Created: 13/07/2018 14:10

Circular Title:

ERP Upgrade to 12.2.7 from 12.2.5 : Go-live*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Received the following mail from Head Office. ERP will remain down from 14/07/2018 , 8 PM to 15/07/2018 , 2 PM. and again on 21/07/2018 , 5 PM to 22/07/2018 , 6 PM. Cooperation from all is highly solicited.

N R Nayak

As you are aware, we are upgrading ERP to version 12.2.7 from existing 12.2.5. Its testing was already done in the last week of June 2018. Now we will go-live as per the following schedule.
1. Phase 1 (with AD & TXK Patches) go-live on 15.07.2018 @14.00 hours: estimated downtime from 14.07.2018 @20.00 hours(Saturday) to 15.07.2018@14.00 hours(Sunday)
2. Phase 2 (with RUP & GST June 2018 Consolidation patches) go-live on 22.07.2018 @18.00 hours: estimated downtime from 21.07.2018@17.00 hours(Saturday) to 22.07.2018 @18.00 hours(Sunday)

During the above shutdown period, only ERP will not be available for users, rest all applications will be available as usual. This may be informed to all the concerned users.

Few users from units need to do few actual transactions in ERP on go-live on 15.07.2018 @14.00 hours and 22.07.2018 @18.00 hours to avoid the issue. Unit's IT(Services) will co-ordinate with users to make this happen. We will inform on go-live.
Looking forward for all out support & cooperation

A K Gupta
General Manager (IT Services)
IFFCO Sadan, C - 1 , District Centre, Saket Place,
N. Delhi - 110017
011-26542842 ( Off.), 0124-2347446 ( Res.)
Mobile : 9818264894