Created: 30/05/2016 10:16

Circular Title:

Nilkamal kitchen shelf - list of qtrs. REVISED CIRCULAR*


P & A* Never Expired : Yes

Further to our Circular on the subject, Please find attached REVISED LIST of :

(1) Pending quarters where kitchen shelf cabinets are delivered but not installed (1st page)
(2) Pending quarters where the shelf is yet to be delivered & installed.

Whenever the contractor concerned approaches these quarters, the staff residing in the quarter is not available or on leave, etc, due to this, he is unable to deliver / install the same. Therefore, it is requested to contact Sri. Rashmi Ranjan Swain (Mobile No.9937578196) in the Civil department and Estate Civil Section (Mr. Akshay Kumar) for getting delivery and installation of kitchen shelf Nilkamal cabinets.

list of Qtrs pending.docxlist of Qtrs pending.docx

Cooperation from all is highly solicited.

S R Maurya