Created: 21/07/2016 08:37

Circular Title:

Power point presentation & Template*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Good presentation create good image of organization in the audience. Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill and required in almost every field. Effective presentation have three main components
Although every component is important but sometimes even if contents are good but are not well designed, then it does not have an impact on audience. So we should design our contents in such a way that contents are easy to understand, well organised and leave unforgettable imprint on audience. To design a presentation we use Microsoft power point software.

To improve the quality of presentation, we have developed set of templates for Charts, Graphs, Tables, Fonts, Transitions, Animation, and Backgrounds etc.

Files available for download are

User can download them and then user can use them directly or modify them as per requirement. Some features used in templates are version specific of MS Power Point software.

Welcome Screen.pptThank You.pptBackgrounds.pptFonts Animation Charts Graphs Tables.ppt

Link for download:-

Internet Users:

With kind regards

M.R. Patel
Director(IT Services)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd.
011 42592605
Twitter : @mrpatel1954