Created: 18/05/2018 09:38

Circular Title:

BI Dashboards in the area of PMMS and ERP*


System* Never Expired : Yes

We have developed the following Dashboards in IFFCO's BI System in the area of PMMS and ERP inventory.

PMMS Dashboards

A. Pipe Line Health

B. Inspection History

C. Equipment Data Bank

ERP Dashboards

A. Store Inventory

B. Store Items Details

C. Supplier Detail

PMMS dashboards are prepared based on available data. Please test these dashboards and give your feedback about the validity of data. Also please send your valued suggestions to improve the dash boards. Access has been given to All Unit Heads, Unit Material Heads, Unit Account Heads to view these dashboards. Access can be given to more users also.

User Code  is P. NO and password is HRMS password.

Link for testing this application is attached for your reference. 

Please use Google Chrome Browser for best performance.

Link   : - 

After Login into the system , click on the required dash boards as shown in the image below.

BI Dashboard.png
With kind regards

M.R. Patel
Director(IT Services)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd.
011 42592605
Twitter : @mrpatel1954