The preliminary round contest is aimed at examining the general awareness of contestant on the theme subject. The question paper will be set both in Hindi and English languages. ii) Final Round : The top TWO highest scoring children in each group in the Preliminary Round will participate as a team in the final round representing their respective Unit. There will be seven teams in each group representing i) Kalol Unit; ii) Kandla Unit; iii) Phulpur Unit; iv) Aonla Unit v) Paradeep Unit vi) MKCO & HO; vii) Marketing field. The final round will be held in the last week of December, 2010. A format for collection of nominations is appended at Annexure I. We solicit your kind cooperation in making this event a GRAND SUCCESS. Thanking you, PLEASE NOTE THAT NOMINATION FORMS CAN BE DEPOSITED WITH Mr BK SAHOO, IN NEW ADMN. Building OR WITH MR SURESH PATHAK AT TIME OFFICE LATEST BY 31st August, 2010.