Created: 28/07/2016 14:06

Circular Title:



System* Never Expired : Yes

We have received mail from Director(IT Services) on the spreadth of a new VIRUS which is badly affecting computer data. It is requested that backup of your local files may be taken immediately either by the backup method already in practice or by contacting our helpdesk to assist in backing up your files. Helpdesk contact no. 4891(Plant) / 5891 (New Admin). Pls. do it , so that in case of any eventuality data may be recovered from Backup Server.

N R Nayak
DGM(IT Services)


We would like to inform that if you receive any email from any unknown email IDs PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE EMAIL/ATTACHMENT as it may contain Ransom ware Virus such as *.Locky or Zepto. The most recent threat seems to be in the form of a compressed (“.zip”) file attachment: “” or "filename.DOCM". One of the main routes of infection has been through spam email campaigns, many of which are disguised as invoices. When you open such attachments (e.g. “”,"filename.DOCM") automatically all your locally stored file would be encrypted and will NOT be able decrypt these files and your entire data may be lost. As these files are not having any signature, it will not be detected by Antivirus / Anti-malware software. At the same time, it is suggested not to open email with irrelevant subjects. Please take regular backups, into external media so that your files can be restored if such infection takes place. Also we have taken up this issue with Mcafee for permanent solution.
Please contact to IT team if you suspect email/attachment so that machine can be isolated immediately.

With kind regards

M.R. Patel
Director(IT Services)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd.
011 42592605
Twitter : @mrpatel1954