Created: 29/03/2010 08:58

Circular Title:

ONLINE ACR for H1 & above*


System* Never Expired : Yes

All officers in H1 and above are requested to fill up online ACR as advised by P & A . Please contact Systems at 4887/4886/4890/4883 or send e-mail to <rahulshekhar> ,<arkasamanta> , <amitbariar> ,<nrnayak> in case there is any problem in login into the system. Mail from CM(HR) is once again given for your convenience. Double click the ACR.url icon and click open. The login screen will open . Otherwise you may save the icon on to your desktop and doubleclick there.

N R Nayak

"As per the instructions received from Head office, Annual Appraisal of all Officers of Paradeep Unit in Grade H1 and above for the period 01-04-2009 to 31-03-2010 is required to be filled online immediately. However, some of the Officers as per list provided to JGMs/HODs are required to fill up the annual appraisal form by 30th March, 2010 positively. JGMs/HODs/Sec.Heads are requested to advise the concerned officers working under them as per the list to fill up the appraisal form by 30th March, 2010. Other officers are also required to fill up the annual appraisal through online.

Attached below, please find the important points to be followed by concerned officers before filling up the Annual Appraisal form. A url link is also attached herewith, which may be detached and pasted on your desk top for filling up the form. On clicking the url link, the short cut for annual appraisal system will open. The password to open the link will be the one being used for FLTE/WA workflow system or the "password" as the case may be. However, before filling up the appraisal from the pass word may be changed to maintain the confidentiality of the report.


Chief Manager (HR)
IFFCO, Paradeep Unit
Vill. Musadia, Distt.Jagatsinghpur,
ORISSA - 754142
Mob. 9937238322 Intercom : 224709