Created: 26/09/2016 13:50

Circular Title:

Very Important Information - Unsolicited e-mail - Phishing attack*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Dear All
We are getting lots of phishing attacks thru email in our organisation.

What is Phishing

Phishing attacks are typically fraudulent email messages appearing to come from legitimate enterprises (e.g., your organisation, your bank etc). These messages usually direct you to a spoofed website or otherwise get you to divulge private information (e.g., bank account details, PIN, passwords, credit card, or other account updates). The perpetrators then use this private information to commit identity theft.

One type of phishing attempt is an email message stating that you are receiving it due to fraudulent activity on your account, and asking you to "click here" to verify your information.

Phishing attacks are crude social engineering tools designed to induce panic in the reader. These attacks attempt to trick recipients into responding or clicking immediately, by claiming they will lose something (e.g., email, bank account). Such a claim is always indicative of a phishing attack, as responsible companies and organizations will never take these types of actions via email.

How to avoid phishing attacks

In case of any doubt, please contact the IT department of the respective Unit/office immediately.

Pl circulate in your Unit/Offices


A K Gupta
Acting General Manager (IT Services)
IFFCO Sadan, C - 1 , District Centre, Saket Place,
N. Delhi - 110017
011-26542842 ( Off.), 0124-2347446 ( Res.)
Mobile : 9818264894