Created: 17/07/2010 14:53

Circular Title:



System* Never Expired : Yes

Dear All,

As you are all aware that we have started Workflow applications (FLTE & Leave) in Paradeep and will soon be starting the remaining modules i.e.salary advance , EL encashment etc. Since the transactions in these applications move through computer and do not carry physical signature , it is advisable to change the default password at the earliest and have a sufficiently hard password so that no other person can misuse your password. Also the same password will be used for accessing your e-mail through the browser i.e. internet explorer.

In view of above all are requested to change their default password if not changed yet. Also you are requested to maintain secrecy of password in the interest of Organisation.

To change your current password for workflow application pls. click the following link . It will ask to log in . Pls. give your user id and current password . On the main page click on <change password> . Pls. give your new password twice and click submit. The new password shall be activated after 10 to 15 minutes. Pls. contact Systems for any assistance.

With regards

N R Nayak
Chief Manager(Systems)