Created: 10/01/2017 10:44

Circular Title:

New Energy Policy for IFFCO Paradeep in accordance with ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System (In docx & pdf format)*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Subject: New Energy Policy for IFFCO Paradeep in accordance with ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System

This is for kind information to all employees that the Energy Policy of IFFCO Paradeep Unit is revised and duly signed by the Unit Head.
Please find attached the soft copy of New Energy Policy for kind information & awareness of all.
All Sectional / HODs are requested to communicate the same to all the employees, vendors & contractors and suitably display the policy at prominent location in their respective area.

Energy_Policy.pdfEnergy_Policy.pdf energy_policy.docxenergy_policy.docx

C. N. Shah, (JGM-Technical)
MR-EnMS ISO 50001:2011