Created: 18/12/2021 08:55

Circular Title:

DATA CENTER Downtime from 18/12/2021 (18.00 Hrs ) to 19/12/2021 (10.00 Hrs)*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Received following message from IT,Head Office. All applications including PHAST will remain down for 4 Hours from 6 PM to 10 PM on 18/12/2021. ERP will be down from 18th 6PM to 19th 10AM. E-mail, Internet will remain normal.


N R Nayak

Downtime of Datacentre is planned on 18th to 19th Dec 2021 for 3rd Phase Testing of applications on Oracle Cloud as per the details given below.

During this period all Legacy applications hosted at IFFCO HO Data Centre (e-VIKAS, Plant Dispatch, HRMS, EIS, POMS, Saathi Portal, e-procurement, Shares Accounting, IFFCO Bazar Software, CORDET Sales Applications, IFFDC applications, Mobile App, , Applications of IKSEZ and HRMS of CORDET etc.) will not be available.

During this period ERP application will not be available.

However, Email and Plant Applications hosted on Oracle Cloud will be available.

All are requested to communicate to the concerned users of your units/Offices/departments and transporters for planning their activities accordingly.

This is with the consent of Sr ED (ITS).

With Regards

Sanjay Kumar
Jt. General Manager (IT Services)