Created: 27/03/2019 09:33

Circular Title:

Roll out of Monthly Claims, EL Encashment and Leave Travel Assistance on New Platform w.e.f. 1st April, 2019*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Dear All,
We have been using Work-flow Application for Monthly Claims, EL Encashment and Leave Travel Assistance. IT team has developed a new version of these modules and integrated it with "Employee Information System". These modules have been redesigned for modern look & feel and better user experience. It is capable of running on modern browsers and mobile phones/ devices. Google Chrome is best-suited browser and recommended.

Employees of Head Office/Units/Marketing Divisions may be advised to use the new versions of these applications by visiting IFFCO Corporate Portal Home Page ( à Employee Information System à Workflow application à Apply.

To use this application on mobile phones/devices, use the URL
Please note that the Monthly Claims, EL Encashment and Leave Travel Assistance will be discontinued from existing Work-flow application w.e.f on 1st April, 2019.

Hence, it is imperative that all the employees migrate on the new version without any delay.


C-1, Distt. Centre, Saket,
New Delhi-110 017.
Phone No.: 011-42592606