.P & A
24/01/2019 11:15 AMAwardees & Prize distribution during R-Day celebrationP & A
23/01/2019 02:34 PMDistribution of dry fruits on the occasion of R-Day, 2019P & A
22/01/2019 03:23 PMR-Day - Toffee distribution (REVISED)P & A
22/01/2019 03:14 PMLate comers & Entries in the Register at Security Gate reg.P & A
22/01/2019 03:06 PMCelebration of 70th Republic Day, 2019 reg.P & A
22/01/2019 11:15 AMR-Day - Toffee distribution reg.P & A
22/01/2019 11:09 AMR-Day Games & Prize distribution reg. REVISEDP & A
19/01/2019 03:44 PM50M Walk Race Competition for Women employees - Republic Day, 2019 reg.P & A
19/01/2019 11:26 AMAbsentee Report - 16th Dec. 2018 to 15th Jan. 2019 reg.P & A
17/01/2019 09:09 AMShift deviation Report - 16th Dec. 2018 to 15th Jan. 2019 reg.P & A
16/01/2019 01:55 PMIFFCOApp Updation in iOS System
15/01/2019 09:54 AMDistribution of Krushi Calendar from Plant Guest House today, 15/1/2019 reg.P & A
12/01/2019 03:39 PMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
11/01/2019 11:09 AMCelebration of "Makar Sankaranti" on 14/1/2019 at our MandirP & A
10/01/2019 04:28 PMHealth Awareness on "Peptic Ulcer Disease" on 11th Jan. 2019 reg.P & A
10/01/2019 10:46 AMविश्व हिन्दी दिवस (10 जनवरी) : आदरणीय प्रबंध निदेशक के ट्वीटSystem
09/01/2019 03:14 PMtest circularP & A
09/01/2019 02:14 PMtest circularP & A
09/01/2019 01:54 PMAvailability of Paediatrician on 10th Jan. 2019 instead of today, 9/1/19P & A
07/01/2019 02:23 PMSeminar - Benefits from Postal Life Insurance (PLI) reg.P & A
07/01/2019 02:19 PMSeminar on benefits from Postal Life Insurance (PLI) reg.P & A
05/01/2019 01:36 PMDearness Allowance for the quarter January 2019- March 2019P & A
03/01/2019 03:46 PMShift deviation report - 16th to 31st Dec. 2018 reg.P & A
02/01/2019 11:22 AMParadeep Vaibhav - Invitation of articles, etc.P & A
01/01/2019 01:24 PMDistribution of IFFCO Diary, Pen, Bag etc. from Plant Guest House reg.P & A
29/12/2018 01:37 PMAnnual FETE - Jyoti Ladies ClubP & A
29/12/2018 11:51 AMNight Surveillance for the month of January, 2019P & A
28/12/2018 01:52 PMFixtures - Sports reg.P & A
27/12/2018 08:56 AMRegularization of Leave / Shift Deviation / OD etc. for 2018P & A
26/12/2018 02:35 PMCollection of Paradeep Vaibhav from Despatch Section on 27/12/2018P & A
26/12/2018 02:30 PMR-Day Indoor Games - Fixtures reg.P & A
21/12/2018 11:29 AMRepublic Day, 2018 - Outdoor games reg.P & A
21/12/2018 10:49 AMSystem Shutdown : 22.12.2018 , 6 PM to 23.12.2018, 9 AMSystem
20/12/2018 04:16 PMOutdoor Games on the eve of Republic Day, 2018P & A
19/12/2018 04:07 PMAbsentee Report - 16/11 to 15/12/2018 reg.P & A
19/12/2018 10:26 AMShift deviation report - 16/11/2018 to 15/12/2018 reg.P & A
17/12/2018 02:57 PMWater interruption on 19th Dec. 2018 reg.P & A
17/12/2018 02:55 PMCondolence Meeting on today, 17th Dec. 2018 at 4.50 p.m.P & A
15/12/2018 05:24 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus to Bhubaneswar & Paradeep on dtd.16-12-2018P & A
15/12/2018 02:35 PMNew Employee Information SystemSystem
15/12/2018 01:27 PMIFFCO Recreation Club Picnic 2018-2019P & A
15/12/2018 01:22 PMDistribution of Prizes to the winners of World Environment Day 2018 System
15/12/2018 11:15 AMWearing of Crash Helmet reg.P & A
15/12/2018 08:26 AMERP Downtime from 15/12 , 7 PM to 16/12 , 6 AMSystem
14/12/2018 10:40 AMNational Energy Conservation Day 2018: Concluding ceremony and list of winnersSystem
12/12/2018 09:35 AMUnit Head's message on Energy Conservation Day, 2018P & A
12/12/2018 09:18 AMUnit Head's message on Energy Conservation DayP & A
12/12/2018 09:16 AMCompetition - Energy Conservation celeb.P & A
11/12/2018 05:46 PMCancelation of Paradeep Marketing Bus 10.00a,m on 12.12.2018z_Others
10/12/2018 03:00 PMRepublic Day, 2019 Games / Events regardingP & A
10/12/2018 02:50 PMFunctioning of Industrial Canteen reg.P & A
10/12/2018 09:34 AMNational Energy Conservation Day - 14/12/2018, Competition reg.P & A
10/12/2018 09:11 AMChanging password in Outlook MailSystem
10/12/2018 08:48 AMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
08/12/2018 04:37 PMGames - Republic Day, 2019 reg.P & A
08/12/2018 11:19 AMNon-availability of Bhubaneswar Marketing Bus on 9/12/2018 reg.P & A
08/12/2018 10:36 AMSubmission of Aadhar copy - URGENTP & A
04/12/2018 04:38 PMSubmission of Aadhar Card copy reg.P & A
04/12/2018 03:35 PMSubmission of Aadhar CopyP & A
03/12/2018 02:45 PMLTA - 2018 not applied z_Others
03/12/2018 11:56 AMProgramme for wife of all employees by BrahmakumarisSystem
30/11/2018 03:40 PMRepublic Day Celebrations 2019 CommitteeP & A
30/11/2018 03:09 PMSupply of Water in TownshipP & A
27/11/2018 10:56 AMNight Surveillance for the month of December P & A
26/11/2018 10:07 AMReminder - Distribution of IPECCS Annual Gift for FY 2017-2018System
24/11/2018 03:34 PMSubmission of Aadhar copy reg.P & A
24/11/2018 01:38 PMBus timings from 24th to 28th Nov. 2018 reg.P & A
23/11/2018 04:12 PMInterruption of water supply on 24/11/2018 reg.P & A
22/11/2018 03:49 PMH.O. Data Center shutdown activity on Sunday i.e 25.11.2018 from 10.00 AM to 8.00 PMSystem
20/11/2018 05:13 PMCircular regarding Air Ticket BookingSystem
19/11/2018 04:08 PMAbsentee report - 16/10 to 15/11/2018 reg.P & A
19/11/2018 08:55 AMTest circularP & A
17/11/2018 04:59 PMCONSTITUTION OF IRC COMMITTEE - 2018-2020 REG.P & A
17/11/2018 03:49 PMCORRIGENDUM - Reimbursement of shoes for the year, 2018 reg.P & A
17/11/2018 03:07 PMShift Deviation report for the period 16th Oct. to 15th Nov. 2018 reg.P & A
17/11/2018 11:44 AMShift deviation report - 16/10 to 15/11/2018 reg.P & A
15/11/2018 10:45 AMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
14/11/2018 11:12 AMReimbursement of Shoes to eligible employees for the year, 2018 reg.

Reimbursement of Shoes to eligible employees for the year, 2018 reg.

Reimbursement of shoes for the year, 2018 to eligible employees reg.
P & A
05/11/2018 11:09 AMDeepavali Celebration at Shri Jagannath Mandir on 7/11/2018P & A
05/11/2018 09:01 AMDistribution of Annual Gift for FY 2017-2018 to IPECCS ShareholdersSystem
03/11/2018 04:06 PMSite Hand Over Cert. System : ModificationSystem
02/11/2018 10:02 AMVigilance Drive, 2018 - Results reg.P & A
02/11/2018 09:19 AMVigilance Drive - 2018 Results reg.P & A
01/11/2018 09:19 AMAvailability of Paediatrician this week - regardingP & A
30/10/2018 04:01 PMNight Surveillance for Nov. 2018 reg.P & A
30/10/2018 01:39 PMProgramme on Art of Parenting for wife's of EmployeesSystem
30/10/2018 09:21 AMVigilance Awareness drive - 2018, Essay Competition reg.P & A
30/10/2018 09:18 AMVigilance Awareness Drive - Competition for dependent children reg.P & A
29/10/2018 04:22 PMGreetings from Chairman, IFFCO on Vigilance Awareness weekP & A
29/10/2018 10:38 AMPresentation on Group Term Insurance by SBI Lifez_Others
25/10/2018 09:53 AMMail Migration : UpdateSystem
24/10/2018 11:36 AMObservance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 1st & 2nd Nov. 2018 reg.P & A
23/10/2018 09:02 AMElection Result Notice - IRC Executive Members reg.P & A
20/10/2018 01:30 PMAbsentee report - 16/9 to 15/10/2018P & A
17/10/2018 03:19 PMShift deviation report of employees - 16/9 to 15th Oct. 2018 reg.P & A
17/10/2018 08:29 AMDistribution of Cashew Nuts against MD visit giftP & A
16/10/2018 04:43 PMNOTICE - IRC Election 2018-20 reg.P & A
16/10/2018 04:20 PMNavratri - Dandia / Raas 2018 reg.P & A
16/10/2018 11:55 AMAmendment in Clause 2(2.1) of the Suggestion SchemeSystem
16/10/2018 09:08 AMList of Holidays for the year 2019 reg.P & A
15/10/2018 04:02 PMMahasasthi & Mahasaptami Puja & Event ScheduleSystem
13/10/2018 03:36 PMReminder : Mail Migration from Notes to Outlook System
11/10/2018 09:59 AMInformation on dependents reg.P & A
10/10/2018 02:10 PMInvitation: Navaratri, Durga Puja, Dusherra & Ravan Dahan - 2018z_Others
09/10/2018 04:36 PMDA for the period Oct. - Dec. 2018 reg.P & A
09/10/2018 08:23 AMSelection of participant for Ramleela Programme on the occasion of Vijayadasami - 2018P & A
08/10/2018 02:42 PMIRC Election 2018-2020P & A
08/10/2018 02:10 PMFace Recognition Attendance Recording System deployed at Time OfficeSystem
06/10/2018 08:13 AMINSSAN CONTESTS - 2018 :: REVISED CIRCULARP & A
05/10/2018 04:58 PMINSAAN Contests - 2018P & A
05/10/2018 04:57 PMSaradiya Navaratri Puja at our Mandir reg.P & A
05/10/2018 12:00 PMNavaratri Puja Committee - Additional Members reg.P & A
05/10/2018 11:26 AMReimbursement of cost for Rain coat - REVISED CircularP & A
04/10/2018 04:29 PMReimbursement of Rain Coat for the Block period 01/6/2018 to 31/5/2021P & A
04/10/2018 04:16 PMWater stoppage on 5th Oct. 2018P & A
01/10/2018 04:07 PMNavaratri Puja Committee - Additional Members reg.P & A
01/10/2018 02:52 PMRoad Closure for Repairs near IFFCO Recreation Club (IRC)P & A
01/10/2018 02:06 PMNavaratri 2018 - Revised Puja Committeesz_Others
01/10/2018 02:01 PMMigration of E-mail from Notes to Outlook : Migration ScheduleSystem
01/10/2018 09:33 AMMigration of E-mail from Notes to Outlook : Action to takeSystem
29/09/2018 12:03 PMNight Surveillance for the month of October, 2018 reg.P & A
28/09/2018 01:20 PMFacility of Paediatric consultant at IFFCO township HospitalMedical
27/09/2018 02:40 PMNavaratri 2018 - Puja Committees reg.P & A
25/09/2018 04:28 PMCORRIGENDUM : Office Order P&A job allocation reg.P & A
25/09/2018 03:44 PMOffice Order - P&A job allocation reg.P & A
25/09/2018 09:33 AMAIChE Technical Manual 2018 in CD LibrarySystem
25/09/2018 08:24 AMMera Bharat Swarnim Bharat Exhibition By Youth Wing of Brahma KumarisSystem
20/09/2018 04:19 PMAbsentee Report - (E0 to R0) for the period 16/8 to 15/9/2018 reg.P & A
19/09/2018 02:33 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2018 (14 से 19 सितंबर '18) : प्रतियोगिता परिणामSystem
19/09/2018 02:05 PMShift deviation report - 16/8 to 15/9/2018 reg.P & A
19/09/2018 10:05 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह: आज का कार्यक्रम (19/09/2018) : समापन समारोह - 16:00 बजे ,गेस्ट हाउस , ट्रेनिंग हालSystem
18/09/2018 01:35 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह: आज का कार्यक्रम (18/09/2018)System
18/09/2018 11:23 AMCircular for Group Housing : REVISED , 19th Sep, 2.30 PM to 3.30 PMSystem
17/09/2018 04:48 PMAdditional Bus to Paradip upto 22nd Sept. 2018 on the eve of Shri Vishwakarma FestivalP & A
17/09/2018 04:23 PMDistribution of Sounpapdi Packets to Contractors tomorrow 18/9/2018 reg.P & A
17/09/2018 04:08 PMLord Viswakarma Puja 2018: remaining programme scheduleSystem
17/09/2018 01:39 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह: आज का कार्यक्रम (17/09/2018)System
17/09/2018 09:21 AMCollection of Saunpapdi packets on the occasion of Shri Vishwakarma PujaP & A
15/09/2018 10:42 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह: आज का कार्यक्रम (15/09/2018)System
15/09/2018 08:54 AMERP Production Downtime from 15.09.2018 @ 5 PM (Saturday) to 16.09.2018 @ 5 AM (Sunday)System
15/09/2018 08:29 AMReminder - HDFC Life awareness programmeSystem
14/09/2018 04:13 PMUse of Polythene bags Discontinued at IFFCO Cooperative StoresSystem
14/09/2018 03:42 PMLord Viswakarma Puja 2018 : INVITATIONSystem
14/09/2018 01:44 PMCircular for Group HousingSystem
14/09/2018 09:12 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2018 (14 सितंबर से 19 सितंबर '18) : उदघाटन समारोह : 14/09 , 4.30 पीएम , न्यू आडमीन बोर्ड रूमSystem
12/09/2018 05:41 PMShree Lord Ganesh Puja - 2018 : Cultural Programme Schedule ( REVISED)System
12/09/2018 02:01 PMHDFC Life awareness programme - Revised timingsSystem
12/09/2018 12:07 PMParadip Vaibhav - Invitation of articles reg.P & A
11/09/2018 02:10 PMSHREE LORD GANESH PUJA - 2018 : INVITATIONSystem
11/09/2018 01:45 PMAWARENESS TALK FOR LADIES ON ARTHRITIS ON 15-09-2018 at Guest House Training HallP & A
11/09/2018 01:37 PMBone Mineral Density (BMD) Camp by Kalinga Hospital in Swarna Jayanti SabhagarP & A
10/09/2018 01:24 PMFinancial Awareness programme by HDFC Bank is postponedSystem
10/09/2018 01:20 PMHDFC Life programme postponedSystem
08/09/2018 10:58 AMIRC CircularSystem
07/09/2018 03:30 PMNo Use of Plastic in Township & Adopt "Bring Your Own Bag" HabitP & A
07/09/2018 09:05 AMHDFC Life awareness programmeSystem
06/09/2018 02:00 PMRescheduling of Financial Awareness Program by HDFC Bank from 07/09/18 to 10/09/18 at 3.30 PMF & A
05/09/2018 04:27 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम-2018 (14 सितंबर से 19 सितंबर '18)System
05/09/2018 11:16 AMHDFC Products awareness program on 07/09/2018 at 3.30 pmF & A
04/09/2018 04:48 PMMedcine OPD at Township HospitalSystem
04/09/2018 02:29 PMWebinar on 'Assessments in the age of Artificial Intelligence' on 6th September, 2018 at 1600 hrs.System
04/09/2018 08:31 AMTweet from Hon'bl MDSystem
01/09/2018 04:06 PM हिन्दी समिति , पारादीप इकाई - 2018System
01/09/2018 02:21 PMCondolence Meeting on 1st September, 2018 at 4.50 p.m.P & A
31/08/2018 11:23 AM Swachhta Pakhwada from 1st September to 15th September 2018System
30/08/2018 04:35 PMSystem Shutdown today from 6 PM to 8 PM (2 Hours)System
29/08/2018 10:24 AMNight Surveillance for the month of Sept. 2018 reg.P & A
27/08/2018 12:46 PMReminder- General Body Meeting for IRC Membersz_Others
24/08/2018 05:08 PMCollection of Paradeep VaibhavP & A
24/08/2018 02:27 PMShri Krishna Janmashtami Puja at our Mandir - reg.P & A
24/08/2018 11:16 AMTweet from Honb'l Unit HeadSystem
24/08/2018 11:02 AMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
20/08/2018 04:34 PMSchool students availing Company bus for to-and-fro ParadipP & A
20/08/2018 04:14 PMObtaining New Gate pass for Vehicles from Security deptt. reg.P & A
18/08/2018 04:03 PMAbsentee Report of regular employees (E0 to R0) for 16.7 to 15.8.18P & A
17/08/2018 04:50 PMUnhealthy conditions in the Plant reg.P & A
17/08/2018 03:56 PMChange of E-Mail System from IBM Lotus Notes to Microsoft OutlookSystem
17/08/2018 11:59 AMShift deviation report of employees - 16/7 to 15/8/2018 reg.P & A
17/08/2018 11:07 AMGeneral Body Meeting for IRC Membersz_Others
16/08/2018 04:44 PMSmart Township appSystem
16/08/2018 04:43 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2018: Call for Cultural Programme Audition (17th & 18th August'18, 4.30 PM, Club) : REMINDERSystem
16/08/2018 04:26 PMGanesh Puja Celebration - Committee 2018 reg.P & A
14/08/2018 03:04 PMMeritorious students for award on 15/8/2018 (Revised list)P & A
14/08/2018 11:45 AMMeritorious students for award on 15/8/2018P & A
14/08/2018 10:47 AMVishwakarma Puja Committee, 2018 - CORRIGENDUMP & A
14/08/2018 10:04 AMVishwakarma Puja Committee, 2018 - (Updated)P & A
11/08/2018 05:12 PMList of newly elected IEU members, 2018 to 2021P & A
11/08/2018 01:48 PM72nd Independence Day, 2018 Celebration reg.P & A
11/08/2018 01:46 PMDistribution of toffee during Independence Day Celebration P & A
10/08/2018 08:34 AMVishwakarma Puja Committee, 2018 reg.P & A
08/08/2018 02:41 PMPostal Voting of IEU Election, 2018 REVISED timingsP & A
08/08/2018 09:55 AMPostal Voting for IEU Election, 2018 reg.P & A
07/08/2018 05:12 PMSample Ballots for IEU election, 2018P & A
04/08/2018 04:36 PMRequirement of a Heavy Mobile Equipment Operator (MEO)P & A
04/08/2018 04:28 PMFace Recognition Attendance Recording SystemSystem
04/08/2018 03:24 PMTweet from Honb'l MDSystem
03/08/2018 05:06 PMNotice - Final List of nomination & issuance of Symbols for IEU Election, 2018P & A
03/08/2018 10:28 AMScrutiny of Nominations - IEU Election 2018 reg.P & A
01/08/2018 04:41 PMAbsentee Report of Apprentices - JULY 2018P & A
01/08/2018 01:11 PMET YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAMMEProduction
01/08/2018 09:58 AMNewly elected IOA MembersP & A
31/07/2018 04:45 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2018: Call for Cultural Programme Audition (17th & 18th August'18, 4.30 PM, Club)System
30/07/2018 03:04 PMIOA / IEU Election guidelinesP & A
30/07/2018 02:32 PMBringing of I-Card during IOA / IEU Election reg.P & A
30/07/2018 09:32 AMRegularization of Attendance reg.P & A
30/07/2018 08:28 AMCasting of Vote in advance by employees who will be on leave / tour on 31/7/18 for IOA electionP & A
28/07/2018 02:06 PMCasting of Vote in advance by those employees who are on Leave / Tour on 31/7/2018 reg.P & A
28/07/2018 10:58 AMNight Surveillance for the month of August, 2018 reg.P & A
27/07/2018 11:11 AMChange of Dental OPD next weekP & A
27/07/2018 10:20 AMCondolence Meeting on 27th July, 2018 at 4.50 p.m.P & A
26/07/2018 09:07 AMIOA Election, 2018 - Notice reg.P & A
23/07/2018 05:24 PMOffice Order No. 4222 - Promotion to Grade F1System
21/07/2018 05:08 PMIndependence Day, 2018 - Committee reg.P & A
21/07/2018 11:33 AMAbsentee Report of regular employees (E0 to R0) - 16/6 to 15/7/2018P & A
20/07/2018 08:27 AMBusiness Intelligence (BI) for Plant Maintenance Management SystemSystem
19/07/2018 05:10 PMIEU Election reg.P & A
19/07/2018 01:48 PMIOA Election Reg.P & A
19/07/2018 10:36 AMIRC Circular regarding Yoga classz_Others
16/07/2018 10:25 AMIRC Circular for Gift distributionz_Others
13/07/2018 02:16 PMERP Upgrade to 12.2.7 from 12.2.5 : Go-liveSystem
12/07/2018 05:30 PMRegarding health checkup at Apollo HospitalP & A
12/07/2018 05:28 PMCircular for ROKO CANCER programme at IFFCO (Swarna Jayanti Sabhaghar)P & A
11/07/2018 09:45 AMFinancial Assistance-Talented childrenP & A
10/07/2018 04:48 PMDearness Allowance - July to September 2018System
09/07/2018 09:16 AMAttendance regularisationP & A
06/07/2018 08:14 AMOffice Order - MedicalSystem
05/07/2018 09:28 AMTest Circularz_Others
05/07/2018 09:12 AMPF Annual Statement for Financial Year 2017-18System
04/07/2018 02:04 PMContact Details of Sh A K Mall, DGM (P&A)P & A
04/07/2018 10:37 AMIRC Circular : Gift distribution , Art & Dance classes in IRC.System
03/07/2018 10:39 AMAwareness Program on facilities under SBI Credit Card.P & A
02/07/2018 02:53 PMNight Surveillance - July 2018P & A
26/06/2018 03:54 PMResults of various competitions conducted during World Environment day - 2018 CelebrationSystem
22/06/2018 11:24 AMForm 16 for FY 2017-18F & A
21/06/2018 10:29 AMAbsentee Report - 16/5/ to 15/6/2018P & A
20/06/2018 02:32 PMSnana Purnima Programme at our Sri Jagannath Mandir - 28/6/2018 reg.P & A
19/06/2018 09:27 AMShift deviation report - 16/5 to 15/6/2018 reg.P & A
18/06/2018 03:07 PMCelebration of International Yoga Day, 2018P & A
15/06/2018 04:35 PMSystem Shutdown on 15/06/2018 , 7 PM to 12.00 AM. (5 Hrs)System
13/06/2018 01:26 PMAnnual appraisalsSystem
13/06/2018 10:58 AMIRC Circular : International Yoga Day on 21st. June 2018System
12/06/2018 02:29 PMtest P & A
12/06/2018 11:12 AMInvitation of articles for Paradip VaibhavP & A
11/06/2018 05:06 PMCelebration of International Yoga Day, 2018P & A
11/06/2018 08:24 AMRelieving of Employees from JIFCOSystem
09/06/2018 11:42 AMNo Bus service tomorrow, 10th June, 2018P & A
09/06/2018 09:09 AMHealth check up - reg.P & A
08/06/2018 04:35 PMCondolence meeting - REVISEDP & A
08/06/2018 02:44 PMCondolence meeting at 4.50 p.m. today, 8/6/2018P & A
02/06/2018 10:28 AMCircular for closing ceremony in IRCSystem
02/06/2018 09:27 AMShift deviation report - Apprentices for May, 2018P & A
01/06/2018 10:38 AMCelebration of World Environment Day 2018 & associated different programsSystem
28/05/2018 11:51 AMManagement Representative for ISO 50001:2011 EnMSP & A
23/05/2018 05:28 PMPhysical Verification of Coop. Stores - Up to 25/05/2018System
23/05/2018 11:57 AMHealth Check Up of employees >45 years with Spouse - 2nd SCHEDULEP & A
23/05/2018 08:39 AMDPC Schedule 2018 unitwise reg.P & A
22/05/2018 02:59 PMNight Surveillance - May 22nd to 30th June, 2018 reg.P & A
19/05/2018 11:23 AMAbsentee Report of regular employees - 16.4. to 15.5.2018 reg.P & A
18/05/2018 05:12 PM8th Inter Unit Innovation & Crativity Meet- Nominations for the Meet.System
18/05/2018 11:06 AMPhysical Verification at IFFCO Cooperative StoresSystem
18/05/2018 09:39 AMBI Dashboards in the area of PMMS and ERPSystem
17/05/2018 05:32 PMNo water supply in New D type and E Type houses.P & A
17/05/2018 01:35 PMShift deviation report - 16.4. to 15.5.2018 reg.P & A
16/05/2018 01:51 PMUsage of taxis for official purposes - reg.P & A
16/05/2018 08:42 AMAirtel Service Camp today 16/5/18 after 10.00 a.m.P & A
15/05/2018 09:15 AMCollection of Paradeep Vaibhav (latest edition)P & A
14/05/2018 02:37 PMNational Pulse Polio programme - 17th to 19th May, 2018P & A
09/05/2018 03:10 PMInterruption of Water Supply reg.P & A
08/05/2018 02:23 PMHealth check up of employees - >45 yrs regardingP & A
08/05/2018 01:49 PMIRC summer coaching camp organized by IFFCO Recreation club, Paradeep.System
07/05/2018 11:14 AMClass on "Women's Health" at our Training Centre, Old Admn. Building for 9 - 12 Class Girl StudentsP & A
04/05/2018 02:33 PMSuggestion CommitteeP & A
04/05/2018 01:46 PMTotal Power shut down on 6th May, 2018 (Sunday)P & A
04/05/2018 08:44 AMTwitter warns all users to change passwordSystem
03/05/2018 08:25 AMAbsentee Report of Apprentices - April, 2018 reg.P & A
02/05/2018 03:33 PMShift deviation report of Apprentices - April, 2018P & A
02/05/2018 08:20 AMPromotion as GM (Movement Planning) -Dr M Jagan Mohan ReddySystem
28/04/2018 05:08 PMShri Ram Katha at our Jagannath MandirP & A
27/04/2018 04:53 PMNight Surveillance reg.P & A
27/04/2018 08:19 AMREMINDER: Performance Appraisal for the Year 2017-2018-URGENTSystem
26/04/2018 09:59 AMQuality of BagsSystem
26/04/2018 08:29 AMPrime Ministers Shram Awards, 2018 - Inviting of ApplicationsSystem
21/04/2018 10:08 AMProtection from Heat Wave, 2018P & A
19/04/2018 10:26 AMVPF ContributionP & A
19/04/2018 10:22 AMCircular No. 1722-Revised bifurcation of other allowances for Grade D & below.P & A
19/04/2018 09:04 AMAbsentee Report of regular employees (E0 to R0)P & A
18/04/2018 03:50 PMShift Deviation for the period 16.03.2018 to 15.04.2018P & A
18/04/2018 10:12 AMUse of Scrap Module for disposal of Scraps System
17/04/2018 11:20 AMDeputation to Sikkim IFFCO Organics Ltd. (SIFCO)System
12/04/2018 10:45 AMOnline Saving Declaration Form For FY 2018-19System
11/04/2018 05:04 PMCelebration of Shri Hanuman Jayanti on 14/4/18 reg.P & A
10/04/2018 03:13 PMObsolete Items from IFFCO Kandla UnitSystem
07/04/2018 02:01 PMIssue in Cloud : ResolvedSystem
07/04/2018 10:35 AMIssue in Oracle CloudSystem
06/04/2018 04:49 PMERP : New Sequence Number for Financial Year 2018-19System
05/04/2018 04:31 PMIRC Circular : Addition of new English Books in LibrarySystem
05/04/2018 01:24 PMDA for the period April to June, 2018 reg.P & A
05/04/2018 11:12 AMPerformance Appraisal for the Year 2017-2018System
02/04/2018 04:39 PMAbsentee Report of Apprentices - March, 2018 reg.P & A
02/04/2018 04:15 PMAbsentee Report of Trainees - March, 2018 reg.P & A
01/04/2018 08:01 PMHighlights of Performance of Paradeep Unit for the year 2017-18System
01/04/2018 02:07 PMFY Message by Dr. U S Awasthi, MD-IFFCOSystem
31/03/2018 05:00 PMNight Surveillance - April 2018P & A
31/03/2018 08:26 AMModifications in the equipments of PlantsSystem
30/03/2018 01:21 PMDAILY PLANT PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR 29.03.2018System
30/03/2018 11:16 AMShift deviation report of Apprentices - March, 2018P & A
28/03/2018 10:06 AMAntakshari Re-scheduled - 28/3 to 30/3/2018P & A
27/03/2018 10:58 AMIRC Circular : Antakshari Game on 28 March 2018 : RevisedSystem
27/03/2018 09:26 AMINSAAN contests reg.P & A
26/03/2018 04:53 PMMOM for Cost Control and Efficiency Improvement.System
26/03/2018 10:02 AMMismatching of Time in E-mail System
24/03/2018 04:06 PMNetwork Issue at Head Office : ResolvedSystem
24/03/2018 03:12 PMNetwork & Mail Server Issue at Head OfficeSystem
22/03/2018 03:23 PMIssue in HO Databse Server : ResolvedSystem
22/03/2018 03:20 PMIssue in HO Database ServerSystem
21/03/2018 02:30 PMSystem shutdown on 22/03/2018 for 1 hour. (12 to 1 PM)System
21/03/2018 10:29 AMNodal Officer for disaster managementSystem
19/03/2018 04:47 PMAbsentee report - 16/2 to 15/3/18P & A
17/03/2018 04:40 PMIPECCS : 20% Discount on Classmate Note Book at IFFCO Cooperative StoresSystem
17/03/2018 09:39 AMShift deviation report - 16th Feb. to 15th March, 2018 reg.P & A
16/03/2018 04:43 PMMigration of Oracle Database and Weblogic Server from US Cloud to EMEA CloudSystem
15/03/2018 01:44 PMSTEPS for MARCH ' 18 OSLSystem
15/03/2018 01:29 PMDiscontinuation of Contingent Expenses on Foreign TravelsSystem
15/03/2018 01:27 PMCircular No. 1719 - Revision of stipend for IFFCO TraineesSystem
14/03/2018 03:16 PMINSSAN CONTESTS-2018System
13/03/2018 04:43 PMSri Ram Navami programme at our Jagannath MandirP & A
09/03/2018 04:45 PM47th National Safety Week Celebration-2018 : RESULTSSystem
09/03/2018 02:12 PM47th National Safety Week Celebration-2018 : Concluding CeremonySystem
08/03/2018 11:27 AMSubmission of Pending Medical bills reg.P & A
08/03/2018 10:19 AM47th National Safety Week Celebration-2018 : Today's ProgrammeSystem
08/03/2018 10:16 AMMR vaccination between 9 months & 15 yrs old left out childen reg.P & A
07/03/2018 08:53 AM 47th National Safety Week Celebration-2018 : Today's ProgrammeSystem
06/03/2018 04:44 PMInvitation of articles / news for Paradip VaibhavP & A
06/03/2018 09:39 AM47th National Safety Week Celebration-2018 : Today's ProgrammeSystem
06/03/2018 09:09 AMORACLE CLOUD SHUTDOWN on 10th March 8.30 AM to 4.30 PMSystem
05/03/2018 02:51 PMPF MeetingSystem
03/03/2018 04:51 PMInaugural function of Safety Week Celebration-2018System
03/03/2018 01:44 PMShift deviation report of Apprentices - Feb. 2018P & A
03/03/2018 10:57 AMAbsentee report of Apprentices - Febr. 2018P & A
03/03/2018 09:08 AMOffice OrderSystem
01/03/2018 11:17 AMNight Surveillance for March, 2018P & A
01/03/2018 10:04 AMCelebration of Holi ka Dahan & Holi festival at TownshipP & A
27/02/2018 12:18 PMPlaying Holi without wet chemical colours reg.P & A
23/02/2018 04:32 PMERP and Leagacy Applications Downtime from Sunday Evening 25th, 6PM till Monday Morning 6AMSystem
21/02/2018 02:38 PMअखिल इफको निबंध प्रतियोगिता के अंतिम चरण के परिणामSystem
21/02/2018 02:36 PMGlorious 25 Years of Dr. U S Awasthi as Managing Director in IFFCO : Slogan Competition ResultSystem
20/02/2018 01:21 PMPran Pratishtha festival at our Jagannath Temple on 24/2/2018P & A
19/02/2018 01:41 PMReimbursement of Uniform for Block Period : 01/01/18 to 31/12/18P & A
19/02/2018 11:59 AMAnnual Suggestion scheme - Award giving function today, 19/2/2018P & A
19/02/2018 09:34 AMNational Safety Week Celebration Programme- 2018System
17/02/2018 02:55 PMAbsentee report (Gr.E0 to R0) of regular employees P & A
17/02/2018 01:15 PMShift deviation report - 16.1.2018 to 15.2.2018 reg.P & A
17/02/2018 11:11 AMSystem up and runningSystem
17/02/2018 09:58 AMSystem Issue Partially ResolvedSystem
17/02/2018 09:44 AMList of winners for Slogan Competition reg. on National Productivity weekP & A
17/02/2018 09:02 AMSystem Issue at HO/CloudSystem
16/02/2018 04:35 PMInvitation to all Awardee Suggestors with family for Suggestion Award Function at 1820 hours on 19.02.2018 (Monday evening) at Guest House LawnP & A
12/02/2018 02:20 PMImplementation of EMD Module integrated with ERP at Paradeep UnitSystem
12/02/2018 10:22 AMAnnual Property return reg. - TODAY LAST DAY FOR FILING.P & A
12/02/2018 10:01 AMUnit Head's message on "National Productivity Week, 2018" reg.P & A
10/02/2018 05:08 PMCelebration of Maha Shivaratri - 14/2/2018P & A
10/02/2018 02:09 PMSmart app for teachers and parentsSystem
09/02/2018 03:05 PMNational Productivity Week, 2018 reg.P & A
09/02/2018 08:55 AMAnnual Property Return 2017 : Paradeep UnitSystem
08/02/2018 11:09 AMAirtel OFFICIAL MOBILE grievanceP & A
08/02/2018 10:57 AMAirtel official mobile grievanceP & A
08/02/2018 10:16 AMToffee distribution reg.P & A
08/02/2018 08:34 AMAllotment of Bachelor/Shared/Guest House Accommodation to Employees - AmendmentSystem
08/02/2018 08:32 AMRe: Fw: An appeal to all officer's of Aonla unit System
05/02/2018 10:50 AMSafety shoe / Gum boot distribution for left out employeesP & A
05/02/2018 10:10 AMParadeep Vaibhav - Constitution of Committee reg.P & A
05/02/2018 09:54 AMSystem Shutdown from 12 to 12.30 PM todaySystem
03/02/2018 02:29 PMCondolence meeting reg.P & A
02/02/2018 02:11 PMEmployees who have not filed the Property ReturnSystem
02/02/2018 12:00 PMAbsentee Report - Apprentices for Jan. 2018P & A
01/02/2018 02:01 PMShift deviation of apprentices - Jan. 2018P & A
31/01/2018 04:44 PMLungar on 1/2/2018 from 11.30 onwards in front of Sri Jagannath MandirP & A
31/01/2018 03:34 PMNight Surveillance for the month of Febr. 2018P & A
31/01/2018 12:04 PMParadeep Vaibhav - latest edition collection reg.P & A
31/01/2018 10:40 AMBlood Donation camp on 1st Feb. 2018 - REMINDERP & A
31/01/2018 10:30 AMश्रीलाल शुक्ल स्मृति इफको साहित्य सम्मान समारोह का एन सी यू आई सभागार, नई दिल्ली से 31/01/2018 (बुधवार) को 11:00 AM IST से लाइव वेबकास्टSystem
30/01/2018 04:32 PMMandir closing during GRAHANAP & A
30/01/2018 02:31 PMCommunity Lunch (Lungar) on 1st Feb. 2018 reg.P & A
30/01/2018 10:37 AMWater stoppage from D-145 to D-480 and all E-type Quarters on 31st Jan. 2018P & A
29/01/2018 04:20 PMAwareness and Vaccination programme on 30/1/18 & 3/2/18 reg.P & A
29/01/2018 01:20 PMHavan & Pooja at Sri Jagannath Mandir on 1/2/18 (Thu.)P & A
25/01/2018 04:23 PMLumpsum PaymentSystem
25/01/2018 11:27 AMVoluntary Blood donation camp - 01st Feb. 2018 reg.P & A
25/01/2018 11:19 AMDistribution of Dry Fruits today, 25th Jan. 2018 at Plant Guest HouseP & A
24/01/2018 01:25 PMcondolence meeting - 24/1/18P & A
23/01/2018 08:36 AMDiscontinuation of mobile recharge reimbursement of Rs.500/- reg.P & A
22/01/2018 04:50 PMSLOGAN COMPETITION System
22/01/2018 04:18 PMDistribution of shoes & gum boots on 24th and 25th Jan. 2018 reg.P & A
22/01/2018 03:56 PMVPF by employees during this Fin. Year i.e. Upto March, 2018 reg.P & A
22/01/2018 03:27 PM69th Republic Day Celebrations on 26/01/2018 reg.P & A
22/01/2018 03:20 PMR-Day, 2018 - Sports Prize Distribution P & A
22/01/2018 08:49 AMImplementation of E-Way BillSystem
20/01/2018 03:02 PMChange in Date Schedule for Cricket & Volley Ball final match on 23/1/2018P & A
19/01/2018 09:13 AMAbsentee report of regular employees - E0 to R0 for Jan.2018P & A
17/01/2018 04:30 PMShift deviation report - 16/12/2017 to 15/01/2018 reg.P & A
15/01/2018 05:56 PMWater line maintenance job on 16/01/2018P & A
15/01/2018 03:10 PMDistribution of Safety Shoes / Gum BootsP & A
15/01/2018 09:11 AMDistribuion of Diary 2018 and Other items on 16th and 17th Jan. 2018P & A
11/01/2018 09:19 AMविश्व हिन्दी दिवस 10th Jan 2018System
11/01/2018 08:29 AMBI for Plant Maintenance and Inspection : VC at 2 PM today System
10/01/2018 05:08 PMMakar Sankranti Parv at Lord Jagannath TempleP & A
09/01/2018 09:20 AMBI for inspectionSystem
09/01/2018 09:10 AMLetter from Honb'l MDSystem
06/01/2018 09:39 AMJYOTI LADIES CLUB : ANNUAL FETE , 06/01/2018 , 6.30 PM , DAV School Sports GroundSystem
06/01/2018 08:59 AMGames for Republic day celeberationP & A
05/01/2018 03:31 PMHigh AlertSystem
05/01/2018 03:01 PMMarketing & Railway Station buses not available on 7th Jan. 2018P & A
05/01/2018 01:55 PMShift deviation report of employees - 16th to 31st Dec. 2017P & A
02/01/2018 03:12 PMIPECCS :: Gift for 10 highest Cumulative Purchaser for the period 01-Aug-17 to 31-Dec-17System
02/01/2018 09:27 AMShift deviation of Apprentices - Dec. 2017 reg.P & A
30/12/2017 10:34 AMNight Surveillance - January, 2018P & A
30/12/2017 10:27 AMOUtdoor events & schedule for R-Day, 2018P & A
23/12/2017 05:31 PMRout diversionP & A
23/12/2017 01:45 PMRepublic Day Celebration 2018P & A
22/12/2017 05:31 PMRepublic Day, 2018 - Celebrations committees reg.P & A
22/12/2017 10:28 AMRegularization of leave/OD/Tour/Shift deviation etc. for the year, 2017 reg.P & A
20/12/2017 05:26 PMProvision to find HSN Code against any Item CodeSystem
20/12/2017 09:28 AMAbsentee Report (E0 to R0) - 16.11 to 15.12.2017 reg.P & A
19/12/2017 09:24 AMShift Deviation report - 16.11 to 15.12.2017P & A
16/12/2017 03:57 PMPermission from HODs / Sec-Heads to leave PlantP & A
16/12/2017 03:54 PMMarketing Bus NOT available on 17/12/2017P & A
16/12/2017 01:24 PMIPECCS COUNTER SALE CLOSED on 16/12/2017 , 5 PM to 10 PMSystem
14/12/2017 03:01 PMSystem Shutdown on 16/12/2017 , 5 to 10 PMSystem
14/12/2017 02:49 PM10 Yrs. Service Award - Block periods 1.1. to 30.6 & 1.7. to 31.12.2017 reg.P & A
14/12/2017 09:10 AMNational Energy Conservation Day, 2017 - Concluding ceremony & list of winners reg.P & A
13/12/2017 03:56 PMIRC Circular for extension of booking date for IRC Picnic 201-18System
13/12/2017 10:57 AMList of employees not yet applied for LTA, 2017P & A
12/12/2017 09:11 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration reg.P & A
11/12/2017 04:58 PMArticles for Paradeep Vaibhav - Oct. to Dec. 2017P & A
08/12/2017 09:20 AMPermission to leave Office from HODs during Office hours - ADDENDUMP & A
07/12/2017 10:26 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2017 - Competitions for employees
National Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2017 - Competitions for employees
P & A
06/12/2017 02:56 PMNew Admin Bldg - Permission to leave Office during working hours from HODs reg.P & A
05/12/2017 11:44 AMCollection of Health Check up ReportsP & A
04/12/2017 10:17 AMWater interruption in A, B-type Qtrs, GMs, ED bungalows todayP & A
02/12/2017 09:29 AMAbsentee report of Apprentices for Nov. 2017P & A
01/12/2017 10:27 AMOO NO- 4160- Shri Yogendra Kumar , MKDSystem
01/12/2017 08:38 AMNight Surveillance - December, 2017 reg.P & A
29/11/2017 03:42 PMSystem Checks / Validation applied in ERPSystem
29/11/2017 03:04 PMERP : Restriction of entry of HSN in PO & SRV Taxation screen.System
28/11/2017 08:28 AMERP : Program to insert HSN Code in Item .System
25/11/2017 11:17 AMcircular for IRC Picnic 2017-18.System
23/11/2017 02:31 PMList of Holidays for Paradip Unit - 2018P & A
18/11/2017 04:14 PMAbsentee report, Gr-E0 to R0 - 16/10 to 15/11/17 reg.P & A
18/11/2017 02:10 PMIRC CircularSystem
17/11/2017 04:03 PMShift deviation report - 16/10 to 15/11/17 reg.P & A
17/11/2017 10:43 AMHealth awareness-Heart attack - 50 yrs and above employeesP & A
17/11/2017 09:21 AMCri-Volley, 2017P & A
16/11/2017 02:08 PMFILE BACKUP PROCEDURESystem
14/11/2017 12:07 PMUsage of Regular IFFCO stationery reg.P & A
14/11/2017 11:37 AMCondolence meeting - 14/11/2017 at 4.50 p.m.P & A
14/11/2017 09:44 AMCirculation of Paradeep Vaibhav magazine reg.P & A
14/11/2017 09:42 AMCri-Volley 2017 - Final Selection (Cricket)P & A
13/11/2017 10:24 AMCancellation of Vigillance Awareness ProgrammesSystem
11/11/2017 03:30 PMIPECCS : Distribution of Annual Gift from Cooperative StoresSystem
11/11/2017 03:19 PMIRC Circular System
10/11/2017 09:38 AMCri Volley - 2017 (Final Selection for Cricket)System
10/11/2017 08:16 AMMomento distribution on occasion of Golden Jubilee of IFFCOSystem
09/11/2017 10:30 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS DRIVE-2017-Essay Competition (English)------Slogan Competition (Hindi/English/Odia)-13/11/2017System
09/11/2017 10:29 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS DRIVE-2017- Competition-13/11/2017-Dependent children of employeesSystem
09/11/2017 08:39 AMOnline Self evaluation quiz for employees on 10th Nov 2017 at 1100 hrsP & A
08/11/2017 09:08 AMCRIVOLLEY 2017 trial & selectionP & A
06/11/2017 04:49 PMIRC CircularSystem
06/11/2017 01:45 PM12th Inter unit Cri Volley SelectionSystem
31/10/2017 09:41 AMNight Surveillance for November 2017P & A
31/10/2017 09:04 AMObservance of 'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive 2017' from 13 Nov, 2017 to 14 Nov, 2017P & A
31/10/2017 09:01 AMObservance of 'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive 2017' from 13 Nov, 2017 to 14 Nov, 2017P & A
30/10/2017 08:56 AMIRC Circular : Indoor and Outdoor GamesSystem
30/10/2017 08:54 AMIRC Circular : Badminton TournamentSystem
26/10/2017 02:37 PMQUIZATHON 2017 - GENERAL INFORMATIONSystem
26/10/2017 01:44 PMAttachment of Ms. Sabita Kumari Acharya P. No. 108479 Dy Manager (Admn)P & A
20/10/2017 09:29 AMAbsentee Report - 16/9 to 15/1017 reg.P & A
18/10/2017 04:50 PMShift deviation report of employees - 16/9 to 15/10/17P & A
18/10/2017 01:42 PMAnnual Gift Distribution for FY - 1617 at Cooperative StoresSystem
18/10/2017 11:32 AMLucky Draw at Cooperative Stores on 19-10-17System
17/10/2017 05:08 PMReimbursement of Diwali Gift / Award / Sweets / LiveriesP & A
14/10/2017 04:52 PMMaa Lakshmi Puja on 19/10/2017 at Sri Jagannath Temple for DeepavaliP & A
14/10/2017 10:55 AMExtension of date of submission of bills for reimbursement of Diwali GiftP & A
12/10/2017 04:37 PMDearness Allowance for the Quarter October to December, 2017System
11/10/2017 01:42 PMPurchase of Mobile Set through Online- Without GSTN No & Name of IFFCOF & A
09/10/2017 01:26 PMNew Time Office - Punching facility operation reg.P & A
09/10/2017 01:14 PMAppreciation letter to all employees for grand success of Golden Jubilee Celebration.System
05/10/2017 04:17 PMNight Surveillance - October, 2017 reg.P & A
05/10/2017 04:05 PMShoes reimbursement reg. (block period 1.7.17 to 31.12.17)P & A
03/10/2017 02:10 PMAbsentee report of Apprentices for Sept. 2017P & A
02/10/2017 09:37 AMShift deviation report of Apprentices (for Sept. 2017)P & A
29/09/2017 08:19 AMPankti Bhoj on 3/10/2017 from 11.30 a.m. onwards reg.P & A
29/09/2017 08:17 AMRavan Dahan at 6.30 p.m. on 30/9/17P & A
28/09/2017 10:04 AMNon availability of Bus services from 30/09/2017 to 04/10/2017 reg.P & A
26/09/2017 05:33 PMPROGRAMME FOR "DURGA PUJA " -2017 System
20/09/2017 02:36 PMLucky draw on the occasion of Dushera & Diwali at our Coop. StoreP & A
20/09/2017 01:26 PMNavratri & Durga puja programme at TownshipP & A
20/09/2017 10:27 AMAbsentee Report - Gr. E to RP & A
19/09/2017 06:09 PMAward of Diwali/Special Gifts /SweetsP & A
19/09/2017 06:07 PMReimbursement of Shoes/Sandal & Socks for the block period 01.07.17 to 31.12.17P & A
19/09/2017 05:20 PMBus for Paradip - Biswakarma festivalP & A
18/09/2017 03:42 PMShift deviation report - 16.8 to 15.9.17 reg.P & A
18/09/2017 11:15 AMCondolence meeting reg.P & A
17/09/2017 02:05 PMभगवान श्री श्री विश्वकर्मा पूजा महोत्सव - संध्या आरती एवं विसर्जनSystem
15/09/2017 02:06 PMLord Viswakarma Puja 2017 : INVITATIONSystem
15/09/2017 01:51 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह: समापन समारोह (15/09/2017) - Venue : New Guest House Training HallSystem
15/09/2017 01:49 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह 2017 : प्रतियोगिता परिणाम (in pdf)System
15/09/2017 08:56 AMSardiya Navratri celebration at Sri Jagannath Mandir, TownshipP & A
14/09/2017 01:47 PMDiwali Gifts 2017System
14/09/2017 08:55 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह: आज का कार्यक्रम (14/09/2017)System
13/09/2017 08:25 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह: आज का कार्यक्रम (13/09/2017)System
12/09/2017 04:04 PMSelection of participant for Ram Leela Programme on the occasion of Vijayadasami - 2017 P & A
12/09/2017 11:04 AMIFFCO QUIZATHON 2017 System
12/09/2017 10:53 AMHindi Programme today & Change of Venue for LadiesSystem
12/09/2017 08:26 AMImportant Circular from Director(HR&Legal)System
09/09/2017 01:57 PMCondolence meetingP & A
09/09/2017 08:40 AMPayment of Medical bills (Hospitalisation)System
07/09/2017 10:01 AMShifting of Software from Paradeep to HOSystem
05/09/2017 09:42 AMNon availability of Plant Guest House Restaurant reg.P & A
05/09/2017 09:24 AMNon availability of Guest Houses reg.P & A
04/09/2017 02:25 PMParadip Vaibhav articles required.P & A
30/08/2017 05:49 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (11 सितम्बर से 15 सितम्बर 2017)System
30/08/2017 03:27 PMNight Surveillance for the month of Sept. 2017 reg.P & A
30/08/2017 02:55 PMCondolence meeting today reg.P & A
30/08/2017 02:38 PM"Green Certified Township" - reg.P & A
29/08/2017 04:41 PMPower interruption due to electrical work on 30/8/17 reg.P & A
29/08/2017 03:27 PMReimbursement of Medical bills - Bifurcation reg.P & A
28/08/2017 10:47 AMMedical Bill submission without GST reg.P & A
26/08/2017 09:53 AMDatacenter Shutdown Activity Scheduled on Saturday, 26.08.2017 at 6.00 PM to Sunday, 27.08.2017, 2.00 AMSystem
23/08/2017 07:16 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2017 : Cultural Programme Schedule (25th & 26th August 2017) -REVISEDSystem
23/08/2017 11:52 AMInauguration of Apollo PharmacyP & A
23/08/2017 08:44 AMCondolence meeting at 8.50 a.m. today 23/8/2017 regP & A
22/08/2017 02:17 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2017 : Cultural Programme Schedule (25th & 26th August 2017)System
21/08/2017 02:35 PMSHREE LORD GANESH PUJA - 2017 : INVITATIONSystem
21/08/2017 01:57 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2017 : Music Practice for Song 22 & 23 Aug , IRC Meditation Hall , 4 to 6.30PMSystem
19/08/2017 04:07 PMWater supply interruption on Mon. 21/8/2017 reg.P & A
18/08/2017 03:54 PMAbsentee Report - reg. E0 to R0P & A
17/08/2017 01:14 PMShift deviation report - 16/07 to 15/08/17 reg.P & A
17/08/2017 10:30 AMFinancial Assistance to Talented children reg. REMINDERP & A
17/08/2017 08:30 AMGST compliance w.r.t. reimbursement of Medical expenses reg.P & A
12/08/2017 02:49 PMToffee distibution during Independence Day, 2017P & A
11/08/2017 03:43 PMApplication Server Shutdown from 5.30 PM today for 2 hours.System
11/08/2017 11:23 AMPrize distribution on Independence DayP & A
09/08/2017 08:49 AMHealth Check up of Permanent employees - Post lunch session reg.P & A
08/08/2017 11:28 AMShri Krishna Janmashtami Puja at Mandir - reg.P & A
08/08/2017 11:15 AMVishwakarma Puja Committees 2017 - REVISEDP & A
08/08/2017 11:13 AMHealth Check up of all permanent employees reg.P & A
08/08/2017 09:07 AMMaa Durga Puja Circular : Committee ListSystem
07/08/2017 05:21 PMMaa Durga Puja CircularSystem
07/08/2017 01:18 PMIPECCS :: Award for 10 Cumulative Highest PurchasersSystem
05/08/2017 09:26 AMTemple closure on 7/8/17 due to eclipse dayP & A
03/08/2017 05:17 PMBoarding & Lodging of guests / vendors in Plant / Main guest house reg.P & A
03/08/2017 02:08 PMVacancies for J1 gradeP & A
03/08/2017 11:33 AMGST COMPLIANCESystem
02/08/2017 10:15 AMCelebration of 71st Independence Day 2017 at Township reg.P & A
01/08/2017 01:14 PMShift deviation report - Apprentices for July 2017P & A
31/07/2017 04:09 PMInterruption of Water Supply in Township reg.P & A
31/07/2017 03:23 PMNight Surveillance for August, 2017P & A
31/07/2017 10:46 AMShree Ganesh Puja 2017 : Call for Cultural Programme Audition (4th & 5th August '17, 4.30 PM, Club) : REVISEDSystem
28/07/2017 02:56 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2017 : Call for Cultural Programme Audition (4th & 5th August '17, 4.30 PM, Club)System
27/07/2017 11:53 AMReconstitution of Board of Trustee - Superannuation Fund reg.P & A
25/07/2017 05:15 PMNavaratri Puja Committees - 2017 reg.P & A
25/07/2017 05:09 PMBiswakarma Puja Committees, 2017 reg.P & A
25/07/2017 05:07 PMGanesh Puja Committees, 2017 reg.P & A
21/07/2017 08:28 AMSubmission of Aadhar Card copy - MOST URGENTP & A
19/07/2017 04:39 PMAbsentee Report of regular employees - Gr.F0 to R0 - July, 2017 reg.P & A
19/07/2017 04:37 PMRisks from Smoking reg.P & A
19/07/2017 03:06 PMPF Statement for the year 2016-17 reg.P & A
19/07/2017 09:22 AMAchievements & awardsP & A
18/07/2017 04:47 PMShift Deviation Report - 16.6. to 15.7.2017 reg.P & A
15/07/2017 11:16 AMNEXA Vehicle Display at Cricket ground - 15/7/2017P & A
14/07/2017 05:11 PMIndependence day 2017 - Celebration Committee - CORRIGENDUMP & A
14/07/2017 04:00 PMIndependence Day, 15/8/17 - Celebration Committee reg.P & A
11/07/2017 10:00 AMPreventive Measures for Dengue - reg.P & A
11/07/2017 09:14 AMPreventive measures for Dengue reg.P & A
10/07/2017 08:42 AMERP (GST COMPLIANT) IS LIVE FROM TODAY(10/07/2017)System
04/07/2017 10:31 AMIRC Circular : Housie GameSystem
03/07/2017 10:18 AMAbsentee report of Apprentices - June, 2017 reg.P & A
03/07/2017 09:13 AMFinancial assistance to Talent children reg.P & A
01/07/2017 11:38 AMWater stoppage - Old D type Qtr. reg.P & A
01/07/2017 10:11 AMSuperannuation of 3 employees on 30.6.2017P & A
29/06/2017 03:46 PMNight Surveillance - July, 2017 reg.P & A
29/06/2017 11:22 AMWater stoppage in old D-type reg.P & A
28/06/2017 09:52 AMOffice Order - E-bazaar reg.P & A
24/06/2017 09:13 AMTemple programme on the event of Ratha Yatra on 24th & 25th June, 2017P & A
23/06/2017 01:35 PMBus to Puri - 25th & 26th June, 2017 reg.P & A
23/06/2017 01:14 PMDigital Bank Accounts_ IFFCO KISAN Initiative to open Airtel Payments Bank Savings AccountsSystem
23/06/2017 01:12 PMPre GST Activities of ERP - DowntimeSystem
23/06/2017 01:11 PMPF MeetingSystem
23/06/2017 11:29 AMSuggestion Scheme -- Awards for the year 2016-17System
21/06/2017 04:15 PMResults of Competitions held during World Environment Day 2017 celebrationsSystem
21/06/2017 08:19 AMIRC : International Yoga Day Celebration todaySystem
20/06/2017 05:06 PMAbsentee report - May 16th to June 15th, 2017 (Gr. F0 to R0)P & A
19/06/2017 02:22 PMTemple programme - 24th & 25th June, 2017P & A
17/06/2017 11:11 AMShift deviation report - 16.5 to 15.6.2017P & A
17/06/2017 10:21 AMWorld Environment Day, 2017 - Essay Competition reg.P & A
09/06/2017 04:49 PM"Single Ledger / Legal Entity merge Project of ERP (GST) - Go-Live " - POSTPONEDSystem
08/06/2017 11:37 AMGST Impact Part 1System
07/06/2017 10:40 AMDeva Snana Purnima Programme on 09-06-2017P & A
06/06/2017 03:37 PMForm 16 for Financial Year 2016-17 : Download from MIS > HRMS > EIS > DocumentF & A
06/06/2017 01:58 PMIRC : Circular of closing ceremony for Summer CampSystem
06/06/2017 01:13 PMIRC : Circular for Yoga ClassesSystem
05/06/2017 01:58 PMProblem in Custom WebsiteSystem
03/06/2017 02:33 PMCircular - Regarding Election of Vice ChairmanSystem
03/06/2017 01:32 PMsnan purnima on 09/06/2017 स्नान पूर्णिमा P & A
03/06/2017 09:02 AMWorld Environment Day 2017 - Essay competition for Employees today at 3PMSystem
02/06/2017 10:49 AMOffice OrderSystem
01/06/2017 01:53 PMSingle Ledger / Legal Entity merge Project of ERP (GST) - Go-LiveSystem
01/06/2017 12:15 PMShift deviation report of Apprentices - May, 2017P & A
30/05/2017 08:40 AMCelebration of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY - 2017System
30/05/2017 08:31 AMReleiving order of GEA reg.P & A
29/05/2017 05:10 PMIRC : Summer Coaching Class (Drawing/Art) & ExhibitionSystem
26/05/2017 08:56 AMIRC : Summer Coaching Camp (Yoga)System
26/05/2017 08:55 AMIRC : Summer Coaching Camp (Dance)System
25/05/2017 09:09 AMTweets from Honb'l Managing Director : JMD elected as Chairman IFA.System
19/05/2017 09:21 AMCollection of ORS packets by Control Room of PlantP & A
18/05/2017 03:33 PMPrecautions from Heat wave situation P & A
18/05/2017 10:24 AMAbsentee Report 16/4 to 15/5/17 - F0 to R0 reg.P & A
18/05/2017 08:28 AMDPC 2017-Schedule for VC for promotion to grade G and G1System
17/05/2017 10:56 AMShift deviation report - 16/4 to 15/5/2017 reg.P & A
17/05/2017 09:22 AMUrgent Precaution : Ransomeware attackSystem
15/05/2017 05:07 PMVC for G1 to G reg.P & A
13/05/2017 11:06 AMApplication connectivity issueSystem
11/05/2017 04:44 PMStoppage water in E-type & new D-type quarters reg.P & A
09/05/2017 03:12 PMDPC for 2017 - Schedule for VC for promotion reg.P & A
09/05/2017 08:57 AMIRC : Summer Coaching Camp for Drawing classesSystem
08/05/2017 03:42 PMCondolence meeting reg.P & A
08/05/2017 09:57 AMDPC 2017 Schedule for F & F1System
08/05/2017 09:56 AMDPC 2017-Schedule for VC for promotion to grade D and ESystem
08/05/2017 09:07 AMSummer Coaching Camp for Drawing classesSystem
07/05/2017 04:46 PMDPC 2017P & A
05/05/2017 12:03 PMBuilding Self Confidence & Managing Stress (Class 8-12 children)P & A
02/05/2017 03:15 PMAbsentee Report - Apprentices for April, 2017 reg.P & A
02/05/2017 01:48 PMNight Surveillance - 2nd May to 30th Jun. 2017 reg.P & A
02/05/2017 01:22 PMIRC : Summer Coaching ClassesSystem
02/05/2017 08:27 AMShift deviation report of Apprentices - April, 2017 reg.P & A
29/04/2017 01:27 PMOnline Bus Ticket Reservation on 01/05/2017System
29/04/2017 09:35 AMINSSAN CONTESTSSystem
28/04/2017 02:30 PMShutdown of Weblogic Server at HO from 5.30PM to 6.15 PM todaySystem
27/04/2017 01:21 PMImplementation of Global Suppliers List (GSL) for CIVILSystem
26/04/2017 10:03 AMOrthopaedician availabilityP & A
25/04/2017 08:34 AMDental services in IFFCO hospitalP & A
18/04/2017 01:58 PMTraining Needs Option in Self AppraisalP & A
18/04/2017 08:29 AMPerformance Appraisal 2016-2017P & A
13/04/2017 09:43 AMOnline Saving Declaration Form for 2017-18System
12/04/2017 01:30 PMManpower requirement from HURLP & A
11/04/2017 10:06 AMIRC Circular : Addition of Books in LibrarySystem
11/04/2017 08:24 AMLaunch of Cashless Township (KALOL)System
10/04/2017 06:07 PMShri Ram Katha 17th April to 22nd Aprilz_Others
10/04/2017 05:45 PMYoga classes for IRC members and dependents from 11th April to 29th April 17 P & A
10/04/2017 01:19 PMDearness Allowance for the quarter April to June 2017P & A
10/04/2017 11:02 AMNomination for Short Duration Community Development Program on "First-Aid " for Children of IFFCO Township(Class 8-12) at Paradeep UnitSystem
07/04/2017 04:15 PMWorld Health Day reg.P & A
07/04/2017 01:45 PMCircular No. 1705-IEBT-Revision of Minimum ContributionSystem
07/04/2017 12:05 PMHanuman Jayanti programme at our Jagannath TempleP & A
06/04/2017 06:02 PMChange of Office Timing of Head OfficeSystem
06/04/2017 03:12 PMIPECCS : Gift to Five Highest Cumulative PurchaserSystem
05/04/2017 04:49 PMCrash Helmet distribution reg.P & A
05/04/2017 02:31 PMSelection of artists for golden jubilee celeb - reg.P & A
03/04/2017 03:20 PMAbsent report of Apprentices - March, 2017P & A
01/04/2017 01:18 PMShift deviation report of March, 2017 - Apprentices reg.P & A
31/03/2017 05:08 PMRetirement of employees - Paradeep reg.P & A
31/03/2017 04:30 PMBenevolent trust - revision in contribution reg.P & A
31/03/2017 10:43 AMNational Pulse Polio programme - Township hospitalP & A
25/03/2017 04:49 PMDistribution of Gum boots to Workmen category - reg.P & A
25/03/2017 09:03 AMIRC Circular : " A Minute to Win it " today i.e 25/03/2017 , 7 PM in Club.System
24/03/2017 09:20 AMBasanti Navratri-cum-Ramnavami puja - Revised circularP & A
23/03/2017 03:08 PMBasanti Navratri & Ramnavmi Pujas - reg.P & A
23/03/2017 10:59 AMOrtho availability at Hospital reg.P & A
22/03/2017 03:41 PMCounselling for parents of students of Class X - DAV schoolP & A
22/03/2017 01:41 PMEarth hour 2017 - March, 25th. reg.P & A
21/03/2017 03:49 PMSTEPS for MARCH ' 17 OSLSystem
21/03/2017 08:19 AMAbsentee Report - 16th Feb to 15th March 2017 reg.P & A
17/03/2017 11:25 AMShift deviation report - 16.2. to 15.03.2017P & A
16/03/2017 06:04 PMTrack Suit DistributionP & A
16/03/2017 05:59 PMTrack Suit DistributionP & A
16/03/2017 12:06 PMNon availability of Marketing Bus to Paradip reg.P & A
15/03/2017 05:01 PMCultural Programme - Golden Jubilee celebration reg.P & A
15/03/2017 02:45 PMEx-Post facto medical reibursementSystem
12/03/2017 09:04 AMHoli celebration 2017P & A
11/03/2017 01:27 PMHoliday Bus to BBSR cancelled on 13/03/2017P & A
11/03/2017 11:21 AMDAV - extension of Registration of children reg.P & A
11/03/2017 09:12 AMIRC circularSystem
11/03/2017 09:00 AMLinks revived partiallySystem
11/03/2017 08:48 AMProblem in Internet & HO linkSystem
10/03/2017 05:01 PMWater interruption in E & new D type quarters on 11/03/2017 reg.P & A
09/03/2017 05:16 PMList of Winners of Safety Competitions organised during National Safety Week-2017System
09/03/2017 10:01 AMPending medical bills submission reg.P & A
08/03/2017 10:15 AMNight Surveillance - 8th March to 30th Apr. 2017 reg.P & A
07/03/2017 02:46 PMInvitation of articles for "Paradeep Vaibhav"P & A
06/03/2017 02:07 PMShoe & socks reimbursement - 01st Jan. to 30th June, 2017 reg.P & A
04/03/2017 03:42 PMCircular regarding Musical Classes in IRCSystem
03/03/2017 03:04 PMInaugural of Safety Week Celebration 2017 reg.P & A
03/03/2017 11:24 AMGold Coin award on 10 year completion of ServiceP & A
02/03/2017 01:30 PMAbsentee report of Apprentice - Feb. 2017P & A
02/03/2017 08:40 AMShift deviation report of Apprentices - Feb 2017P & A
28/02/2017 03:09 PMMinutes of 49th Meeting of IFFCO Employees Benevolent Trust held on 31st January 2017System
28/02/2017 10:30 AMTEST CIRCULARSystem
27/02/2017 04:45 PMPost Box facility in our Township reg.P & A
24/02/2017 01:49 PMTotal Power ShutdownP & A
23/02/2017 09:41 AMMandir Pran PratishthaP & A
22/02/2017 02:54 PMAbsentee Report - 16/1 to 15/2/17P & A
22/02/2017 01:37 PMSubmission of Life Certificate by Pensioners reg.P & A
22/02/2017 01:31 PMInterruption of water from 10 p.m. today 22/2/17 for next 36 hours reg.P & A
18/02/2017 01:20 PMSafety shoes for the period 1st Jan. to 30th June, 2017P & A
18/02/2017 10:46 AMShift deviation report - 16/1 to 15/2/2017P & A
18/02/2017 10:43 AMNational Productivity Week, 2017 - List of winners reg.P & A
17/02/2017 10:01 AMMaha Shivratri Puja - Revised CircularP & A
14/02/2017 02:53 PMMaha Shivratri celebration at Sri Jagannath MandirP & A
13/02/2017 11:44 AMCancellation of Night Surveillance Duty P & A
13/02/2017 08:45 AMSafety Week celebrations from 4 th March to 10 th March,2017System
11/02/2017 02:28 PMUnit Head's message on National Productivity Week, 2017P & A
10/02/2017 03:07 PMIPECCS CircularSystem
10/02/2017 02:53 PMWater interruption from 11th to 12th Feb. 2017 P & A
10/02/2017 01:20 PMOfficers at IFFCO Paradeep Unit yet to submit their property returnsSystem
10/02/2017 01:18 PMShifting of HCRS System from Paradeep to HO. : JOB COMPLETESystem
10/02/2017 09:08 AMShifting of HCRS System from Paradeep to HO.System
09/02/2017 02:27 PMNational Productivity Week, 2017P & A
09/02/2017 10:42 AMSubmission of Property Return - LAST DATE: 10TH FEB. 2017P & A
08/02/2017 02:59 PMPunchayat election - Casting of vote reg.P & A
08/02/2017 10:51 AMToll Free Helpline Number 1800 103 1967 for IFFCO and Group CompaniesSystem
08/02/2017 09:26 AMERP :Adding parameter Preparer(Indentor) in IFFCO - Requisition Status Report System
08/02/2017 08:36 AMERP : Point discussed during Director(ITS) visit ; Pipieline Quantity IssueSystem
07/02/2017 02:41 PMERP : Item Remarks in Req Lines and RFQ LinesSystem
07/02/2017 01:43 PMCondolence meeting today, 7/2/2017 reg.P & A
07/02/2017 10:13 AMInterruption of Water supply in E & D type quartersP & A
06/02/2017 01:42 PMProperty ReturnP & A
06/02/2017 01:32 PMPoints discussed during Paradeep VisitSystem
06/02/2017 10:37 AMFemale employees - Uniform & stitching, 2017 reg.P & A
06/02/2017 10:35 AMStitching charges reimbursement - Uniform, 2017 reg.P & A
03/02/2017 10:47 AMReimbursement for Turbans - 2016-17 reg.P & A
02/02/2017 01:11 PMProperty returneP & A
02/02/2017 12:00 PMAbsentee Report of Apprentices - Jan. 2017 reg.P & A
01/02/2017 02:34 PMSuperannuation of employees during Jan. 2017P & A
01/02/2017 11:40 AMShift deviation report of Apprentices - Jan. 2017P & A
31/01/2017 07:12 PMShifting of HME software from Paradeep to HO : JOB COMPLETEDSystem
30/01/2017 04:43 PMीलाल शुक्ल स्मृति इफको साहित्य सम्मान समारोह का एन सी यू आई सभागार, नई दिल्ली से 31/01/2017 (मंगलवार) को 3:00 PM IST से लाइव वेबकास्टSystem
30/01/2017 02:13 PMLaunching of "Online Supplier Registration System"System
30/01/2017 09:55 AMImportant : Care to take while submitting annual property returnSystem
28/01/2017 10:17 AMNomination for Community Development Program on "The Complete Woman " for Ladies of IFFCO Township at Paradeep Unit on 31.01.17System
28/01/2017 08:59 AMNATIONAL PULSE POLIO PROGRAMME 2017System
27/01/2017 05:13 PMAntakshari Event at IRC on 28th Jan. 2017P & A
27/01/2017 04:14 PMProblem in HO E-mail ServerSystem
27/01/2017 03:10 PMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 27-January-2017 from 06:00 PM onward for 2-3 hours for application of patch and migration of iProcurement pageSystem
25/01/2017 04:48 PMPrize distribution during R-Day Celebration, 2017P & A
24/01/2017 04:51 PMDisruption of water supplyP & A
24/01/2017 10:41 AMRepublic Day 2017 celebration reg.P & A
23/01/2017 10:09 AMIRC : Circular : AntakshariSystem
21/01/2017 09:33 PMFinal result Indoor GameP & A
21/01/2017 10:52 AMCirculatr for availability of IRC Meditation hall for dancing classesSystem
21/01/2017 09:55 AMAnnual Fete - 2017 Ladies Club reg.P & A
20/01/2017 04:24 PMR-Day, Indoor & Outdoor games - Prize distribution reg.P & A
20/01/2017 09:43 AMERP : Issues resolved in Inventory ModuleSystem
20/01/2017 09:16 AMFeedback on UAT held at HO on 12th & 13th January, 2017 for "Supplier Registration Information & Management System"System
19/01/2017 12:09 PMAbsentee Report - 16th Dec.2016 to 15th Jan. 2017 reg.P & A
18/01/2017 03:55 PMERP : Indentor Module (remaining issues)System
17/01/2017 05:04 PMShift deviation report - 16/12/2016 to 15/1/2017 reg.P & A
17/01/2017 01:54 PMERP : Indentor IssuesSystem
17/01/2017 09:48 AME-Mail server DownSystem
16/01/2017 05:06 PMGSL Supplier List for Fire & SafetySystem
16/01/2017 05:05 PMGSL Supplier List for ProductionSystem
16/01/2017 01:25 PMIndian Cooperative Digital PlatformSystem
16/01/2017 10:41 AMResults of Outdoor events reg.P & A
14/01/2017 03:40 PMBadminton boys - fixturesP & A
14/01/2017 11:37 AMSafety Award for IFFCO reg.P & A
12/01/2017 03:10 PMERP : Supplier List added in Requisition PrintingSystem
11/01/2017 04:19 PMMakar Shankaranti puja 14/1/2017 - Sri Jagannath Temple reg.P & A
10/01/2017 03:02 PMDA for the quarter Jan - March, 2017 reg.P & A
10/01/2017 10:46 AMNew Energy Policy for IFFCO Paradeep in accordance with ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System (In docx & pdf format)System
10/01/2017 10:32 AMCircular regarding filling of 'Immovable Property Return'System
10/01/2017 10:19 AMNew Energy Policy for IFFCO Paradeep in accordance with ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management SystemSystem
07/01/2017 04:09 PMKnock out matches - Cricket / Volleyball reg.P & A
07/01/2017 03:10 PMR-Day, 2017 - Friendly Cricket Match reg.P & A
07/01/2017 09:51 AMIFFCO 50 Yrs Golden Jubilee Anthem in ODIA (Revised)System
05/01/2017 07:10 PMcarron fixtureP & A
05/01/2017 11:25 AMT T fixturesP & A
04/01/2017 05:34 PMBadminton Fixtures for P & A
04/01/2017 12:05 PMShift deviation Report - 16th Dec. to 31st Dec. 2016 reg.P & A
03/01/2017 05:57 PMWithdrawing workflow application link from "EIS"(Employee Information System)System
03/01/2017 05:49 PMERP : Provision to reseqence Requisition lines.System
03/01/2017 08:39 AMONLINE Heartfulness Programme during 2nd, 3rd and 4th Jan 2017 - URL OF DAY 1 MEDITATION CLASSSystem
02/01/2017 04:09 PMREMINDER - Regularisation of attendance of 2016P & A
02/01/2017 11:14 AMRedesignation of Shri Birinder SinghSystem
01/01/2017 01:52 PMOutdoor games for Republic day celeberation 2017P & A
30/12/2016 10:47 AMRevised Republic Day Sports Events 2017P & A
30/12/2016 08:48 AMRequirement of Track Suit & T-Shirt sizes of employeesP & A
29/12/2016 06:46 PMDistribution of cloth uniform,pocket planner,IFFCO Diary,pen and towel to employeesP & A
28/12/2016 07:14 PMIndoor / Out door gsame for Republic day celeberationP & A
28/12/2016 06:25 PMIndoor games for Republic day celeberationP & A
28/12/2016 10:57 AMDatabase Server shutdown for 1/2 Hour (2.45 PM to 3.45 PM) today.System
23/12/2016 04:41 PMRepublic Day, 2017 - Indoor / Outdoor gamesP & A
23/12/2016 04:36 PMDowntime Legacy Database Server on 24-December-2016 (Saturday) at 06:00 PM for 8 HoursSystem
23/12/2016 10:41 AMLaunching of "IFFCO Paradeep Application Portal' System
23/12/2016 09:53 AMIRC Circular :HousieSystem
22/12/2016 12:09 PMOT applicable during 2017 reg.P & A
21/12/2016 05:17 PMShutdown of local NetworkSystem
21/12/2016 05:15 PMWorkflow OT QuerySystem
21/12/2016 05:12 PMowntime Legacy Database Server Today i.e. 21-December-2016 (Wednesday) at 06:00 PM for 1 HourSystem
21/12/2016 02:54 PMRepublic Day - 2017 Committees reg. (Revised)P & A
21/12/2016 11:59 AMAdherence of rules for vehicle driving - reg.P & A
20/12/2016 02:30 PMNight Surveillance for the period 20/12/2016 to 02/March/2017P & A
20/12/2016 10:22 AMAbsentee Report - 16/11 to 15/12/2016 reg.P & A
19/12/2016 04:36 PMDrive for use of IFFCOAPPSystem
19/12/2016 10:45 AMInvitation of articles for Paradeep Vaibhav - reg.P & A
17/12/2016 04:37 PMShift deviation report - 16/11 to 15/12/2016P & A
17/12/2016 04:33 PMNon availability of buses on Sun. 18/12/2016P & A
17/12/2016 11:08 AMBuses to Puri on 01st Jan. 2017 - reg.P & A
16/12/2016 04:20 PMDowntime for Legacy Servers on 17-December-2016 (Saturday) at 08:00 PM for 10 HoursP & A
15/12/2016 01:48 PMERP Production shutdown today 15/12/2016 - reg.P & A
15/12/2016 11:03 AMEnergy conservation day - winners reg.P & A
14/12/2016 09:58 AMRegularization of Attendance - 2016 reg.P & A
14/12/2016 08:40 AMRepublic Day_2017 Celebrations - Committees reg.P & A
12/12/2016 10:44 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2016 : Message from Unit HeadSystem
12/12/2016 10:03 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2016 : Reminder for participation in competitionsSystem
10/12/2016 04:08 PMInterruption of water supply in TownshipP & A
10/12/2016 03:37 PMNon availability of Bus services on Sunday, 11th Dec. 2016P & A
09/12/2016 05:25 PMDowntime for Legacy Servers tomorrow ie 10-December-2016(Saturday) at 09:00 PM for 10 Hours for database upgrade to 12c with ASM (Phase-1.)System
09/12/2016 05:23 PMNomination for Community Development Program on "Energy Conservation in Domestic Sector " at Paradeep Unit on 14.12.16System
09/12/2016 05:14 PMERP Production instance will not be available tomorrow i.e. on 10-December-2016(Saturday) from 06:00 PM for 6-8 hours due to Maintenance ActivitySystem
06/12/2016 05:53 PMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2016System
06/12/2016 02:42 PMIPECCS : CIRCULARSystem
05/12/2016 04:45 PMBhopal tragedySystem
05/12/2016 10:23 AMSECURITY ALERTSystem
05/12/2016 09:40 AMPipes & Fittings Items having Duplicate Descriptions at different UnitsSystem
03/12/2016 04:31 PMNon availability of Bus on Sun. 4/12/2016P & A
29/11/2016 03:58 PMOdhana shashti at our Jagannath Mandir - 5/12/2016 reg.P & A
26/11/2016 05:53 PMNon availability of Bus on 27/11/2016 (Sunday)P & A
24/11/2016 10:17 AMअखिल हिन्‍दी निबंध प्रतियोगिता का अंतिम चरणP & A
22/11/2016 09:00 AMDigital Aadhar Card - reg.P & A
18/11/2016 05:24 PMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 18-November-2016(Friday) from 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM due to maintenance activity.System
18/11/2016 02:50 PMAbsentee Report - 16/10 to 15/11/2016 reg.P & A
17/11/2016 11:10 AMShift deviation report - 16/10 to 15/11/2016 reg.P & A
16/11/2016 05:11 PMBus facility for Baliyatra - reg.P & A
12/11/2016 03:06 PMCIRCULAR- IRC Chacha Nehru TT Tournament- 2016System
11/11/2016 01:53 PMIPECCS - Annual Gift For Financial Year - 2015-2016System
10/11/2016 03:53 PMSteps to insert IFFCO golden jubilee logo in letter head of emailSystem
07/11/2016 03:42 PMSIREN TESTING System
05/11/2016 10:43 AMUsing of Golden Jubilee Stationery - reg.P & A
04/11/2016 08:20 AMSpecial Incentive on the commencement of Golden Jubilee celebrationsSystem
03/11/2016 10:25 AMIRC Circular : TT Players selectionSystem
03/11/2016 08:50 AMIFFCO Golden Jubilee LOGO in SoftwaresSystem
01/11/2016 04:16 PMList of Lucky Draw Winner held at Coop. Stores on 29-10-2016System
01/11/2016 03:52 PMHonb'l MD's TweetSystem
31/10/2016 11:10 AMIPECCS - Distribution of Annual Gift for Financial Year 2015-2016System
28/10/2016 05:17 PMप्रबंध निदेशक महोदय का दीपावली संदेशSystem
28/10/2016 04:19 PMIFFCO Golden Jubilee Website & Webcast System
27/10/2016 01:51 PMMedical Assistance reg.P & A
27/10/2016 08:52 AMIPECCS-Lucky DrawSystem
26/10/2016 04:11 PMGST in India - e book - CA Pritam Mahure.pdfSystem
26/10/2016 01:38 PMCyclone "KYANT" - precautions reg.P & A
26/10/2016 11:12 AMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 26-October-2016(Wednesday) from 06:00 PM to 09:30 PM due to maintenance activity.System
26/10/2016 09:23 AMSubmission of TA bills within a week of tourP & A
26/10/2016 08:34 AMDeepavali programme at Sri Jagannath MandirP & A
25/10/2016 11:32 AMResults of various Events - Vigilance Awareness Drive-2016System
24/10/2016 09:22 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS DRIVE-2016- Competition-24/10/2016-Dependent children of employeesSystem
24/10/2016 09:01 AMBus ticket reservation on 06/11/2016(Sunday)System
22/10/2016 05:13 PMNight Surveillance - 24/10/2016 to 19/12/2016 reg.P & A
21/10/2016 07:25 PMOracle database upgradationSystem
21/10/2016 10:36 AMIRC : CircularSystem
21/10/2016 10:35 AMOracle Databse Server Shutdown from 2PM to 7PM todaySystem
21/10/2016 09:34 AMAbsentee Report - 16 Sep. to 15th Oct. 2016 reg.P & A
20/10/2016 02:19 PMINSSAN CONTESTSSystem
20/10/2016 11:21 AMWorkflow ApplicationSystem
19/10/2016 10:13 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS DRIVE-2016- Competition-24/10/2016-Dependent children of employeesP & A
19/10/2016 10:12 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS DRIVE-2016-Essay Competition (English)------Slogan Competition (Hindi/English/Odia)-24/10/216P & A
18/10/2016 03:34 PMShift Deviation Report- 16.09.2016 to 15.10.2016P & A
13/10/2016 04:37 PMBus Pass Reservation System : SMSSystem
10/10/2016 04:18 PMNavaratri, Durga puja and Dashahara detail programmeP & A
10/10/2016 02:31 PMCircular : DURGA PUJA (Dhunuchi/Dhoop Dance , Sankhnaad compettion)System
08/10/2016 01:15 PMWorkflow Application- Education LoanP & A
08/10/2016 11:52 AMMAA DURGA PUJA TIMINGSystem
07/10/2016 08:59 AMHolidays to be observed in 2017P & A
06/10/2016 05:17 PMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 06-October-2016(Thursday) from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM due to maintenance activity.System
05/10/2016 01:31 PMDearness Allowance for the Quarter October to December 2016System
05/10/2016 01:21 PMHSE PolicySystem
05/10/2016 09:47 AMAward of Diwali/Special Gift/SweetsP & A
04/10/2016 04:41 PMIPECCS : New Membership FormSystem
04/10/2016 03:56 PMINSSAN CONTESTSSystem
04/10/2016 10:50 AMIRC Circular for Dance & Music coaching classSystem
04/10/2016 10:00 AMIFFCO Golden Jubilee Logo for All Stationaries & CollataeralsSystem
03/10/2016 03:43 PMObservance of 'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive 2016' on 24th Oct, 2016 & 25th Oct, 2016 (File attached)System
03/10/2016 03:25 PMObservance of 'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive 2016' on 24th Oct, 2016 & 25th Oct, 2016System
03/10/2016 03:24 PMObservance of 'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive 2016' on 24th Oct, 2016 & 25th Oct, 2016System
03/10/2016 10:38 AMTest circular from delhint2 . Pls. ignoreSystem
27/09/2016 04:33 PMTest Circular for Delhint2System
26/09/2016 05:21 PMIRC Circular : PICNICSystem
26/09/2016 01:50 PMVery Important Information - Unsolicited e-mail - Phishing attackSystem
26/09/2016 08:34 AMAchievement of Paradeep Unit - Received CSR Award on the category of Green Environment and Pollution Control by Odisha CSR ForumSystem
26/09/2016 08:28 AMAchievement of Paradeep Unit - Received "Kalinga Safety Gold Award 2015"System
24/09/2016 04:04 PMIRC Circular : Antakhari KaryakramSystem
23/09/2016 04:15 PMBlockage of main Gate for vehicles - REVISEDP & A
23/09/2016 03:43 PMBlockage of main gate due to civil work - REVISEDP & A
23/09/2016 03:37 PMBlockage of Main Gate due to work reg.P & A
23/09/2016 10:12 AMIPECCS : CIRCULARSystem
23/09/2016 09:02 AMIFFCO Paradeep to receive CSR Excellence Award by Odisha CSR Forum, BhubaneswarSystem
22/09/2016 05:26 PMCircular : DURGA PUJA COMMITTEESystem
22/09/2016 10:49 AMIRC:CircularSystem
21/09/2016 10:14 AMERP : Changes in validation for Material Purchase Requisition.System
20/09/2016 02:35 PM"First Aid" programme for Ladies of TownshipP & A
20/09/2016 09:08 AMअखिल इफको स्तर निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता (कर्मचारियों हेतु)System
20/09/2016 08:28 AMNon-Move Item (Phulpur Unit)System
19/09/2016 02:37 PMAbsentee report - 16th Aug. to 15th Sept. 2016P & A
19/09/2016 02:11 PMERP Production Instance Maintenace today i.e. on 19-September-2016(Monday) from 07:00 PM to 10:00 PMSystem
19/09/2016 08:16 AMCircular for new membership of IRCSystem
17/09/2016 09:24 AMShift deviation report - 16/Aug to 15th Sept.2016P & A
17/09/2016 08:31 AMTweet of Honourable MD on Kalinga Safety Award-2015 (Gold) setup by #Odisha State Safety CouncilSystem
16/09/2016 05:58 PMDuplicate Item -Based on Short Description and Long DescriptionSystem
16/09/2016 03:57 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (12 सितम्बर से 16 सितम्बर 2016) : CLOSING CEREMONY TODAY i.e 16/09/2016 , 4 PMSystem
16/09/2016 03:32 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (12 सितम्बर से 16 सितम्बर 2016) : परिणामSystem
16/09/2016 03:22 PMश्री श्री विश्वकर्मा पूजा - पुरस्कार वितरण, संध्या आरती एवं विसर्जनSystem
16/09/2016 07:49 AMIFFCO Paradeep to receive Kalinga Safety Award-2015 (Gold) on 24.09.16System
15/09/2016 04:46 PMBus facility for residents of township - Vishwakarma Puja reg.P & A
15/09/2016 09:40 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (12 सितम्बर से 16 सितम्बर 2016) : Today's (15th Sep) ProgrammeSystem
14/09/2016 07:15 PMResults of preliminary Round of 6th All India IFFCO Inter-Unit Management Quiz Contest 2016 at Paradeep Unit held on 14.09.16System
14/09/2016 05:28 PMIFFCO Co-Operative Stores : CIRCULAR (Lucky Draw)System
14/09/2016 01:13 PMWater supply reg.P & A
14/09/2016 09:36 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (12 सितम्बर से 16 सितम्बर 2016) : Today's (14th Sep) ProgrammeSystem
13/09/2016 03:36 PMReimbursement of Woolen Suit length, etc. - Block period Sept.2016-Aug.2019P & A
13/09/2016 11:23 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (12 सितम्बर से 16 सितम्बर 2016) : Today's ProgrammeSystem
10/09/2016 08:29 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (12 सितम्बर से 16 सितम्बर 2016)System
06/09/2016 05:11 PMBoiler incident at RCF.System
06/09/2016 02:40 PMURGENT ATTENTION : ZEPTO VIRUS through E-mailSystem
06/09/2016 02:12 PMIRC CircularSystem
03/09/2016 11:06 AMShree Ganesh Puja 2016 : Cultural Programme ScheduleSystem
02/09/2016 04:50 PMAadhar Card submission reg.P & A
02/09/2016 04:42 PMSubmission of Aadhar Card P & A
02/09/2016 04:41 PMSubmission of Aadhar Card - reg.P & A
02/09/2016 02:14 PM6TH ALL INDIA IFFCO INTER-UNIT MANAGEMENT QUIZ CONTEST 2016 - online registration till dateSystem
02/09/2016 10:00 AMCircular for new membership of IRCSystem
02/09/2016 09:53 AMAbsentee Report of Apprentices - August, 2016P & A
01/09/2016 01:15 PMShift deviation report of Apprentices - August, 2016 reg.P & A
31/08/2016 05:28 PMSHREE LORD GANESH PUJA - 2016 : INVITATIONSystem
26/08/2016 11:19 AMNight Surveillance reg.P & A
26/08/2016 11:16 AMNight Surveillance reg.P & A
25/08/2016 09:35 AMAll India IFFCO Inter Unit Management Quiz Contest, 2016 reg.P & A
23/08/2016 02:18 PMJanmashtami, 2016 - Celebration at Sri Jagannath MandirP & A
23/08/2016 11:09 AMIRC : HOUSIE , 27/08/2016 , 7 PM , Club Meditation HallSystem
20/08/2016 02:10 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2016 : Call for Cultural Programme Audition (22nd & 23rd August '16,4.00 PM,Club)System
19/08/2016 04:56 PMAbsentee Report - 16/7/2016 to 15/8/2016P & A
19/08/2016 08:42 AMOperation of Swimming Pool reg.P & A
18/08/2016 03:38 PMArticles for Paradeep Vaibhav reg.P & A
17/08/2016 11:26 AMshift deviation repot - 16.7. to 15.8.2016P & A
16/08/2016 02:01 PMLetter to the Members of Iffco Employees Benevolent TrustP & A
13/08/2016 04:01 PMIPECCS - LPG connection reg.P & A
13/08/2016 10:29 AMBBSR Marketing Bus Cancelled on Independence Day, 15/8/2016P & A
12/08/2016 03:12 PMPrize distribution reg. (REVISED)P & A
12/08/2016 01:27 PMThe winners of World Environment Day competitions(05.06.16), INSSAN Contests-2016 and meritorious students of Class X/XII (90% & above) for the academic session 2015-16 are requested to be present during the prize distribution ceremony on occasion of Independence Day -2016.

For any relevant information follow the circulars issued or contact Ms.Rajni at intercom No.4721.
Prize distribution on independence day 2016
P & A
10/08/2016 11:31 AMPrevention from Dengue - reg.P & A
08/08/2016 10:34 AMMinutes of 48 th Meeting of IEBT held on 25th July 2016System
06/08/2016 04:48 PMAdditional Check For Issue of items where repaired stock is availiableSystem
06/08/2016 03:09 PMUnauthorized Vehicle parking in New Admn Bldg - reg.P & A
06/08/2016 09:11 AMIRC Managing Committee, 2016-18 reg.P & A
05/08/2016 01:29 PMJanmashtami - 2016 celebrationP & A
04/08/2016 05:10 PMDistribution of new Identity Card reg.P & A
04/08/2016 04:38 PMOnline format - Overtime reg.P & A
04/08/2016 04:34 PMCommittees - Navratri, 2016 celebrationsP & A
04/08/2016 03:19 PMElection result - IRCP & A
03/08/2016 05:00 PMCelebration of Independence Day, 2016P & A
03/08/2016 08:51 AMClaiming the Liveries through onlineP & A
02/08/2016 04:42 PMCondolence meeting reg. - change of venueP & A
02/08/2016 02:37 PMPension Fund - Contribution and interest for year 2015-16 P & A
02/08/2016 12:04 PMAbsentee report of Apprentices reg.P & A
02/08/2016 12:01 PMReimbursement of Shoe - Block period July - Dec. 2016P & A
02/08/2016 11:39 AMTowel distribution - Block period 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2016P & A
02/08/2016 11:27 AMCondolence meetingP & A
02/08/2016 09:53 AMAchievement of WardsP & A
01/08/2016 04:37 PMVishwakarma Puja Committee, 2016 reg.P & A
29/07/2016 05:25 PMCAUTION : Virus found in pen driveSystem
29/07/2016 03:10 PMGanesh Puja - Committee reg.P & A
29/07/2016 09:26 AMPC FILE PROTECTIONSystem
28/07/2016 04:41 PMTA/DA Rules - AmendmentP & A
28/07/2016 02:11 PMFILE BACKUP System
27/07/2016 04:08 PMOnline Vehicle Requisition & Vehicle Management System (VMS)System
26/07/2016 09:47 AMIPECCS - Working President.Director/GM office
23/07/2016 11:36 AMWater stoppage on 25th July, 2016P & A
21/07/2016 04:56 PMERP Production Instance Maintenace today i.e. on 21-July-2016(Thursday) from 07:00 PM to 11:00 PMSystem
21/07/2016 08:54 AMServer Rack MaintenanceSystem
21/07/2016 08:38 AMPower point presentation & TemplateSystem
20/07/2016 04:21 PMAbsentee report for m/o July, 2016P & A
16/07/2016 04:14 PMShift deviation report - 16/6 to 15/7/2016P & A
13/07/2016 03:57 PMERP Production Instance Maintenace today i.e. on 13-July-2016(Wednesday) from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PMSystem
13/07/2016 10:05 AMEntry into IRC reg.P & A
11/07/2016 05:52 PMCheck Point maintenanceSystem
08/07/2016 04:18 PMDA - July to Sept. 2016P & A
08/07/2016 10:35 AMIssuance of Safety Shoe - July - Dec. 2016 reg.P & A
08/07/2016 09:10 AMYoga Class - reg.P & A
04/07/2016 11:39 AMParadeep VaibhavP & A
01/07/2016 06:22 PMExtension of BBSR Marketing Bus Facility to Puri on Ratha YatraP & A
01/07/2016 06:18 PMRevised Schedule of Night SurveillanceP & A
01/07/2016 03:53 PMWorkflow application for Medical reimbursementSystem
01/07/2016 03:23 PMNight Surveillance for the period 2nd July to 27th AugustP & A
29/06/2016 06:27 PMDistribution of safety shoeP & A
27/06/2016 10:37 AMIRC election reg.P & A
25/06/2016 03:01 PMImprovement in Power Point PresentationSystem
24/06/2016 02:17 PMHoliday OT reg.P & A
23/06/2016 06:12 PMReg Distribution of Gold CoinP & A
23/06/2016 03:53 PMBuspass Reservation SystemSystem
21/06/2016 05:01 PMAbsentee Report - 16th May to 15th June, 2016P & A
21/06/2016 09:28 AMWater timings - reg.P & A
20/06/2016 01:24 PMFinancial Assistance - Talented children reg.P & A
20/06/2016 10:56 AMIFFCO Corporate Telent champs - reg.P & A
20/06/2016 09:54 AMGold coins - left out employees to collectP & A
20/06/2016 08:56 AMYoga day celebration at IRC paradeep System
19/06/2016 09:19 AMYOGA 2016P & A
18/06/2016 05:40 PMIFFCO Corporate Talent Championship 2016P & A
16/06/2016 02:20 PMResult of competitions held during World Environment Day 2016 CelebrationSystem
16/06/2016 10:28 AMshift deviation report - 16th May to 15th June, 2016P & A
14/06/2016 05:42 PMWater distribution timings - information for IFFCO township inhabitants.Director/GM office
13/06/2016 09:41 AMAssembly places & attendance sheet for mock drill today at 10:00 AMSystem
11/06/2016 09:28 AMDeva Niti - Snana Purnima function - Programme details reg.P & A
10/06/2016 04:57 PMERP Production Instance Maintenace today i.e. on 10-June-2016 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PMSystem
10/06/2016 01:24 PMDev Snana Purnima - Jagannath Mandir reg.P & A
09/06/2016 05:42 PMGold Coins distribution - CORRIGENDUMP & A
09/06/2016 04:13 PMGold Coin distribution - CorrigendumP & A
09/06/2016 04:00 PMDistribution of Gold coin to Eligible employees - reg.P & A
08/06/2016 04:31 PMShift deviation report - 16th May to 31/May, 2016P & A
08/06/2016 04:15 PMForm 16 for Financial Year 2015-16F & A
07/06/2016 11:08 AMReg. On duty pass - Work FlowP & A
04/06/2016 04:32 PMIRC : Distribution of Gift - 2016System
04/06/2016 10:55 AMEnvironmental Quiz for employees today (4.6.2016) at 4.00PM in Old adminstrative BuildingSystem
04/06/2016 09:43 AMWorld Environ. Day - Massive Tree Plantation program reg.P & A
03/06/2016 11:58 AMIRC : General Body Meeting today i.e on 03/06/2016 , 5.15 PMSystem
31/05/2016 03:58 PMIFFCO New Identity Card - reg.P & A
31/05/2016 03:46 PMChange of time - Evening Mktg. Bus reg.P & A
30/05/2016 10:18 AMNilkamal kitchen shelf - list of qtrs. REVISED CIRCULARP & A
30/05/2016 10:07 AMNilkamal kitchen shelf - list of qtrs. reg.P & A
27/05/2016 10:56 AME-mail alert to Indenter and first approving person of requisition on Payment to partySystem
26/05/2016 09:14 AMHealth Check up below 45 yrs. employeesP & A
24/05/2016 01:28 PMNew Identity card reg.P & A
24/05/2016 10:55 AMERP : Changes made in RequisitionSystem
24/05/2016 09:56 AMCelebration of World Environment Day 2016System
23/05/2016 03:43 PM6th Inter Unit Creativity Meet- 25th &26th July2016System
23/05/2016 11:22 AMCondolence meeting reg.P & A
23/05/2016 10:56 AMIRC : Summer Coaching Camp 2016System
21/05/2016 09:10 AMPostponement of date for new ID IFFCO cardP & A
19/05/2016 09:46 AMAbsentee Report - 16/4 to 15/5/2016P & A
19/05/2016 09:41 AMExtension of Marketing Bus reg.P & A
18/05/2016 03:20 PMEmployees' >45 yrs - Health Check up Schedule reg.P & A
18/05/2016 03:12 PMGeneral Body meeting of IRC, ParadeepSystem
17/05/2016 04:16 PMArticles for Paradip VaibhavP & A
17/05/2016 03:00 PMShift deviation report - 16.4.16 to 15.5.2016P & A
17/05/2016 09:50 AMNew IFFCO Identify Card - reg.P & A
16/05/2016 09:46 AMCollection of Paradeep Vaibhav new issueP & A
14/05/2016 05:00 PMUsage Water reg.P & A
14/05/2016 09:46 AMEmployees health check up with spouse of more than 45 yrs. reg.P & A
14/05/2016 09:41 AMClaiming of MD awardsP & A
14/05/2016 09:03 AMReimbursement for Liveries - Workflow applicationP & A
14/05/2016 09:01 AMGolden Jubilee CelebrationsSystem
13/05/2016 04:34 PMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 13-May-2016(Friday) during 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM for Four hoursSystem
13/05/2016 10:38 AMSubmission of Aadhar Card reg.P & A
12/05/2016 05:03 PMNews of IFFCO ParadeepSystem
12/05/2016 09:04 AMPhotograps during Honb'l MD's Visit to Paradeep Unit on 11/05/2016System
12/05/2016 08:44 AMTweets from Honb'l Managing Director during his visit to Paradeep UnitSystem
10/05/2016 03:24 PMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 10-May-2016(Tuesday) during 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM for Four hoursSystem
09/05/2016 09:10 AM18th Creativity Summit by INSSAN--NIC : Change of datesSystem
04/05/2016 05:23 PMNight Surveillance - Period 06/05 to 01/07/2016P & A
04/05/2016 04:21 PMWorkflow application server Down timeSystem
04/05/2016 11:25 AMHealth Check of employees - Below 45 yearsP & A
04/05/2016 11:20 AMHealth Check up of employees - Below 45 yrs. from 5/5/2016P & A
02/05/2016 04:42 PMFixing of wall hanging cabinets at KitchenP & A
02/05/2016 08:45 AMTwitter msg from Honb'l MDSystem
30/04/2016 03:22 PMGoverning Body Members of Jagat Pawan Adhyatmik Kendra, Jagannath MandirP & A
30/04/2016 08:14 AMRevised date of DPCP & A
29/04/2016 04:52 PMVIEWING PAYSLIP in HRMS > EISSystem
29/04/2016 08:46 AMHRMS : WORKFLOWSystem
28/04/2016 05:03 PMERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 28-April-2016 from 7 PM to 11 PMSystem
28/04/2016 02:42 PMUsage of water in the Township - reg.P & A
27/04/2016 08:16 AMERP UPGRADESystem
26/04/2016 03:02 PMERP Production instance will not be available on 26-April-2016 during 7 PM to 1 AM on 27-April-2016 for six hoursSystem
25/04/2016 08:04 AMERP Upgradation & Go-LiveSystem
23/04/2016 01:02 PMInternal Audit Program of IMS (ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001)System
23/04/2016 11:40 AMChild Census in our Township by the Govt.P & A
22/04/2016 11:51 AMNew ID Card - format for employees to fill upP & A
20/04/2016 03:05 PMINSSAN CIRCULARTechnical
20/04/2016 09:57 AMShift deviation report - 16.03. to 15.04.2016P & A
20/04/2016 09:54 AMAbsentee report - 16.3. to 15.4.2016P & A
19/04/2016 05:26 PMRam Katha - 25th Apr to 01st May, 2016 in our TempleP & A
19/04/2016 05:23 PMHanuman Jayanti on 22/4/2016 in our Mandir - reg.P & A
19/04/2016 04:25 PMसंशोधित इफको कर्मचारी सुझाव योजना.System
19/04/2016 09:12 AMERP Upgradation : GO LIVESystem
13/04/2016 02:07 PMERP DowntimeSystem
12/04/2016 12:55 PMSavings Declaration Work flow Operation ProcedureSystem
09/04/2016 02:23 PMWrist watch found in townshipP & A
08/04/2016 09:04 AMSpam Mail from ...........@outlook.com. (FINAL WARNING:- Update Account Now!)System
07/04/2016 10:01 AMHouse Keeping Committee 2016-17System
06/04/2016 08:54 AMBasanti Navratri and Ram navmi programme at Lord Jagannath temple on 07/04/2016 to 15/4/2016P & A
05/04/2016 09:11 AMPurchasing & Inventory Period for Fin Year 2016-17 OPENSystem
04/04/2016 10:04 AMDiscontinuation of Global BPA (GBPA) wef 01/04/2016.System
31/03/2016 04:11 PMProtection from Heat Wave reg.P & A
30/03/2016 10:37 AMEmployee details in HRMS (Rev)P & A
30/03/2016 09:46 AMPayslip generationSystem
30/03/2016 09:42 AMEmployee details in HRMSP & A
28/03/2016 05:05 PMDistribution of Pen (Revised)P & A
28/03/2016 05:00 PMDistribution of Pen (Revised)P & A
28/03/2016 04:57 PMIFFCO Bus service on National / Festival Holidays reg.P & A
28/03/2016 04:43 PMDistribution of Pen - reg.P & A
23/03/2016 05:33 PMINDANE GAS CONNECTIONSystem
23/03/2016 08:23 AMDPC Meeting for assessment for promotion to Grade G1 and above upto Grade DSystem
21/03/2016 02:45 PMAadhar Card - EPFO requirement reg.P & A
21/03/2016 11:52 AMCelebration of 'Holika Dahan' & Holi festival at Township reg.P & A
19/03/2016 09:52 AMSTEPS for MARCH'16 OSLSystem
17/03/2016 04:56 PMAbsentee Report for the period 16.2. to 15.3.2016P & A
16/03/2016 03:41 PMShift deviation report - 16.2. to 15.3.2016P & A
12/03/2016 04:45 PMERP Database Maintenance on 13-March-2016 (Sunday)System
11/03/2016 04:23 PMArticles, poems etc. for Paradeep Vaibhav forthcoming edition.P & A
11/03/2016 01:55 PMRegistration for Admission in DAV Public School is openP & A
10/03/2016 08:17 AMList of Winners of Safety Competitions organised during Safety Week-2016 System
09/03/2016 04:47 PMPhysical Verification in Cooperative StoresSystem
09/03/2016 04:11 PMGame & Housie programme at IRCP & A
09/03/2016 01:18 PMPerformance AppraisalSystem
09/03/2016 09:35 AMNight Surveillance - reg.P & A
09/03/2016 08:38 AMPerformance Appraisal reg.P & A
08/03/2016 10:33 AMWinners of the House -keeping competition for the year 2015-16System
03/03/2016 04:52 PMMahashivaratri Celebration at our MandirP & A
03/03/2016 03:55 PMGolden Jubilee CelebrationsSystem
03/03/2016 10:10 AMSubmission of medical bills reg.P & A
01/03/2016 04:59 PMAbsence report of apprentices - 1.2. to 29.2.2016P & A
29/02/2016 04:43 PMGift for IPECCS(cooperative stores) Shareholders for the year 2014-15System
29/02/2016 08:23 AMWater Supply interruption today, 29/2/2016P & A
27/02/2016 09:53 AMFilling up of Online Training NeedsP & A
27/02/2016 08:10 AM STATUS REPORT OF TNA 2016-2017 - LAST DATE EXTENDEDTechnical
26/02/2016 08:17 AMRevised: Invitation to all Awardee Suggestors with Spouse for Suggestion Award Function on evening of 26.02.2016 at Guest House LawnTechnical
26/02/2016 08:15 AMInvitation to all Awardee Suggestors for Suggestion Award Function on evening of 26.02.2016 at Guest House LawnTechnical
25/02/2016 04:45 PMStoppage of Water supply in few areas of Township on 26th Feb. 2016P & A
25/02/2016 03:58 PMERP Upgradation : GO LIVESystem
25/02/2016 03:55 PMFilling of Training Need AnalysisP & A
25/02/2016 03:53 PMERP Production Instance Downtime on 28th Feb 2016System
24/02/2016 04:15 PMMobile no and e mail Id of HOD'sSystem
22/02/2016 06:06 PMBackgrounder About Golden Jubilee Celebrations of IFFCOSystem
22/02/2016 06:05 PMCommittees for Golden Jubilee Celebrations of IFFCOSystem
20/02/2016 10:39 AMAbsentee report - C0 to E0P & A
20/02/2016 09:50 AMPran Pratishtha utsav - Sri Jagannath Mandir on 24th Feb. 2016P & A
19/02/2016 06:44 PMSpecial Offer for members of IFFCO linked co-operative societies(Feb'16)System
18/02/2016 03:59 PMAbsentee report list - 16.1.2016 to 15.2.2016P & A
18/02/2016 03:52 PMOffice Order regP & A
18/02/2016 01:15 PMList of winners - National Productivity weekP & A
17/02/2016 01:30 PMShift deviation report - 16.1.2016 to 15.2.2016P & A
13/02/2016 03:22 PMSafety Week celebrations from 4 th March to 10 th March,2016.System
11/02/2016 10:45 AMSale of cars reg.P & A
11/02/2016 09:41 AMBlood donation camp P & A
11/02/2016 09:22 AMUnit Head message on "National Productivity Week, 2016P & A
10/02/2016 09:42 AMNational Productivity Week, 2016P & A
09/02/2016 02:53 PMSuggestion committeeP & A
09/02/2016 02:17 PMSaving Declaration Statement reg.P & A
09/02/2016 10:11 AMEL encashment reg.P & A
08/02/2016 01:51 PMChange in Tax from rate 5% To 5.5% in Rajasthan.System
05/02/2016 04:08 PMMail received from IKSL.Director/GM office
02/02/2016 05:01 PMCancellation of IFFCO bus service to BBSR&Puri on 7th Feb. 2016P & A
02/02/2016 02:47 PMEmployees not filed property returnP & A
01/02/2016 09:14 AMElectronic pay slip reg.P & A
30/01/2016 01:58 PMURGENT - reg. Property Return filing P & A
30/01/2016 10:22 AMChanging of common password in HRMS - reg.P & A
30/01/2016 09:46 AMLive Webcase of IFFCO - reg.P & A
28/01/2016 11:12 AMSet Top box - non availability of person in Qtr. reg.P & A
27/01/2016 04:56 PMProperty return reg.P & A
25/01/2016 10:32 AMDry fruits distribution on R-Day 2016 reg.P & A
23/01/2016 03:15 PMR_Day, 2016 - Outdoor games reg.P & A
23/01/2016 02:59 PMRed Alert in IFFCO Premises reg.P & A
21/01/2016 03:36 PMR-Day Celebrations, 2016 reg.P & A
21/01/2016 02:23 PMSoftware upgradation in Indian Overseas Bank (IOB)System
21/01/2016 09:08 AMRegularization of attendance reg.P & A
20/01/2016 11:20 AMEmployees not filled Property return - ReminderP & A
19/01/2016 09:39 AMAbsentee report - 16/12/15 to 15/1/16P & A
18/01/2016 04:05 PMTweet from Honb'l Managing Director: START UP System
18/01/2016 01:44 PMShift deviation report - 16/12/2015 to 15/01/2016P & A
15/01/2016 08:20 AMElectronic Pay Slips to Employees in Grade H1 & aboveSystem
14/01/2016 04:04 PMERP : Indentor Module : Restriction of entry of duplicate price list of Service PO.System
14/01/2016 03:30 PMAgenda of 47th Meeting of IEBT on19th January 2016 (Tuesday)P & A
14/01/2016 08:30 AMTownship road repairing workP & A
13/01/2016 09:48 AMMakar Shankaranti at Sri Jagannath temple of TownshipP & A
13/01/2016 08:24 AMIRC membership for for vide circulationSystem
12/01/2016 08:27 AMImprovement in power point presentationSystem
11/01/2016 02:54 PMNight surveillance - 12th Jan to 09th March, 2016P & A
11/01/2016 02:07 PMCircular for Pulse Polio Programme-2016System
09/01/2016 10:24 AMSubmission of Actual Proof of Savings for FY 2015-16F & A
05/01/2016 02:20 PMAnand Mela lucky draw winners reg.P & A
04/01/2016 04:06 PMData Cleaning Activity : Removal of Incomplete Requisitions from prod InstanceSystem
02/01/2016 04:58 PMTwitter handleSystem
02/01/2016 01:58 PMJyoti Ladies Club : Annual Fete on 03/01/2016 (Sunday) P & A
02/01/2016 10:09 AMCorrigendum - Shoe reimbursement Circular of Jan. 01, 2016P & A
02/01/2016 09:50 AMUniform reimbursement for the year, 2016P & A
02/01/2016 09:49 AMshoe reimbursement - 1.1.2016 to 30.6.16P & A
02/01/2016 09:06 AMCanteen Committee - reg.P & A
01/01/2016 05:16 PMShift deviation report - regP & A
01/01/2016 05:11 PMImmovable property return - reg.P & A
01/01/2016 04:59 PMJyoti Ladies Club : Annual Fete on 03/01/2016 (Sunday)System
01/01/2016 12:57 PMFixtures of Outdoor / Indoor games - R-Day, 2016 reg.P & A
01/01/2016 10:46 AMNew Year, 2016 - MD address reg.P & A
01/01/2016 10:31 AMHonb'l MD's New Year Address: Live Telecast System
01/01/2016 09:27 AMNew Year 2016 Message by Dr. U S Awasthi, Managing Director, IFFCOSystem
31/12/2015 08:26 AMAgenda of 47th Meeting of IEBT on 19th January 2016P & A
29/12/2015 04:24 PMDTH connection in township reg.P & A
29/12/2015 09:55 AMshift schedule entry reg.P & A
24/12/2015 04:56 PMParadeep Vaibhav - article reg.P & A
24/12/2015 01:01 PMR-Day, 2016 Sports reg.P & A
24/12/2015 10:12 AMCommittee - Paradeep VaibhavP & A
23/12/2015 11:26 AMProcedure to attach Annexure in SuggestionSystem
23/12/2015 10:05 AMR-Day, 2016 - Committees, (REVISED)P & A
22/12/2015 03:29 PMRepublic Day, 2016 - Committees reg.P & A
22/12/2015 02:54 PMRegularization of leaveP & A
22/12/2015 02:52 PMFurther studies - reg.P & A
21/12/2015 08:40 AMNational Filaria Eradication Programme.System
19/12/2015 05:25 PMNational Filaria Eradication Programme.P & A
19/12/2015 08:28 AMAbsentee Report for the period 16.11.2015 to 15.12.2015P & A
18/12/2015 09:51 AMshift deviation report reg.P & A
18/12/2015 08:16 AMResults for competitions held on Energy Conservation Day 2015Technical
17/12/2015 01:43 PMOdhan ShastiP & A
15/12/2015 10:42 AMLink for posting twitter handle & e-mail id : REVISEDSystem
15/12/2015 09:29 AMArticles for Magazine "Paradip Vaibhav"P & A
12/12/2015 03:14 PMMarketing bus to Paradip cancelled for 13/12/2015P & A
12/12/2015 01:42 PMNational Energy Conservation Day, 2015 reg.P & A
12/12/2015 08:25 AMHolidays, 2016 - Amendment reg.P & A
11/12/2015 03:26 PMForeign Leave Application reg.P & A
11/12/2015 02:03 PMShareholder Membership in IFFCO Cooperative StoreP & A
07/12/2015 04:40 PMERP production downtimeSystem
07/12/2015 11:07 AMUse of Twitter Handle in Signature of e-mailsSystem
07/12/2015 09:18 AMtestP & A
07/12/2015 08:57 AMtestP & A
07/12/2015 08:43 AMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2015System
05/12/2015 02:33 PMRe: Paradeep local marketing bus cancel. Director/GM office
04/12/2015 04:51 PMWrite ups for Hindi Magazine "Pradipti"Director/GM office
01/12/2015 09:25 AMOffice OrderNo.588 dt.30.11.2015P & A
28/11/2015 11:45 AMSunday Marketing Bus cancellation reg.P & A
28/11/2015 11:00 AMList of Holidays for 2016P & A
28/11/2015 08:25 AMPressRelease- IFFCO Joint MD elected as the Vice President of International Fertiliser AssociationSystem
23/11/2015 03:34 PMNPR officials visit to TownshipP & A
21/11/2015 04:47 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus - 22/11/2015P & A
21/11/2015 09:52 AMERP downtimeSystem
19/11/2015 11:10 AMAbsentee Report - 16/10 to 15/11/2015P & A
17/11/2015 04:32 PMShift deviation - 16/10 to 15/11/2015P & A
16/11/2015 11:20 AMNight Surveillance - Nov. 16, 2015 to 11th Jan. 2016P & A
16/11/2015 08:37 AMNPR visit to Township reg.P & A
16/11/2015 08:32 AMIFFCO Quiz, 2015 - Committee reg.P & A
12/11/2015 02:11 PMIPECCS : Circular System
10/11/2015 09:13 AMLakshmi Puja at Jagannath Mandir on DeepavaliP & A
09/11/2015 02:20 PMCircular : IFFCO Employee Consumer Cooperative Society : LUCKY DRAW ON DEEPAWALISystem
09/11/2015 11:24 AMFirst Aid training for Ladies of IFFCO TownshipP & A
09/11/2015 11:21 AMChacha Nehru Tournament, 2015P & A
09/11/2015 11:20 AMDiwali Cracker show reg.P & A
07/11/2015 03:10 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus on 8th Nov. 2015P & A
03/11/2015 11:27 AMResults of various Events - Vigilance Awareness Drive-2015P & A
03/11/2015 08:52 AMFollow IFFCO on Social MediaSystem
03/11/2015 08:32 AMYOGA WORKSHOP FOR IFFCO EMPLOYEES FROM 04/11/2015 TO 08/11/2015 at IRCSystem
31/10/2015 03:53 PMVIGILANCE AWARENESS DRIVE-2015- Competition-02/11/2015-Dependent children of employeesP & A
31/10/2015 03:18 PMLottery by IPECCSP & A
31/10/2015 02:35 PMMessage from Chairman, IFFCO on Vigilance Awareness Drive 2015P & A
31/10/2015 02:06 PMसतर्कता जागरूकता अभियान 2015समारोह शपथ ग्रहण कार्यक्रम-02/11/2015P & A
30/10/2015 10:49 AMExtension of Bus Service to Puri on monthly basisP & A
29/10/2015 05:54 PMHousie game in IRC on 31/10/2015 and selection of Chaca Nehru TT tournament -2015System
27/10/2015 09:57 AMAward of Diwali/ Special Gift /SweetsP & A
21/10/2015 05:18 PMUnauthorised creation of Whats App groups in the name of IFFCO and / or its directors or senior officersSystem
20/10/2015 02:57 PMAbsentee Report - 16/9 to 15/10/2015 reg.P & A
19/10/2015 04:55 PMERP DowntimeSystem
17/10/2015 04:18 PMERP production outageSystem
17/10/2015 10:14 AMShift deviation report - 16/9/2015 to 15/10/2015P & A
16/10/2015 05:14 PMERP production outageSystem
16/10/2015 11:57 AMShutdown of Router from 12PM to 1PM todaySystem
13/10/2015 11:11 AM10th Year Celeb - Dry fruits reimbursement reg.P & A
12/10/2015 04:46 PMNavratri Celebration - Detailed Programme reg.P & A
12/10/2015 01:42 PMIFFCO-MC launching - Lunch programme reg.P & A
12/10/2015 10:12 AMProduct Launch of IFFCO-MC Crop Science Pvt. Ltd on October 14th, 2015 - RevisedSystem
12/10/2015 09:41 AMTimely updation of Attendance reg.P & A
12/10/2015 09:39 AMDeclaration of dependents reg.P & A
10/10/2015 09:23 AMCooperative Committee - reg.P & A
09/10/2015 01:07 PMMigration of ERP Database and Application ServersSystem
09/10/2015 08:21 AMProduct Launch of IFFCO-MC Crop Science Pvt. Ltd on October 14th, 2015System
08/10/2015 03:26 PMNavaratri ProgrammeP & A
07/10/2015 05:11 PMBooking of IFFCO Bus ticket through Internet (Revised)System
07/10/2015 05:00 PMBooking of IFFCO Bus ticket through InternetSystem
06/10/2015 01:06 PMFinal Migration of Legacy Database to New HardwareSystem
05/10/2015 10:40 AMREMINDER : Circular for INSSAN CONTESTS 2015 for POSTER CONTEST, SLOGAN CONTEST in English & Hindi, THEME PAPER Contest in English and HindiTechnical
03/10/2015 01:33 PMRoad work in front of Executive HostelP & A
01/10/2015 08:15 AMHRMS:EIS: Modified Workflow Application Home PageSystem
01/10/2015 08:03 AMMessage of Honourable MD on 10th year completion of IFFCO ParadeepSystem
29/09/2015 10:20 AMHon'lbe JMD's Visit & Cultural Program on 01.10.2015P & A
28/09/2015 01:25 PMअखिल इफको हिन्दी निबंध प्रतियोगिता परिणाम - 2015 (Paradeep)System
25/09/2015 02:49 PMNomination for short duration Program on "Art of Happy Living" at Paradeep Unit P & A
24/09/2015 11:18 AMDisposal of household waste & use of dustbinP & A
24/09/2015 09:21 AMCircular for INSSAN CONTESTS 2015 for POSTER CONTEST, SLOGAN CONTEST in English & Hindi, THEME PAPER Contest in English and HindiTechnical
22/09/2015 02:44 PMअखिल इफको स्तर निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता (कर्मचारियों हेतु)System
21/09/2015 05:00 PMDown time of Database(HO) for Electrical MaintenanceSystem
19/09/2015 01:58 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम – 2015 : प्रतियोगिता परिणाम एबम पुरस्कार वितरणSystem
19/09/2015 01:41 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम – 2015 : प्रतियोगिता परिणामSystem
19/09/2015 01:37 PM Joining of Col. Ramesh Upadhyay, DGM(Security), Paradeep UnitP & A
18/09/2015 03:40 PMERP Upgrade ActivitiesSystem
18/09/2015 11:01 AMERP Production - outage System
17/09/2015 03:49 PMNight Surveillance Schedule 19.09 to 15.11.2015P & A
17/09/2015 03:01 PMERP Production - outageSystem
17/09/2015 03:00 PMभगवान श्री श्री विश्वकर्मा पूजा महोत्सव - संध्या आरती एवं विसर्जनSystem
16/09/2015 03:57 PMREVISED : Shree Ganesh Puja 2015 : Cultural Programme scheduleSystem
16/09/2015 01:58 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2015 Cultual Programme ScheduleSystem
15/09/2015 05:36 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह समारोह :गुरुदेव रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर जीवन परिचयSystem
15/09/2015 05:31 PMराजी व बोली जाने वाली भाषाएंSystem
14/09/2015 08:47 AMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (14 सितम्बर से 19 सितम्बर 2015) : हिन्दी सप्ताह उद्घाटन समारोहSystem
12/09/2015 10:50 AMSHREE GANESH PUJA - 2015 : INVITATIONSystem
11/09/2015 02:12 PMOutage of Datacenter Services to Facilitate IBM Tech Refresh & Electrical Maintenance Activity on 12/09/2015 (Saturday Night)System
11/09/2015 01:04 PMActivation of UAN reg.P & A
10/09/2015 09:34 AMRoad crossing - reg.P & A
10/09/2015 09:18 AMLORD VISWAKARMA PUJA - 2015 : INVITATIONSystem
09/09/2015 06:45 PMMsg from HO :Outage of Datacenter Services to Facilitate IBM Tech Refresh & Electrical Maintenance Activity on 12/09/2015 (Saturday Night)System
09/09/2015 05:17 PMIUCF 2015 Scholarship, Tuition fee, etc.P & A
07/09/2015 04:45 PMNavratri Committee - 2015 reg.P & A
04/09/2015 01:17 PMIFFCO Management Quiz reg.P & A
04/09/2015 09:04 AMShree Ganesh Puja 2015 : Call for Cultural Programme Audition (4th & 5th Sep,4.30PM,Club)System
03/09/2015 02:46 PMNOTICEP & A
03/09/2015 09:01 AMBenefits under Medical Scheme - Revision reg.P & A
03/09/2015 08:26 AMArticles for Paradip Vaibhav reg.P & A
02/09/2015 08:06 AMCelebration of Janmashtami, 2015 - at Jagannath MandirP & A
31/08/2015 01:11 PMEL Encashment and LTASystem
29/08/2015 02:31 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - (14 सितम्बर से 19 सितम्बर 2015)System
27/08/2015 02:11 PMSalary Advance - Amendment in Service RulesP & A
26/08/2015 05:55 PMPress Release:IFFCO Strengthening “MAKE IN INDIA”, Forays into Agrochemicals, Will manufacture in india , Forms a Joint Venture with Mitsubishi Corportion, JapanSystem
24/08/2015 01:58 PMIFFCO buses usage by Spouses reg.P & A
22/08/2015 10:37 AMMinute 2 Win - IRC reg.P & A
21/08/2015 10:40 AMAbsentee Report - 16/7 to 15/8/2015P & A
20/08/2015 11:02 AMHealthy living reg.P & A
19/08/2015 04:34 PMDPS School Bus reg.P & A
19/08/2015 08:45 AMReimbursement of Shoe - Block Period 01/7/2015 to 31/12/2015P & A
18/08/2015 05:19 PMConstitution of IEU 2015-18P & A
14/08/2015 01:48 PMIEU Election reg.P & A
13/08/2015 11:32 AMGuidelines - IEU election reg.P & A
12/08/2015 08:31 AMIEU Election - final listP & A
11/08/2015 09:17 AMIEU election - Postal Ballot provision reg.P & A
10/08/2015 05:57 PMIEU election 2015 - Notice reg.P & A
10/08/2015 04:10 PMAnnual Picnic - IRC, 2015P & A
10/08/2015 03:34 PMIndependence Day Celebration 2015 reg.P & A
10/08/2015 01:25 PMIEU election, 2015 reg.P & A
08/08/2015 10:12 AMReimbursement of Ind-Day 2015 claimP & A
07/08/2015 10:28 AMIEU - Election Committee, 2015P & A
06/08/2015 12:58 PMPMMS shutdown 3 to 6 PM todaySystem
03/08/2015 11:31 AMIFFCO Employees' Union election - 2015 reg.P & A
01/08/2015 09:30 AMInternet Reimbursement System
01/08/2015 08:38 AMLeave WorkflowSystem
31/07/2015 11:55 AMSafety shoeP & A
30/07/2015 10:18 AMIEU election 2015 reg.P & A
30/07/2015 08:53 AMIOA results - 2015-2018P & A
28/07/2015 09:48 PMStart-up of e-mail serviceSystem
21/07/2015 01:58 PMNight SurveillanceP & A
20/07/2015 02:26 PMLPG Subsidy sacrifice reg.P & A
20/07/2015 11:07 AMIOA election reg. (Rev)P & A
20/07/2015 10:42 AMERP : PO Delivery Due DateSystem
17/07/2015 04:56 PMAbsentee report - 16/6 to 15/7/15P & A
17/07/2015 04:10 PMVishwakarma Pooja Committee reg.P & A
17/07/2015 11:55 AMGanesh Puja - Committee reg.P & A
16/07/2015 04:10 PMShift deviation report - 16th June to 15th July, 2015P & A
16/07/2015 01:32 PMIOA election reg.P & A
16/07/2015 09:38 AMVehicle Stickers reg.P & A
16/07/2015 09:23 AMActivation of UAN regardingP & A
15/07/2015 11:54 AMProgramme for "NABA-JAUBAN & RATH YATRA"P & A
10/07/2015 11:46 AMCTO of IFFCO ITP & A
09/07/2015 05:17 PMDistribution of Track SuitsP & A
07/07/2015 05:09 PMANNOUNCEMENT OF 5TH ALL INDIA IFFCO INTER UNIT MANAGEMENT QUIZ 2015 - extension of last dateP & A
06/07/2015 04:31 PM5th All India IFFCO Inter-Unit Mgmt. Quiz 2015 reg.P & A
01/07/2015 01:50 PMDinner invitation to participants of IUCF, 2015 P & A
01/07/2015 09:47 AMFLTE/Washing /Mag AllowanceSystem
27/06/2015 05:16 PMPeriodic Stoppage of water in the Township reg.P & A
26/06/2015 08:53 AMMedical Reimbursement claim reg.P & A
25/06/2015 10:50 AMFoodball / Volleyball match-IRCP & A
25/06/2015 10:15 AMFinancial Assistance to Talented children reg.P & A
25/06/2015 08:32 AMPankti Bhoj reg.P & A
24/06/2015 04:11 PMPankti Bhoj at Lord Jagannath temple areaP & A
23/06/2015 11:42 AMTA bill in HRMS reg.P & A
23/06/2015 08:09 AMResults of Competitions held during "World Environment Day-2015" celebrationsTechnical
22/06/2015 01:38 PMDental OPD service reg.P & A
22/06/2015 01:13 PMCircular of P&AP & A
22/06/2015 01:11 PMYoga reg.P & A
22/06/2015 08:37 AMAll India IFFCO Inter Unit Mgmt Quiz 2015 reg. P & A
20/06/2015 04:58 PMReimbursement of Rain suitP & A
20/06/2015 03:03 PMHouse Keeping Committee 2015-16Technical
20/06/2015 03:02 PM1st International Yoga Day - 21/6/2015 reg.P & A
20/06/2015 10:02 AMSuccess of IFFCO Paradeep at 5th Inter Unit Innovation and Creativity Meet 11 - 12th June, 2015 at FMDI Gurgaon.Technical
19/06/2015 04:46 PMDPS School - Bus facility reg.P & A
19/06/2015 01:25 PMAbsent report - 16/5 to 15/6/15P & A
18/06/2015 04:28 PMInvitation of Matter for Paradeep VaibhavSystem
18/06/2015 03:44 PMInternal safety audit committee for the year 2015-16.Technical
18/06/2015 03:37 PMNight Surveillance - 21/6/ to 20/7/15 reg.P & A
17/06/2015 05:44 PMDry fruits reimbursement - reg.P & A
17/06/2015 04:20 PMDeclaration form - MD Gifts for Rajo etc.P & A
17/06/2015 09:55 AMShift deviation report - 16/5 to 15/6/2015P & A
17/06/2015 09:51 AMMD - Gift Award_2015P & A
16/06/2015 04:36 PMSacrificing subsidy on LPG cylinder - Appeal reg.P & A
16/06/2015 11:00 AMMD's Rajo giftP & A
16/06/2015 10:40 AMDental Clinic - Township hospital reg.P & A
13/06/2015 08:26 AMAppeal from MDP & A
12/06/2015 08:59 AMAadhar Card No. reg.P & A
08/06/2015 01:54 PMWard Achivement - RegP & A
06/06/2015 05:27 PMCircular on IRC CommitteeDirector/GM office
06/06/2015 05:26 PMCircular on Paradeep Vaibhav CommitteeDirector/GM office
05/06/2015 05:04 PMPainting coaching class at IRC reg.P & A
04/06/2015 04:51 PMIUCF2015 Final day & Closing Ceremony Telecast System
04/06/2015 04:47 PMIUCF2015 Final day & Closing Ceremony TelecastSystem
04/06/2015 09:23 AMPainting coaching camp in IRCSystem
04/06/2015 08:59 AMWorld Environment Day reg.P & A
03/06/2015 09:49 AMPainting & Quiz Competitions for dependent children scheduled today - 3.6.2015 at 3.00PMSystem
02/06/2015 10:10 AMIRC Picnic - 2015 reg.P & A
01/06/2015 05:00 PMCash Distribution Timings w.e.f. 01/06/2015System
30/05/2015 05:15 PMInter Unit Cultural Festival(IUCF) 2015 Live Telecast at IRCSystem
28/05/2015 08:33 AMInter Unit Cultural festival (IUCF) 2015System
26/05/2015 05:04 PMHavan at Jagannath Mandir on 31/5/2015P & A
26/05/2015 05:02 PMDev Snana Purnima at our MandirP & A
23/05/2015 10:24 AMTWITTER ACCOUNTSystem
23/05/2015 09:10 AMSummer coaching camp in IRCSystem
21/05/2015 03:50 PMCelebration of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY - 2015 Technical
21/05/2015 03:48 PMSALE OF OLD CARSP & A
21/05/2015 03:38 PMOnline Drawing Requisition SystemSystem
21/05/2015 01:59 PMIUCF CircularSystem
20/05/2015 01:31 PMAbsentee Report of Regular Employees for the period 16.04.2015 to 15.05.2015P & A
18/05/2015 11:46 AMNight Surveillance-21.05.2015 to 20.06.2015P & A
18/05/2015 11:42 AMShift Deviation report Employees for the period from 16.04.2015 to 15.05.2015.P & A
15/05/2015 05:15 PMDMS AccessSystem
15/05/2015 10:25 AMWorkflow Tour ProgrammeSystem
13/05/2015 12:01 PMINSAAN ContestP & A
12/05/2015 03:43 PMIFFCO Club - Annual Picnic programme, 2015P & A
07/05/2015 10:07 AMCleaning of Local Address Book /Contact List Stored locally at your device to avoid Delivery failures from iffco.nic.inSystem
07/05/2015 09:25 AMReimbursement of stitching charges - Uniform 2015P & A
02/05/2015 02:00 PMPayment of Token award for the acknowledged suggestions during the period 1st December, 2014 to 30th April, 2015System
01/05/2015 10:41 AMHousie - May, 2015 at IRCP & A
29/04/2015 11:01 AMSummer Activity Classes - DAV School - TownshipP & A
22/04/2015 03:44 PMRam Katha discourse reg.P & A
22/04/2015 08:33 AMTraining on Document Management System (DMS) : SCHEDULESystem
20/04/2015 03:34 PMAbsentee Report - 16/3 to 15/4/2015P & A
18/04/2015 04:59 PMChange in Timings of Co-operative Store (IPECCS) Working HourSystem
17/04/2015 12:01 PMNight Surveillance - 20/4/ to 20/5/2015P & A
17/04/2015 11:58 AMShift Deviation report - 16/3 to 15/4/2015P & A
16/04/2015 05:09 PMIncome Tax Declaration Form 2015-2016F & A
16/04/2015 02:49 PMServer Maintenance Activities at HO from 6.30 PM to 9.30 PM today i.e16/04/2015System
13/04/2015 12:01 PMPrecaution while preparing New RequistionSystem
10/04/2015 02:29 PMWater stoppage reg. on 11/4/2015P & A
10/04/2015 10:28 AMTotal Power shut down reg.P & A
07/04/2015 05:00 PMHealth Check up reg.P & A
07/04/2015 03:02 PMCircular : IUCFSystem
06/04/2015 02:00 PMPerformance Appraisal for the period 1.4.2014 - 31.3.2015System
04/04/2015 10:13 AMVehicle Pass Mandatory - reg.P & A
02/04/2015 05:48 PMMunicipality Election reg.P & A
01/04/2015 02:02 PMHanuman Jayanti Programme at Jagannath MandirP & A
01/04/2015 08:31 AMNew Financial Year Message by Honb'l Managing DirectorSystem
30/03/2015 08:40 AMList of Selected participants in IUCF 2015System
27/03/2015 12:52 PMShift Deviation Report - 01st to 25th March, 2015P & A
27/03/2015 12:49 PMAbsentee Report - 01st to 25th March, 2015P & A
26/03/2015 11:03 AMHealth check up of employeesP & A
25/03/2015 08:53 AMUniform distribution reg.P & A
21/03/2015 02:14 PMVehicle Driving in Township reg.P & A
20/03/2015 02:44 PMSTEPS for MARCH'15 OSLSystem
19/03/2015 04:49 PMAbsentee Report - 16/2 to 15/3/2015P & A
19/03/2015 04:24 PMRestriction of Water Supply to Township reg.P & A
18/03/2015 02:23 PMEn hancement of service awardP & A
18/03/2015 11:17 AMSri Ram Navmi functionP & A
17/03/2015 09:16 AMShift deviation report - 16/2 to 15/3/2015P & A
16/03/2015 06:42 PMAward Function on 20.03.2015 at Guest House lawn for felicitation of suggestors of approved suggestions for the period (01.12.2013 to 30.11.2014)Technical
16/03/2015 03:15 PMIUCF - 2015 : Screening TestSystem
11/03/2015 09:45 AMSubmission of Medical BillsP & A
10/03/2015 01:15 PMIFFDC Won Times Social Impact Award in Environment CategorySystem
03/03/2015 10:42 AMCelebrations of HOLI-2015 in IFFCO TownshipP & A
03/03/2015 09:02 AMInaugural Programme of National Safety Day on 4 th March, 2015System
02/03/2015 08:49 AMDAV-IFFCO Paradeep inviting application for admission for the session 2015-16P & A
28/02/2015 04:44 PMHavan_Puja at our Jagannath Mandir Every Month SundayP & A
27/02/2015 03:24 PM Camp- Registration for Adhar CardP & A
26/02/2015 04:36 PMToken award for the acknowledged suggestions during the period 1st December, 2013 to 30th November, 2014Technical
25/02/2015 05:44 PMNight Surveillance Team - 27th Feb to 29th MarchP & A
24/02/2015 04:42 PMInterruption of water supply in ED Bunglow, GM Bunglow, A & B TypeP & A
23/02/2015 08:41 AMThird Pran PratisthaP & A
20/02/2015 10:16 AMAbsentee report - 16th Jan. to 15th Feb. 2015P & A
19/02/2015 11:47 AMPulse Polio programme, 2015P & A
19/02/2015 10:15 AMHealth Check up - 2015P & A
19/02/2015 09:13 AMअंतर इकाई सांस्कृतिक महोत्सव-2015System
19/02/2015 08:37 AMTRAINING NEED ANALYSIS FOR 2015-2016Technical
18/02/2015 11:15 AMNational Filarial Eradication programmeP & A
18/02/2015 09:26 AMShift Deviation report - 16th Jan. to 15th Feb. 2015P & A
18/02/2015 09:23 AMNational Productivity Week - Winners ListP & A
18/02/2015 08:18 AMArticle By Honb'l Managing Director in Hindu Buisness LineSystem
16/02/2015 08:20 AMDry Fruits distribution reg.P & A
14/02/2015 03:23 PMMarketing Bus cancelled on 15.2.2015P & A
13/02/2015 01:56 PMCelebration of Mahashivratri at our Mandir reg.P & A
12/02/2015 08:14 AMUnit Head's message for "National productivity Week-2015"Technical
09/02/2015 09:34 AM4 th to 10 th March 2015 programme circular for safety competitionsSystem
07/02/2015 01:48 PMNational Productivity Week - 12 - 18th Feb. 2015P & A
07/02/2015 11:33 AMCondolence Meeting - 7/2/15, 4.50 p.m.P & A
05/02/2015 11:07 AMToffee coupons reg.P & A
04/02/2015 09:55 AMWorkflow application for Tour ProgrammeSystem
03/02/2015 11:35 AMEmployees not filed Property Return P & A
02/02/2015 02:28 PMRGB Delegates visit reg.P & A
31/01/2015 05:59 PMMust Read Urea Story : A fertile problem called UreaSystem
31/01/2015 12:10 PMHavan_Puja at our Jagannath Mandir Every Month SundayP & A
31/01/2015 11:12 AMOffice Order reg. job allocation - P&A reg.P & A
30/01/2015 03:39 PMCommunity Development Programme on "First Aid" for LadiesP & A
30/01/2015 01:47 PMWeb Cast of Shrilal Shukla Smriti IFFCO Sahitya Samman.Director/GM office
27/01/2015 03:06 PMA NEWS REPORT ON UREA.Director/GM office
24/01/2015 09:37 AMRepublic Day, 2015 Celebration (Revised Circular)P & A
23/01/2015 05:02 PMPending employees not filed Property returnP & A
23/01/2015 03:50 PMRepublic Day, 2015 Celebration reg.P & A
22/01/2015 03:23 PMNight Surveillance - revised listP & A
22/01/2015 03:16 PMCardiology consultation reg.P & A
22/01/2015 03:12 PMOrtho service at Township dispensaryP & A
22/01/2015 08:48 AMR-Day, 2015 - Reimb. of Dryfruits reg.P & A
19/01/2015 11:29 AMAbsentee Report 16th Dec 14 to 15th Jan. 15P & A
19/01/2015 10:40 AMUnit Head Circular reg.P & A
19/01/2015 10:30 AMMD gift reimbursement reg.P & A
19/01/2015 09:44 AMFirst Aid training for Township ladiesP & A
17/01/2015 03:05 PMShift Deviation report - 16th Dec. 14 to 15th Jan. 2015P & A
16/01/2015 11:29 AMServer Shutdown at HO.System
15/01/2015 01:20 PMPulse Polio schedule, 2015P & A
14/01/2015 01:39 PMRoad Safety Week's Ratha reg.P & A
14/01/2015 09:58 AMAnand Mela reg.P & A
12/01/2015 04:18 PMNight Surveillance team - 13th Jan to 12th Feb. 2015P & A
12/01/2015 11:00 AMSize of Track Suit reg.P & A
12/01/2015 10:58 AMDisplay reg.P & A
12/01/2015 10:56 AMGate Entry & Exit reg.P & A
12/01/2015 10:54 AMMobile of Sri G R Baranwal, GMP & A
10/01/2015 02:42 PMTowel reimbursement - CorrigendumP & A
10/01/2015 02:40 PMTowel reimbursement reg.P & A
10/01/2015 11:40 AMShift deviation report - 16/12/14 to 31/12/14P & A
09/01/2015 02:34 PMIFFCO Ranked 53rd in Fortune India 500System
08/01/2015 11:12 AMHindi Committee : SuvicharSystem
07/01/2015 06:11 PMRepublic Day Celebration-2015System
06/01/2015 05:05 PMERP Server Down (6PM to 7PM today)System
06/01/2015 04:19 PMVoting for IFFDC for Times Impact AwardsSystem
06/01/2015 10:52 AMStatement of immovable property - For employees in Grade H1 and aboveSystem
06/01/2015 08:25 AMIFFCO Rajbhasha Pragati ShieldSystem
03/01/2015 03:31 PMService Award reg.P & A
03/01/2015 03:29 PMJob allocation - P&A depttP & A
03/01/2015 09:33 AMShoe reimbursement - Block period 01/01/15 to 30/6/2015P & A
02/01/2015 08:23 AMNew Year Message from Shri B S Nakai, Chairman-IFFCOSystem
01/01/2015 02:35 PMAadhar details reg.P & A
01/01/2015 02:02 PMStatement of immovable property - For employees in Grade H1 and aboveSystem
01/01/2015 10:31 AMWebcast of Managing Director's address to IFFCO & Its Associates at 11 AM todaySystem
31/12/2014 05:01 PMNew Year Greetings from the desk of Honb'l Managing DirectorSystem
30/12/2014 01:24 PMNew Year Greetings - Precuations - No big attachments / reply to all with historySystem
28/12/2014 11:02 AMLIVE WEBCAST : Crivolley Closing Ceremony.System
26/12/2014 08:49 AMNew Year Greetings - Precuations - No big attachments / reply to all with historySystem
26/12/2014 08:32 AMUpdated Schedule for Crivolley 2014System
20/12/2014 04:34 PMActivation of UAN Number reg.P & A
20/12/2014 03:10 PMMarketing Bus cancelled on 21/12/14P & A
19/12/2014 04:55 PMSystem shutdown at HOSystem
19/12/2014 10:27 AMAbsentee Report - 16/11 to 15/12/'14P & A
18/12/2014 11:06 AMWebsite for Crivolley 2014System
18/12/2014 09:08 AMAttendance regularization reg.P & A
17/12/2014 04:46 PMSubmission of Aadhar detailsP & A
16/12/2014 03:02 PMShift Deviation report 16th Nov to 15th Dec. 2014P & A
15/12/2014 04:04 PMIECCS - Election reg.P & A
15/12/2014 10:42 AMEnergy Conservation Day - Closing Ceremony schedule 15.12.2014P & A
13/12/2014 03:50 PMNight Surveillance - 13/12/14 to 12/01/2015P & A
12/12/2014 11:13 AMUnit Head's message reg.P & A
09/12/2014 09:32 AMRevision of rates in cost of Liveries from 1.1.2015P & A
08/12/2014 02:03 PMRegularization of Leave / Shift deviation etc.P & A
02/12/2014 03:26 PMEnergy Conservation Day, 2014P & A
29/11/2014 04:35 PMSubmission of Aadhar Card by employeesP & A
26/11/2014 02:50 PMHousie Game at IRC reg.P & A
20/11/2014 11:58 AMAbsentee Report - 16th Oct. to 15th Nov. 2014P & A
17/11/2014 02:08 PMVisitors reg.P & A
17/11/2014 11:47 AMShift deviation report - 16/10 to 15/11/14P & A
15/11/2014 11:33 AMRegarding visitorsP & A
13/11/2014 04:58 PMPASSWORD SECURITYSystem
13/11/2014 02:09 PMChacha Nehru Tournament reg.P & A
12/11/2014 10:38 AMNight Surveillance - 13/11/14 to 13/12/2014P & A
11/11/2014 10:57 AMChildren's Day - DAV school reg.P & A
11/11/2014 10:18 AMUniversal Account Number (UAN) - EPF reg.P & A
10/11/2014 10:27 AMIFFCO Logo reg.P & A
10/11/2014 10:23 AMIFFCO Logo - reg.P & A
08/11/2014 11:20 AM11th Cri-Volloey Tournament reg. Selection P & A
08/11/2014 11:17 AMInterruption in Water Supply on 10/11/14P & A
07/11/2014 09:51 AMList of Holidays for 2015P & A
03/11/2014 10:06 AM11th Cri-Volley tournament reg.P & A
31/10/2014 03:05 PMResults of the competitions organised during the Vigilance Awareness Week - 2014P & A
31/10/2014 03:03 PMReg - Employees entering the Plant premises in intoxicated conditionP & A
30/10/2014 04:29 PMUnauthorised Parking of Official VehicleP & A
30/10/2014 04:26 PMInteraction Session with Dr. Shankar Goenka, WOW FactorsP & A
29/10/2014 09:07 AMSlogan Competition (Hindi/English/Odiya)P & A
28/10/2014 01:56 PMVIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK-2014-Essay Competition (Hindi/English)P & A
24/10/2014 03:35 PMIRC: YOGA CLASSESP & A
22/10/2014 03:37 PMIRC - Minute 2 Win gameP & A
21/10/2014 03:55 PMCRACKER SHOW - DEEPAVALI 2014P & A
21/10/2014 02:06 PMDiwali Greetings of MDP & A
18/10/2014 04:09 PMAbsent Report for the Period 16/09 to 15/10/14P & A
17/10/2014 02:02 PMShift Deviation Report - 16th Sept. to 15th Oct. '14P & A
17/10/2014 08:27 AMERP Server shutdown from today 18.30PM to next day 7.30AM System
17/10/2014 08:21 AMDeepawali Greetings - Precuations - No big attachments / reply to all with historySystem
15/10/2014 01:08 PMMembership of IFFCO - Consumer Coop. Society reg.P & A
15/10/2014 11:35 AMDependents reg.P & A
13/10/2014 02:56 PMNight Surveillance - October to Nov. 2014P & A
13/10/2014 10:40 AMRevised Consumer Cooperative Society MembersP & A
11/10/2014 05:31 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus on 12/10/2014P & A
11/10/2014 12:10 PMPrecaution for Computers during cycloneSystem
09/10/2014 05:53 PMCyclone Alert PrecautionsP & A
06/10/2014 09:00 AMSwachh Bharat Abhiyan - Appeal from Honb'l Chairman and Managing DirectorSystem
03/10/2014 05:10 PMDusshera Celebration on 04.10.2014System
01/10/2014 02:30 PMSwachh Bharat Abhiyan - Cleanliness DriveP & A
01/10/2014 11:52 AMBharat Swachh Abhiyan - RevisedP & A
01/10/2014 10:42 AMBharat Swachh Abhiyan reg.P & A
30/09/2014 05:08 PMUnit Head w.e.f. 01/10/2014 reg.P & A
30/09/2014 05:05 PMHAVAN & PURNAHUTI PROGRAMME AT TEMPLE ON 2/10/2014P & A
29/09/2014 03:28 PMMessage of EDP & A
27/09/2014 12:19 PMEmployee Pension Scheme - Amendment by Govt. reg.P & A
26/09/2014 02:43 PMFarewell - ED revisedP & A
26/09/2014 11:31 AMFarewell to EDP & A
25/09/2014 10:14 AMनवरात्रि पर्व : दुर्गा स्तुतिSystem
23/09/2014 10:55 AMNavratri - Detailed Programme reg.P & A
22/09/2014 10:59 AMAll IFFCO Hindi Essay competitionSystem
22/09/2014 09:37 AMNavratri Celebrations at TownshipP & A
19/09/2014 01:51 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह - 2014 : प्रतियोगिता परिणाम (Revised)System
19/09/2014 12:40 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह - 2014 : प्रतियोगिता परिणाम System
19/09/2014 11:26 AMAbsent Report - 16/08 to 15th Sept. 2014 reg.P & A
18/09/2014 03:00 PMProvision to apply FLTE/Washing Mag. allowance / LTE/ EL encashment over Internet System
18/09/2014 10:30 AMHINDI WEEK : भारतेन्दु हरिश्चंद्र: जीवन परिचय / साहित्यिक परिचयSystem
17/09/2014 04:28 PMRevision of Benefits of Medical Scheme - IEBTP & A
17/09/2014 02:20 PMHINDI WEEK: भाषा में अति रंजना नहीं, हिन्दी‌ से वर्जना नहीं ।System
17/09/2014 01:53 PMTORCH DISTRIBUTION P & A
16/09/2014 04:36 PMShift Deviation report - 16/08 to 15/09/14P & A
16/09/2014 11:06 AMAward of Diwali/ Special Gifts/ Sweets (2014)P & A
16/09/2014 10:10 AMHINDI WEEK : हिन्दी साहित्य के प्रमुख साहित्य रत्न System
15/09/2014 02:15 PMHINDI WEEK : विविधता में एकरुपता का अनोखा रंगSystem
13/09/2014 03:42 PMLORD VISWAKARMA PUJA - 2014 : INVITATIONSystem
12/09/2014 05:22 PMNight Surveillance - 14th Sept. to 13th October, 2014P & A
12/09/2014 04:32 PMSystems Shutdown at HO.System
09/09/2014 04:08 PMHINDI WEEK CELEBRATION (15th to 19th Sep'14)System
08/09/2014 02:05 PMChacha nehru TT TournamentP & A
08/09/2014 02:04 PMCondolence meetingP & A
05/09/2014 10:18 AMPratik chin - Inter-Unit cricket volley ball tournament reg.P & A
01/09/2014 10:36 AMGame-Minute 2 Win in our IRCP & A
01/09/2014 10:22 AMPostponement of On-line Assessment Test - B.Sc/Diploma/ITITechnical
30/08/2014 02:52 PMReimbursement of Shoes - Block period : 01/07 to 31/12/2014P & A
30/08/2014 02:49 PMSafety Shoe distribution reg.P & A
26/08/2014 08:55 AMShree Ganesh Puja -2014 : INVITATIONSystem
26/08/2014 08:23 AMINSSAN Annual contestsSystem
25/08/2014 05:08 PMShree Ganesh Puja - 2014 : Cultural Programme RehearsalSystem
25/08/2014 03:27 PMSale of Car - Revised CircularP & A
25/08/2014 01:55 PMWINDOWS 8 BrochureSystem
23/08/2014 02:58 PMSale of Cars reg.P & A
20/08/2014 05:28 PMOnline Assessment Test (H2 and below , B.Sc/Diploma/ITI)System
19/08/2014 02:03 PMAbsentee Report - 16/7 to 15/8/14P & A
18/08/2014 05:16 PMShree Ganesh Puja - 2014 (Sub-committee)System
16/08/2014 12:10 PMShift deviation report - 16/7 to 15/8/'14P & A
14/08/2014 11:09 AMJanmashtami Puja at our MandirP & A
13/08/2014 05:42 PMShree Ganesh Puja 2014 : CULTURAL PROGRAMMESystem
12/08/2014 02:04 PMCelebration of Independence DayP & A
12/08/2014 09:02 AMHINDI : GOOGLE TRANSLATESystem
12/08/2014 08:25 AMOnline Assessment Test Schedule on Plant Refresher Course.System
08/08/2014 02:48 PM22nd Annual World Children Picture Contest, 2014P & A
08/08/2014 09:28 AMPension contributionP & A
01/08/2014 06:06 PMBramhakumaris ProgramP & A
01/08/2014 11:36 AMBrahmakumari's ProgrammeP & A
26/07/2014 01:40 PMAntakshari in IRC ClubP & A
24/07/2014 08:39 AMDistribution of Suggestion Diary reg.P & A
23/07/2014 05:48 PMCommittee - Navratri Puja P & A
23/07/2014 05:46 PMCommittee - Lord Vishwakarma PujaP & A
23/07/2014 10:38 AMIRC - Annual Picnic reg.P & A
23/07/2014 10:33 AMGym training & guidanceP & A
23/07/2014 08:39 AMCelebration Committee - Ganesh PujaP & A
22/07/2014 05:38 PMCommittee - Ganesh Puja reg.P & A
19/07/2014 10:12 AMCommittee - Independence Day, 2014P & A
19/07/2014 09:46 AMCommittee - Independence Day, 2014P & A
17/07/2014 04:21 PMDAV School Timings reg.P & A
17/07/2014 03:42 PMApollo Hospital facilites - Nationwide Tie Up with IFFCOP & A
17/07/2014 03:32 PMLateral Transfer regardingP & A
15/07/2014 08:14 AMMedical Examination reg. - 15 to 22nd July 2014P & A
14/07/2014 05:09 PMNight Surveillance - 16/7 to 14/8/2014P & A
14/07/2014 03:59 PMNotice - A/cs. Officers reg.P & A
11/07/2014 12:14 PMInterest on LIC Pension fundP & A
11/07/2014 09:16 AMProvision for file uploading in PMMS System
07/07/2014 01:41 PMविपणन समाचार, जून 2014 / Vipanan Samachar, June 2014.System
04/07/2014 08:39 AMPollution Control Certificate under Motor Vehicles Act.P & A
02/07/2014 02:13 PMInvitation of Matter for Paradeep VaibhavSystem
01/07/2014 10:45 AM4th ALL INDIA INTER UNIT QUIZ CONTEST-2014P & A
28/06/2014 09:54 AMImproving Usage of Toner CatrdigeSystem
24/06/2014 09:19 AMGame of QUIZ in IRC Paradeep on 25/06/2014System
21/06/2014 02:47 PMMedical Check Up betwen 23rd June to 04th July, 2014P & A
21/06/2014 10:27 AMAbsentee Report - 16th May to 15th June, 2014P & A
21/06/2014 10:24 AMCondolence meeting reg.P & A
16/06/2014 08:52 AMMedical Check Up between 17/6/14 to 25/6/14P & A
13/06/2014 01:54 PMNight Surveillance - June 16 to July 15, 2014P & A
12/06/2014 01:55 PMEmigration Check reg. in PassportP & A
12/06/2014 08:15 AMSnan Purnima at our Mandir reg.P & A
09/06/2014 09:20 AMPollution Certificate for VehiclesP & A
09/06/2014 09:17 AMPainting competition result P & A
07/06/2014 10:34 AMCustom Websites System
05/06/2014 03:39 PMHindi Samittee: आज विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस पर कुछ सार्थक चर्चा System
05/06/2014 09:19 AMHealth checkup above 45 years next schedule from 09/06/2014 - 16/06/2014P & A
03/06/2014 05:55 PMSub-Store ModuleSystem
03/06/2014 02:32 PMPRIZES ARE RECEIVED at 4th Innovation and Creativity meet at FMDI, GurgaonP & A
03/06/2014 11:31 AMRegarding celebration of World Environment dayP & A
02/06/2014 01:43 PMWorld Environment Day-2014.P & A
02/06/2014 10:26 AMCelebration of World Environment DayP & A
30/05/2014 08:33 AMMD's letter on JIFCOP & A
29/05/2014 04:25 PMHealth Check Up > 45yrs employees - 2nd to 7th June, 2014P & A
27/05/2014 09:00 AMERP Update : Copying Requisition (REVISED)System
26/05/2014 05:03 PMERP Update : Copying Requisition System
26/05/2014 05:00 PMERP Update : Requisition StatusSystem
26/05/2014 04:55 PMERP Update : Requisition StatusSystem
26/05/2014 08:26 AMGame of Housie in IRC on 28/05/2014System
24/05/2014 09:57 AMDAV - Admission Notice reg.P & A
21/05/2014 04:46 PMAbsentee Report for the period 16/4/14 to 15/5/14P & A
15/05/2014 03:13 PMIRC : Summer Coaching Classes of TT & BadmintonSystem
13/05/2014 03:59 PMInauguration of OMFED Parlour in our Market ComplexP & A
13/05/2014 11:11 AMNIGHT SURVEILLANCE - MAY 16 TO JUNE 15TH, 2014P & A
12/05/2014 02:07 PMElection of Employees' Rep - IFFCO PF Trust P & A
12/05/2014 08:49 AMIFFCO PF Trust - Election of Employees' Representative as per provision.P & A
09/05/2014 05:14 PMDR Drill and IFFCO Systems ShutdownSystem
08/05/2014 01:57 PMDAV - Activity week 2014P & A
05/05/2014 11:12 AMElection Result - IRC reg.P & A
03/05/2014 10:43 AMIRC Election ProceduresP & A
03/05/2014 08:43 AMIRC Election reg.P & A
01/05/2014 10:48 AMHeat Wave regarding..P & A
28/04/2014 08:58 AMIFFCO Recreation Club Election FormP & A
23/04/2014 11:08 AMInvitation to DAV Annual Day functionP & A
22/04/2014 04:43 PMPerformance Appraisal Link in MISSystem
22/04/2014 04:39 PMReminder regarding IRC ElectionsP & A
22/04/2014 01:45 PMLicensing issue in ERP : Creation of a common user idSystem
21/04/2014 10:51 AMAbsent Report for March-April, 2014 reg.P & A
19/04/2014 05:28 PMProcedure for sending Bills by IndentorP & A
18/04/2014 02:59 PMFilling up the Performance Appraisal Forms for the year 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014P & A
12/04/2014 05:24 PMPower stoppage on 14/4/14 First Half - REVISED CircularP & A
12/04/2014 05:16 PMOpening of Consumer Cooperative Store in Township marketP & A
12/04/2014 05:13 PMPower stoppage on 14/4/14 - First HalfP & A
11/04/2014 03:25 PMIncome Saving declaration 2014-2015F & A
10/04/2014 04:31 PMNew Financial Year Message from our Managing DirectorSystem
10/04/2014 03:23 PMNew Financial Year message of MDP & A
10/04/2014 02:39 PMDAV admission reg.P & A
10/04/2014 02:37 PMELECTION HOLIDAY_2014 REG.P & A
07/04/2014 11:14 AMSri Ram Navami Celebration at our MandirP & A
07/04/2014 10:14 AMReminder regarding invitation of Matter for Paradeep Vaibhav (Jan-Mar) 2014 IssueP & A
31/03/2014 02:51 PMElection reg.P & A
26/03/2014 10:47 AMRevised rates of GET AccommodationP & A
24/03/2014 01:17 PMSTEPS for MARCH'14 OSLSystem
24/03/2014 08:48 AMIRC CircularSystem
21/03/2014 10:40 AMCondolence Meeting reg.P & A
19/03/2014 02:50 PMUtilization of Transport reg.P & A
13/03/2014 06:09 PMNight Surveillance -Reg.P & A
13/03/2014 03:34 PMHoli Greetings - Precuations - No big attachments / reply to all with historySystem
12/03/2014 05:46 PMCelebration of Holi Utsav at IFFCO TownshipP & A
12/03/2014 03:12 PMWEBAPPS : Web Application PortalSystem
10/03/2014 03:47 PMPermission for installing AC(s) at residences by employeesP & A
10/03/2014 03:43 PM Interruption of Water Supply on 11/03/2014P & A
07/03/2014 03:15 PMNew Global Inventory Codification SystemSystem
03/03/2014 05:59 PMEvening Aarati in Lord Jagannath Temple at IFFCO townshipP & A
01/03/2014 05:21 PMNight Surveillance reg.P & A
01/03/2014 11:11 AMEmployees' Survey reg.P & A
28/02/2014 01:18 PMSurvey of Employees reg.P & A
26/02/2014 05:02 PMReimbursement of Turbans to Sikh employeesP & A
26/02/2014 04:47 PMReimbursement of two turbans to Sikh EmployeesP & A
22/02/2014 06:20 PMPran Pratishtha Ceremony at Jagannath MandirP & A
21/02/2014 04:53 PMSurvey Schedule of Employees by Wow Factors Pvt. Ltd.P & A
20/02/2014 03:56 PMNight Surveillance reg.P & A
20/02/2014 02:50 PMNight Surveillance of Plant & TownshipP & A
20/02/2014 02:44 PMWorkshop by WOW Factors to ParentsP & A
19/02/2014 03:05 PM43 rd National Safety Week Celebrations ProgrammeTechnical
18/02/2014 02:52 PMPulse Polio Programme - 23rd to 25th Feb. 2014P & A
17/02/2014 01:25 PMConcluding Ceremony of National Productivity Week - 2014Technical
15/02/2014 04:51 PMWow Factors WorkshopP & A
14/02/2014 04:10 PMNon-availability of ERP on Sunday , 16/02/2014System
11/02/2014 08:39 AMMessage from Honourable Executive Director on the occasion of Productivity Week Celebration from 12 - 18 February, 2014Technical
06/02/2014 01:43 PMCompetitions during National Productivity Week -2014 CelebrationTechnical
04/02/2014 04:34 PMReimbursement of cost of Shoes for block period Jan. to June, 2014P & A
29/01/2014 04:27 PMInterruption of Water Supply on 31/01/2014P & A
27/01/2014 02:07 PMSuggestion Award reg.P & A
25/01/2014 05:00 PMDrinking water supply in the Township on 28th Jan. 2014P & A
24/01/2014 05:06 PMResults of Outdoor & Indoor matches - R-day events reg.P & A
22/01/2014 10:47 AMCelebration of Republic Day - 2014P & A
20/01/2014 03:10 PMAbsentee report - 16/12/13 to 15/01/14P & A
18/01/2014 09:23 AMDatabase maintenance activities on Legacy Production Database on 19/01/14System
17/01/2014 03:49 PMDatabase maintenance activities on Legacy Production Database on 19/01/14 (Sunday)System
16/01/2014 03:02 PMAward for Outstanding Children during R-Day, 2014P & A
15/01/2014 04:14 PMWater Supply reg.P & A
15/01/2014 01:28 PMNational Pulse Polio ProgrammeP & A
13/01/2014 04:42 PMCelebration of Makar Sankranti at our Jagannath MandirP & A
08/01/2014 09:31 AMEmployee Engagement Survey - reg.P & A
06/01/2014 01:26 PMJyoti Ladies Club : Annual Fete (8th January 2014)System
04/01/2014 08:37 AMIssuance of Gum Boots reg.P & A
03/01/2014 02:39 PMOutdoor Matches reg.P & A
03/01/2014 08:30 AMERP ShutdownSystem
02/01/2014 02:14 PMStatement of immovable property - For employees in Grade H1 and aboveSystem
02/01/2014 08:20 AMRecording of New Year Address by our Managing Director from Kalol UnitSystem
01/01/2014 02:19 PMUsage of water for Gardening purpose reg.P & A
01/01/2014 01:43 PMHappy New Year 2014: New Year Message by Honb'l Managing DirectorSystem
31/12/2013 03:57 PMHonbl' MD's New Year Address through Webcast System
27/12/2013 05:24 PMMagic Show reg.P & A
27/12/2013 05:23 PMKavi Sammelan reg.P & A
27/12/2013 02:47 PMPrecautions to follow while sending New Year GreetingsSystem
24/12/2013 11:04 AMAthletics Meet for R-Day sports eventP & A
24/12/2013 08:48 AMCondolence Meeting reg.P & A
23/12/2013 04:51 PMInterruption of Water Supply reg.P & A
21/12/2013 06:31 PMCancellation of Marketing Bus on 22/12/2013P & A
19/12/2013 05:08 PMAbsentee Report of Dec. 2013P & A
17/12/2013 08:19 AMFree Eye Camp - Amendment reg.P & A
16/12/2013 04:10 PMCONDOLENCE MEETING - 17.12.2013P & A
16/12/2013 01:48 PMRepublic day - Events Schedule reg.P & A
13/12/2013 03:08 PMProgramme Schedule - Energy Conservation Day - reg.P & A
11/12/2013 05:08 PMED's message on Energy Conservation Day - Dec. 14, 2013P & A
11/12/2013 04:42 PMFree Eye Camp at our Township HospitalP & A
11/12/2013 04:28 PMR-Day - Game Events reg.P & A
11/12/2013 03:04 PMED's message on Energy Conservation Day, 14 Dec. 2014.P & A
11/12/2013 11:00 AMRegularisation of Leave etc. P & A
10/12/2013 10:35 AMREPUBLIC DAY, 2014 - GAME EVENTS Reg.P & A
10/12/2013 10:31 AMREPUBLIC DAY, 2014 - COMMITTEE Reg.P & A
10/12/2013 10:04 AMSchedule for Competitions to be held during National Energy Conservation Day celebration on 14th December, 2013Technical
07/12/2013 05:03 PMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration reg.P & A
07/12/2013 09:44 AMNational Filarial Eradication Programme, 2013P & A
05/12/2013 10:08 AMRepublic Day Meeting reg.P & A
26/11/2013 09:46 AMPhysiotherapy Facility at our Township HospitelP & A
25/11/2013 02:12 PMRam Katha at Jagannath Mandir reg.P & A
25/11/2013 09:58 AMRepublic Day, 2014 Meeting reg.P & A
23/11/2013 04:33 PMRAM KATHA-24TH TO 26TH NOV 2013P & A
16/11/2013 04:45 PMShift deviationP & A
16/11/2013 04:01 PMNon availability of Marketing Bus on 17/11/2013P & A
16/11/2013 12:00 PMSale of Car regP & A
15/11/2013 04:15 PMResults of the competitions organised during the Vigilance Awareness Week - 2013System
13/11/2013 04:17 PMNon availability of Badminton Hall in IRC from 13th to 18th Nov.2013.P & A
13/11/2013 11:04 AMTable Tennis TournamentP & A
13/11/2013 08:42 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK-2013-Essay Competition (Hindi/English) , Day3-13.11.2013System
09/11/2013 10:56 AMPLEDGE TAKING CEREMONY on 11th November 2013 MondaySystem
06/11/2013 03:23 PMObservance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2013 from 11th - 16th November, 2013-Competitions thereofSystem
06/11/2013 09:39 AMHolidays to be observed during 2014P & A
02/11/2013 12:22 PMIECCS : Inauguration of Vegetable Market on 03/11/2013System
01/11/2013 09:49 AMPrecautions for sending deepawali greetings : Guidelines from HOSystem
30/10/2013 03:48 PMNOTICE DATED 30.10.2013P & A
29/10/2013 10:31 AMOffice Order Dated 29.10.2013P & A
28/10/2013 03:05 PMCircular Dated 28.10.2013P & A
28/10/2013 03:03 PMCircular Dated 28.10.2013P & A
28/10/2013 02:43 PMERP : Indentor Manual System
28/10/2013 01:02 PMPrecautions for sending Deepawali GreetingsSystem
25/10/2013 10:03 AMIRC CircularSystem
19/10/2013 01:41 PMAbsentee Report for thye period from 16.09.2013 to 15.10.2013P & A
19/10/2013 01:38 PMShift DeviationP & A
19/10/2013 01:36 PMCondolence MeetingP & A
16/10/2013 11:36 AMAward of Diwali/ Special Gifts/ SweetsP & A
16/10/2013 08:59 AMUSER DATA BACKUPSystem
15/10/2013 11:00 AMMobile limitP & A
14/10/2013 02:24 PMCelebration of Dussehera in township on 14th OctSystem
10/10/2013 08:54 AMEmergency Duty in view of CycloneSystem
08/10/2013 02:23 PMModification in 'Employee Suggetion Scheme System'System
07/10/2013 08:53 AMPicnic regP & A
03/10/2013 04:43 PMLegacy Server Shutdown at HOSystem
03/10/2013 08:59 AMRevised Navaratri ProgrammeP & A
03/10/2013 08:32 AMNavratri Puja - reg.P & A
01/10/2013 02:49 PMShift Deviation ReportP & A
30/09/2013 03:05 PMNAVRATRI CELEBRATIONS - 2013 reg.P & A
28/09/2013 03:38 PMIOA : Invitation for Farewell ProgrammeSystem
28/09/2013 08:30 AMWoolen Clothing - 2013-2016P & A
27/09/2013 06:25 PMCircular for IRC - "2nd Chacha Nehru InterClub TT tournament 2013"System
26/09/2013 06:00 PMIRC : CircularSystem
25/09/2013 03:14 PMIRC : PICNIC CIRCULARSystem
21/09/2013 05:02 PMSchedule of Ultra Filtration in TownshipP & A
20/09/2013 02:19 PMHindi Saptah 2013 : प्रतियोगिता परिणाम System
19/09/2013 04:55 PMInterruption in Water Supply on 21.09.2013P & A
19/09/2013 03:37 PMAbsentee Report - Sep. 13 P & A
16/09/2013 01:29 PMShift Deviation Report reg.P & A
14/09/2013 09:23 AMSupplier Query in MISSystem
14/09/2013 09:20 AMLORD VISWAKARMA PUJA - 2013 : INVITATIONSystem
14/09/2013 08:41 AMCelebration of Vishwakarma PujaP & A
13/09/2013 02:16 PMBiswakarma Day - Instruction reg.P & A
13/09/2013 02:13 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम 2013 (संशोधित - 13/09/2013) : HINDI SAPTAH KARYAKRAM 2013 (REVISED - 13/09/2013)System
10/09/2013 05:31 PMहिन्दी सप्ताह कार्यक्रम - 2013 (संशोधित)System
10/09/2013 05:29 PMContest for INSAN - 2013System
06/09/2013 01:18 PMGANESH PUJA - INVITATIONP & A
06/09/2013 08:30 AMIRC : Picnic CircularSystem
06/09/2013 08:26 AMHindi Saptah Karyakram - 2013System
04/09/2013 03:30 PMNavaratri CommitteeP & A
28/08/2013 04:13 PMIRC : PICNIC System
27/08/2013 05:05 PMIRC Circular System
26/08/2013 04:36 PMCondolence Meeting P & A
24/08/2013 05:04 PMVishwakarma Puja Committee - 1st Page reg.P & A
24/08/2013 04:30 PMVishwakarma Puja Committee reg.P & A
24/08/2013 08:36 AMSub Committee of Ganesh Puja reg.P & A
21/08/2013 10:54 AMInvitation of matters for "Paradeep Vaibhav" MagazineP & A
21/08/2013 09:41 AMCultural Programme during Ganesh Puja, 2013P & A
20/08/2013 11:10 AMOPD for Cardio & Diabetic patients in our Township HospitalP & A
16/08/2013 02:27 PMAward of Special Gift reg.P & A
13/08/2013 09:28 AMOutstanding Children reg.P & A
10/08/2013 02:14 PMItinerary of Hon'ble MDP & A
10/08/2013 01:57 PMIndependence Day CelebrationsP & A
08/08/2013 10:34 AMDAV School - LMC Committee - Our Circular dt. 07/08/2013P & A
07/08/2013 05:04 PMDAV School - Committee reg.P & A
06/08/2013 05:10 PMWater Supply reg.P & A
06/08/2013 02:36 PMCircular : IRC (Non-availability of Badminton Court) - RevisedSystem
06/08/2013 02:17 PMCircular : IRC (Non-availability of Badminton Court)System
06/08/2013 12:20 PMGanesh Chaturti - Celebration CommitteeP & A
06/08/2013 08:58 AMConsumers Cooperative Society reg.P & A
26/07/2013 10:23 AMBan on Plastic Carry bags in the TownshipP & A
26/07/2013 10:22 AMBus Pass for Dependents - REVISED FORMATP & A
25/07/2013 04:24 PMIRC : Club CircularSystem
24/07/2013 05:02 PMOPD Services at our Township HospitalP & A
22/07/2013 11:27 AMInternet Security TipsSystem
19/07/2013 04:46 PMIntroduction of Bus Pass for Employees' Dependents - submission of details thereofP & A
19/07/2013 04:42 PMFin assistance to talented childrenP & A
19/07/2013 08:52 AMFinancial Assistance to talent children reg.P & A
17/07/2013 05:39 PMStoppage schedule for Water SupplyP & A
08/07/2013 01:50 PMCircular : JAGAT PAVAN ADHYATMIKA KENDRAP & A
05/07/2013 05:11 PMMembership of Iffco-Paradeep Employees Consumer Co-operative SocietyTechnical
05/07/2013 02:07 PMDatacenter Maintenance activity at Head office (Saturday 06.07.2013 from 9.00 PM for 4 Hrs)System
02/07/2013 05:51 PMtest circularP & A
02/07/2013 04:58 PMtest circularP & A
02/07/2013 08:06 AMMembership of IFFCO Recreation Club, ParadeepSystem
26/06/2013 03:26 PMAppeal for contribution to IFFCO Kisan Sewa Trust to carry out Relief, Rehabilitation & Restructuring work for flood affected people of UttarakhandP & A
26/06/2013 03:20 PMAppeal for contribution to IFFCO Kisan Sewa Trust to carry out Relief, Rehabilitation & Restructuring work for flood affected people of UttarakhandP & A
26/06/2013 08:02 AMHousie at IFFCO Recreation Club on 29.06.2013 at 7.00 PMP & A
25/06/2013 02:42 PMAdmission for Pre-LKG Classes at DAV School, IFFCO Township, ParadeepP & A
22/06/2013 08:55 AMDev Snan function at Jagannath MandirP & A
21/06/2013 03:06 PMNotice: Application for the post of "Graduate Engineer Trainee"P & A
18/06/2013 10:58 AMAdhyatmik KendraP & A
14/06/2013 11:07 AMSYSTEM SHUTDOWN AT HO , DELHISystem
12/06/2013 07:01 PMCLOSING CEREMONY OF IUCF 2013 HELD AT AONLA UNIT ON 10.06.2013P & A
10/06/2013 05:22 PMIUCF 2013 CLOSING CEREMONYP & A
06/06/2013 02:13 PMInter Unit Cultural Festival ' 2013System
04/06/2013 03:00 PMCelebration of World Environment Day on 5th June 2013System
02/06/2013 09:26 AMShift deviation report for the month of May, 2013P & A
30/05/2013 04:37 PMCircular : IRC System
27/05/2013 12:57 PMCommunity Development Programme on "Yoga viz. Pranayam & Rhythmic breathing techniquesP & A
22/05/2013 05:17 PMFinal Dress Rehearsal of IUCF participants on 25/05/2013P & A
21/05/2013 05:42 PMNOMINATIONS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME : ' MERA PARICHAY MERI PEHCHAAN ' ON 05.06.2013 ( For the ladies of IFFCO Township )Technical
21/05/2013 05:41 PMNominations for Community Development Programme for Dependent Children of IFFCO TownshipTechnical
17/05/2013 06:38 PMShift deviation of employees for the period 16-04-13 to 15-05-2013P & A
16/05/2013 05:45 PMCommunity Development Programme for Children of IFFCO EmployeesP & A
16/05/2013 08:07 AMIFFCO Employee's children High Education Scheme - Circular from Head OfficeP & A
15/05/2013 01:53 PMInviting entries for Posters, Slogans and Essays by INSAANP & A
14/05/2013 08:00 AMCommunity Development Programme on "Mera Parichay Meri Pehchaan" for Ladies of IFFCO Township, ParadeepP & A
11/05/2013 10:23 AMSale of Car - NISSANP & A
09/05/2013 08:35 AMNon-availability of Gym and Library facilities of IFFCO Club, ParadeepP & A
30/04/2013 01:31 PMIUCF CircularP & A
29/04/2013 01:35 PMSummer Coaching Classes for TT & BadmintonSystem
29/04/2013 11:09 AM8th Inter-Unit Cultural Festival : Screening TestP & A
24/04/2013 02:59 PMGame of Housie on 27.04.2013 at IFFCO Recreation Club, ParadeepSystem
17/04/2013 02:30 PM8th Inter Unit Cultural Festival 2013 to be held at Aonla fr4om 3rd to 10th June, 2013P & A
17/04/2013 02:11 PMShift deviation report of employees for the period from 16/3/13 to 15/4/13P & A
17/04/2013 10:27 AM8th Inter Unit Cultural Festival 2013 to be held at Aonla Plant - Participation thereofP & A
12/04/2013 09:47 AMCircular for Saving Declaration of EmployeesF & A
10/04/2013 09:25 AMFilling up the Performance Appraisal Forms for the year 01-04-12 to 31-03-2013 by OfficersP & A
04/04/2013 08:47 AM3rd All India IFFCO Inter Unit Management Quiz 2013 to be held on 30/04/2013P & A
03/04/2013 02:28 PMERP Transactions (Period Opening)System
02/04/2013 03:30 PMNew Financial Year Message by Hon' MD (English & Hindi)System
02/04/2013 01:40 PMNew Financial Year Message by Hon' MD System
02/04/2013 08:34 AMNew Financial Year Message by Hon' Managing DirectorSystem
01/04/2013 09:32 AMCondolence Meeting in respect of Late Sri S.Dharma Rao, Rigger Gr.N0 on 01/04/2013P & A
30/03/2013 04:49 PMERP Document Sequencing for Year 2013-14System
27/03/2013 05:49 PMMarketing Bus Facility to Bhubaneswar - change in scheduleP & A
27/03/2013 09:06 AMCondolence Meeting at 4.50 PM on 27.03.2013P & A
26/03/2013 02:59 PMBio-metric Photo Identity Cards (Aadhar Cards) - Camp at IFFCO Recreation Club, T/S (pdp)P & A
25/03/2013 01:54 PMHoli Celebrations 2013P & A
23/03/2013 01:18 PMDAV School IFFCO Township - Annual Day - 25th March, 2013 INVITATIONP & A
23/03/2013 09:04 AM Earth Hour 2013 - being observed on 23/03/2013 from 08.30 PM to 09.30 PMP & A
18/03/2013 03:50 PMShift deviation report of employees for the period 16/2/2013 to 15/03/2013P & A
16/03/2013 02:56 PMSubmission of Bills/ OSL for Closing of Annual Accounts.F & A
15/03/2013 01:49 PMVoluntary Blood Donation Camp at IFFCO Township, Paradeep on 23-03-2013P & A
15/03/2013 09:39 AMChange of Holiday on the eve of HOLI from 27th March to 28th March, 2013P & A
09/03/2013 08:55 AMRESULTS & Concluding ceremony of National Safety Week -2013 System
08/03/2013 04:40 PMMahashivratri PujaP & A
08/03/2013 04:00 PMSubmission of medical bills by employees - Financial year 2012-13 closingP & A
06/03/2013 09:51 AMDependant declaration by employees - Updaation of employee data in HRMSP & A
04/03/2013 03:02 PM42th National Safety Week Celebration :Programmes for 05/03/2013System
01/03/2013 11:19 AMInaugural Function of Safety Week Celebration System
25/02/2013 02:45 PMUSER DATA BACKUPSystem
23/02/2013 04:20 PMजगत पावन आध्यातिमक केन्ि, इफको पारादीप ूाणूितंठा महोत्सव की ूथम सालिगरहSystem
22/02/2013 05:16 PMExtending date of submission of applications by employees against Notice dated 7/2/13P & A
21/02/2013 11:55 AMTest circular System
19/02/2013 07:05 PMRegd Cancellation of Bus ServicesP & A
18/02/2013 06:20 PMContribution for Ist anniversary celebration of Prana Pratishtha Mahotsav of TempleP & A
18/02/2013 06:19 PMMovement of VehiclesP & A
18/02/2013 09:22 AMNational Productivity Week-2013 - Concluding ceremonyTechnical
16/02/2013 02:42 PMCelebration of 1st anniversary of Pran Pratishta Mahotsavz_Others
16/02/2013 11:00 AMNon-availability of Centralised IT services from Today Evening for 4 hoursSystem
12/02/2013 05:39 PMSafety Week celebrationSystem
12/02/2013 10:36 AMCondolence MeetingP & A
11/02/2013 03:18 PMMessage from Honourable Sr. GM on the occasion of Productivity Week Celebration from 12 - 18 February, 2013Technical
08/02/2013 02:56 PMNOTICEP & A
06/02/2013 11:05 AMCompetitions for employees during National Productivity Week-2013 CelebrationTechnical
06/02/2013 11:02 AMPictorial Glimpse of MD sir's Live Video Conference with all IFFCO Marketing Zones, State Offices.System
04/02/2013 05:57 PMFilling of Online Property-Returns-2012- Pending ListSystem
02/02/2013 01:57 PMAddress of Managing Director to Aonla, Phulpur & Paradeep Unit thru Video ConferencingSystem
01/02/2013 08:33 AMOnline Bus Pass Reservation SystemSystem
25/01/2013 02:40 PMFilling up online Property Return for the year 2012P & A
23/01/2013 06:01 PMRepublic Day 2013 Final Results of Sports EventsP & A
23/01/2013 10:55 AM64th Republic Day Celebrations 2013P & A
22/01/2013 06:44 PMIntroduction of Marketing Bus Service to Bhubaneswar and backP & A
22/01/2013 01:21 PMCondolence Meeting of Late Shri Suresh Prasad Choudhary, Rigger Gr.N0P & A
21/01/2013 06:27 PMCommittees for various functions during visit of RGB Members to Paradeep from 9/2/2013P & A
21/01/2013 05:54 PMIRDP committeeP & A
21/01/2013 05:50 PMReimbursement of cost of one pair of shoes /sandals and two pairs of socks for the Block period 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013P & A
19/01/2013 02:28 PMLKG Admission for 2013 at DAV School, IFFCO Township, ParadeepP & A
18/01/2013 10:04 AMPulse Polio Programme at IFFCO Township from 20/1/13 to 22/1/13 & 24/2/13 to 26/2/13P & A
17/01/2013 02:08 PMKite Festival 2013 at IFFCO Township, ParadeepP & A
17/01/2013 10:04 AMShift deviation report of employees for the period 16/12/2012 to 15/01/2013P & A
14/01/2013 04:54 PM1P & A
14/01/2013 01:57 PM2nd Death Anniversary of our Hon.Chairman Shri Surinder Kumar Jakhar - Prayer MeetingP & A
10/01/2013 09:15 AMReimbursement of Summer Uniform expenses for the period 01/01/13 to 31/12/13P & A
08/01/2013 04:50 PMPrecaution to take while preparing Move Order (SIV)System
08/01/2013 11:41 AMWearing Crash Helmet by all two wheeler riders in Plant and TownshipP & A
07/01/2013 03:04 PMKITE FESTIVAL (REVISED) by IFFCO Recreation Club, ParadeepP & A
07/01/2013 01:46 PMProcedure for Material Entry at Gate No.2P & A
07/01/2013 09:59 AMKITE FESTIVA by IFFCO Recreation Club on 18.01.2013P & A
05/01/2013 01:35 PMShift deviation report of employees for the period 16/12/12 to 31/12/2012 P & A
03/01/2013 03:14 PMRequirement of Translator for Head OfficeP & A
03/01/2013 02:41 PM24th National Road Safety Week CelebrationP & A
03/01/2013 02:15 PMAnnual Fete 2013 by Jyoti Ladies Club, ParadeepP & A
02/01/2013 06:12 PMStatement of immovable property - For employees in Grade H1 and aboveSystem
02/01/2013 05:26 PMNew Year Address by Dr U S Awasthi, Managing Director at IFFCO Sadan System
02/01/2013 03:53 PMParticipation in 10th Paradip Marathon - 2013P & A
02/01/2013 01:49 PMSchedule of Indoor Events as a part of Republic Day Celebration 2013P & A
01/01/2013 10:46 AMNew Year 2013 Message by Dr. U S Awasthi, MD-IFFCOSystem
29/12/2012 05:39 PMRegularisation of Leave /Shift Deviation/Tour/on duty passes for the year 2012P & A
29/12/2012 10:41 AMMusical Evening in our Township on 01/01/2013P & A
29/12/2012 08:22 AMNew Year Wish : Guidelines from HOSystem
26/12/2012 12:28 PMMarketing Bus from IFFCO Township to Paradeep exclusively for LadiesP & A
26/12/2012 10:02 AMInauguration of Shopping Complex First Floor by Shri RP Singh, Director (HR & Legal)P & A
22/12/2012 02:34 PMWeblink for Inter Unit Cricket-Volleyball Tournament at Kandla UnitSystem
22/12/2012 09:44 AMIntroduction of Bus Pass for School Children of Employees - submission of details thereofP & A
20/12/2012 04:16 PMInternet ShutdownSystem
20/12/2012 04:06 PMISO documents in MISTechnical
18/12/2012 09:33 AMShift deviation Report of employees for the period 16/11/12 to 15/12/2012P & A
15/12/2012 03:36 PMRepublic Day Celebrations 2013 - Revised Sports ScheduleP & A
15/12/2012 02:10 PMCondolence Meeting of Late Shri Rasanda Sahoo, Jr.MEO Gr.III, P.No.109405P & A
13/12/2012 07:44 PMProgramme schedule on 14th December, 2012 and Winners of competitions - ‘National Energy Conservation Day' Technical
12/12/2012 07:09 PMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2012 - Change of date of testP & A
09/12/2012 11:02 AMRam Katha spiritual discourse at Temple Premises from 9/12/12 to 13/12/12P & A
08/12/2012 03:18 PMNational Energy Conservation Day Celebration 2012 - Competitions for employeesP & A
07/12/2012 06:28 PMRepublic Day Celebrations 2013 - Schedule of EventsP & A
05/12/2012 05:54 PMKeeping the Recreation Club Facilities available to members from 6.0 AM from 05/12/12P & A
04/12/2012 05:27 PM10th Inter Unit Cricket & Volleyball (Cri-Volley) 2012 Tournament: Selection of PlayersP & A
03/12/2012 06:21 PMOvercrowding in the School BusP & A
03/12/2012 11:11 AMCORRIGENDUM: HOLIDAYS - 2013P & A
01/12/2012 05:05 PMTree Plantation by Shri IJ Ohri, our Former Director (Tech) on 02/12/2012 at 7.00 AMP & A
01/12/2012 04:52 PMGame of Housie at 06.00 PM on 02.12.2012 in the IFFCO Recreation Clubz_Others
30/11/2012 02:08 PM10th Inter Unit Cricket & Volleyball (Cri-Volley) 2012 Tournament: Selection of PlayersP & A
28/11/2012 11:28 AMSports Activities for Republic Day 2013System
27/11/2012 04:16 PMERP : Charge Account in Requisition System
24/11/2012 01:36 PMIOA Farewell Programme: On superannuation of Shri Ommen Mammenz_Others
19/11/2012 04:19 PMOpen Session on Improving Quality of Life in our Township on 24.11.2012 at 04.00 PMP & A
19/11/2012 03:39 PMAbsent Report of the regular employees for the month of November'2012P & A
18/11/2012 11:14 AMRepublic Day 2013 - Constitution of committeesP & A
17/11/2012 04:38 PMHolidays to be observed in the year 2013P & A
16/11/2012 05:59 PMConcluding Ceremony of "Chacha Nehru Table Tennis Tournament" on 17/11/2012P & A
16/11/2012 05:18 PMShift deviation report of employees for the period 16/10/2011 to 15/11/2012P & A
15/11/2012 11:04 AMFirst batch of Annual Picnic to Kolkatta on 15.11.2012P & A
12/11/2012 04:57 PMOfficial Air ticket booking - guidelines thereofP & A
10/11/2012 01:15 PMLaxmi Pooja at Jagannath Temple on the occasion of Diwali on 13/11/2012P & A
10/11/2012 08:23 AMDEEPAWALI wishes from Dr.U.S.Awasthi, Hon.Managing Director, IFFCOP & A
09/11/2012 02:20 PMChacha Nehru Table Tennis Tournamentz_Others
09/11/2012 02:12 PMDiwali CelebrationsP & A
09/11/2012 09:28 AMVigilance Week : RESULTS & PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONSystem
08/11/2012 12:09 PMVigilance Week : CONCLUDING CEREMONY System
08/11/2012 08:34 AMVIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK : Essay Competition (English)System
07/11/2012 04:01 PMSending good wish in DeepawaliSystem
07/11/2012 08:39 AMSlogan Competition(Hindi/English/Oriya)System
28/10/2012 10:49 AMInauguration of Basket Ball Court by Hon.Shri KL Singh, Director (Tech) on 29.10.2012P & A
27/10/2012 05:59 PMUsing Crash Helmet while riding Two Wheelers & observing traffic norms at NH 5 AP & A
27/10/2012 03:16 PMCIRCULAR: Award of Special Gifts / Sweets on the occassion of Diwali - 2012P & A
25/10/2012 05:17 PMNon-availability of ERP & other packages on 25/10/2012 , 6.30PM onwardsSystem
23/10/2012 02:36 PMVijaya Dashami Celebration - 2012System