Created: 02/11/2020 08:01

Circular Title:

Invitation and Program details for VAD-2020 (Reminder)*


z_Others* Never Expired : Yes

Respected Sirs,
You all are Cordially invited to attend the VAD-2020 Inauguration/Pledge  administered by Honorable Dr. U.S. Awasthi, Managing Director, Today on (02//11/2020) at 10.00 A.M via Zoom online webinar mode. 
Kindly circulate the details of various Programs (copy attached) among all the Employees of your department/section and encourage them to participate whole heartedly with family members and make Vigilance Awareness Drive-2020 a grand Success.

Please click the zoom link given below to attend this program.
You are requested to connect by 09:55 AM on 02nd November, 2020 (Today) thru the link given above.

 Note: Inaugural  Ceremony and Pledge copy is attached.
            Zoom Online  links for quiz /debate will be sent after the Inaugural Program.
            Slogan/Drawing competition last date is 02/11/2020 17.00 hrs.

 Vigilance_pledge.pdfVigilance_pledge.pdfVAD-2020 Circular.pdfVAD-2020 Circular.pdfVAD20_Competition.pdfVAD20_Competition.pdfVigilance Quiz 2020_ 02.11.2020_ Instructions.pdfVigilance Quiz 2020_ 02.11.2020_ Instructions.pdf

 आदर सहित,
अजय बाजपेयी,
उप.प्रबन्धक ( सतर्कता),
सतर्कता विभाग,
इफको पारादीप इकाई,
ओड़ीशा -754120
 फोन : 06722-22-4771
 मो. :    7077721579, 9415839769
 IP PHONE : 06722-118
 Mail id     :
Twitter id : @ajaybajpai_1