Created: 14/10/2010 13:45

Circular Title:

Heavy rain forecast with thunderstorm in coastal districts of orissa during 14-17th Oct.10*


P & A* Never Expired : Yes

Sub: Heavy rain forecast with thunderstorm in the coastal
Districts of Orissa during 14th to 17th October, 2010

The Govt.of Orissa has notified that there will be heavy rain with thunderstorm in the coastal districts of Orissa including Paradeep during 14th to 17th October, 2010.

It is for information of all employees and township residents that they may keep sufficient essential commodities at their residence as there can be shortage of milk, vegetables, drinking water and other provisions etc during the next few days. In view of the above, you may store and keep sufficient drinking water required for next few days. Employees are also advised to be more vigilant during the above period and not to allow children to go out alone so as to avoid any mishap.

This is for the general information of all employees and issued with the approval of the competent authority.

RS Nair