Created: 19/02/2018 11:58

Circular Title:

Annual Suggestion scheme - Award giving function today, 19/2/2018*


P & A* Never Expired : Yes

To felicitate 150 No  of suggestors for their awarded suggestions for the year 2017 (01.12.2016 to 30.11.2017), a function is being organized at 06:20 hours on 19.02.2018 (Monday evening) at Guest House lawn.

Please find attached below the list of 150 suggestors whose suggestions have been approved to be awarded by the committee.

booklet latest 2018.pdf
All HOD and Sectional heads are requested to inform all the awardee suggestors as per the above list to attend the function with their family at 06:20 pm on 19th February, 2018 at Guest House Lawn.

All GMs, JGMs, all members of Suggestion committee, President and Secretary of IOA and  President and Secretary of IEU are also invited with family to attend the function.

With regards,

Jt. GM (Process)
IFFCO - Paradeep Unit
Ph   : +916722 224015
(M)  : +91 9937294604
Fax : 06722 - 228160