Created: 19/09/2016 14:09

Circular Title:

ERP Production Instance Maintenace today i.e. on 19-September-2016(Monday) from 07:00 PM to 10:00 PM*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Received the following msg from HO .

N R Nayak
DGM(IT Services)

Quote :

Dear all,

ERP Production instance will not be available today i.e. on 19-September-2016(Monday) from 07:00 PM to 10:00 PM due to application of new changes.

During this period ERP, E-proc application will not be available. However, legacy applications like Plant Despatch, HRMS, eVikas, Port Operations etc and e-mail, Internet will not be affected.

Pl communicate to all the concern users.

A K Gupta
Acting General Manager (IT Services)
IFFCO Sadan, C - 1 , District Centre, Saket Place,
N. Delhi - 110017
011-26542842 ( Off.), 0124-2347446 ( Res.)
Mobile : 9818264894