Created: 10/04/2018 15:11

Circular Title:

Obsolete Items from IFFCO Kandla Unit*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Following Obsolete Items for the year 2017-18, were identified in Kandla Unit. You may circulate the enclosed attachment within your Unit to all Sections of Maint. Deptt.
Please intimate us if any item is useful to any Section latest by 20/04/2018.
If ,we do not receive reply by 20/04/2018 it shall be presumed that you do not require any of the items mentioned in enclosed attachment, and suitable disposal action shall be taken in this case.
List of Obsolete item for FY 1718 dtd 14032018 total 286 items.pdf


Jitendra Singh
C.M. (Stores)
Ph.: +91 9925228423 (Mobile)
+91 2836-254689 (Office)