Created: 25/09/2018 08:21

Circular Title:

Mera Bharat Swarnim Bharat Exhibition By Youth Wing of Brahma Kumaris*


System* Never Expired : Yes

We are pleased to inform that All India Youth Exhibition Bus tour carrying the message " MERA BHARAT SWARNIM BHARAT" being organised by youth wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay throughout the country since Aug'2017, will be arriving at our unit on 28th Sept' 2018. The objective of this touring exhibition is to encourage people about their spiritual and moral values.

On this auspicious occasion  Brother/Sister of  Brahma Kumaris will be delivering a short  lecture on "Clean out and Clean in" (तन और मन की स्वच्छता)  as per the  schedule mentioned below:

Date               :      28th Sep' 2018
Timing            :     10:30 A. M. to 12:00 P.M.
Venue           :      New Guest House  Training Hall

All employees are requested to attend the programme and avail the benefits.

JGM (Tech.)