12/02/2018 14:19
Circular Title:
Implementation of EMD Module integrated with ERP at Paradeep Unit
Never Expired :
Current Provision in ERP related to EMD:
EMD details entered by Supplier at e-Proc System against their quotation has been transferred to ERP Quotation against the RFQ
The EMD details have been populated to "IFFCO EMD Details" Screen in AP module by entering the RFQ number by the finance user and the debit memo (invoices) for the same have been created automatically through this screen.
EMD Expiry/Discharge Report is available in ERP which provides the details of all the expired EMD which have not discharged as on date
Finance users uses this report to review and discharge the EMD
User uses the screen "IFFCO EMD Details" for discharge of the EMD which creates Standard Invoices automatically for their discharge
This existing EMD discharge process has been used by other units. Paradeep User needs to review the EMD pending with them with the above mentioned report and discharge as described above. If users want to remind them through the system, we can remind them through e-mail alert.
The new process of EMD discharge in Supplier's same account is being developed in the new e-Proc System which will take time.
With kind regards
M.R. Patel
Director(IT Services)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd.
011 42592605
Twitter : @mrpatel1954