Created: 22/02/2019 10:14

Circular Title:

Suggestion Week, 2019 - Slogan winners*


P & A* Never Expired : Yes

Suggestion Week 2019” is being celebrated in our Unit from 17th to 23rd February 2019.

The list of winners of the slogan competition for "Suggestion Week - 2019" is attached herewith.

Suggestion Week 2019.pdfSuggestion Week 2019.pdf

All are cordially invited to be present during the award presentation ceremony of the "Suggestion Week - 2019" to be held at Training Hall, New Guest House at 15:00 hours on 22.02.2019.

With Regards

Jt.General Manager (Technical)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-operative Ltd.,
Paradeep Unit.
Telephone No.06722-224047
Mob-+91 7077 721 526