As users are aware that e-mail notifications are already being sent to the concerned Indentors on payment to the suppliers for the cases of purchase receipt matched Invoices. We have further made provision to send e-mail alert to the Indentor on booking the payment of Suppliers in ERP for the cases of without receipt matched Invoices / notesheet Invoices. This will be very informative communication to the indentors of especially HO & Marketing. To facilitate the above feature, user needs to enter personal no. of Indentor under the Context field "Indentor Personal No." under "Additional Bill Details" at Invoice Header. 2) The issue of Purchase Requisition lines having different Organization at different Requisition: It has been observed that some Purchase requisitions at some units have been created by choosing different Organization at different requisition lines which creates an issue at the time of receipt creation. We have built a check at Requisition entry form to curb such mistakes and go the purchase cycle smooth. 3) Checks on ERP Employee Master and User Master: Now Employee Separation Date (i.e. Retirement Date) can't be updated to blank in ERP Employee master by the user. Similarly, Inactive User can’t be Activated. These personalization have been made to avoid any inconsistency in data and issue in purchasing workflow. 4) RTV (Return to Vendor) Correction line reporting in GSTR: We have observed some cases of even correction of RTV which were not incorporated in GSTR data. We have modified the logic of GSTR data refresh to include this also. 5) RTV Correction Alert: Generally there shouldn’t be any need to do the correction of RTV unless there is a mistake. In order to control the complicated reporting of GSTR data in such a case, we have given an advisory message to the user on the screen while creating correction entry of RTV to avoid such mistake furthermore. 6) Accounting Issue of RTV: Now Accounting of RTV is being done for cases where RTV was done after making invoice and cancelling it. We have applied the code fixes received from Oracle. It has been also observed in some units that RTV is created after invoicing is done but not cancelled. In such cases system does not do accounting of RTV and system expects debit memo as per standard functionality. To avoid such cases, we have provided an advisory alert to the User while creating such RTV to avoid such cases furthermore and to contact to HO(ITS) for data fixes for its accounting. 7) Report Tuning: We have tuned the report “IFFCO AFP Voucher with Range (Post GST) to make it 2X faster as compared to the earlier execution time. 8) We have modified the report “IFFCO Budget Summary Report” to incorporate the following requirement received from Paradeep Unit which may be userful to other units also.
2. Given provision for an excel output of the report.
3. Further added a new report type as Excel (in Lakhs) which will provide the output in lakhs upto 2 decimal places.
10) We have designed a new report with the name "IFFCO-Requisition Printing - Foreign Currency Report" in Indentor/Purchase module to especially print requisition of Foreign Currency.
11) QRM Budget Report: In view of the certain constraint in the existing report of FSG tool, we have designed another new report “IFFCO- QRM Budget MQY Report” (GL module) in report builder to remove the existing constraint. Users may generate the output and give feedback to us. 12) We have modified the report “IFFCO-Item wise On hand Quantities across units”. Earlier this report was not being used. This report shows the item wise on hand quantities across units of IFFCO. 13) Booking of Debit Note issued by Vendors:
As informed to us by Phulpur Unit, some debit Notes are issued by supplier for price variation against original Invoice. This is accounted for through Standard Invoice wherein Debit Note No is captured and at the same time, original Invoice no. against which debit note is issued need also to be captured. In view of the above, we have removed the restriction to enter original tax invoice number and date in Standard Invoice. 14) A new Operating Unit for Arunachal Pradesh SO has been created in ERP with the entire setup for this OU. 15) Annual Finance Act 2020 Circular-Reduction in TDS/TCS Rates: As per the Circular related to “Revision of TDS/TCS rates” revised rates have been created for the units and relevant state offices. User may contact to IT team for left out rate, if any. 16) Online Statutory Audit: As communicated to Corporate/MKCO Accounts earlier, we had created users for HO, MKCO, Marketing State Offices and Plant's Auditors with desired responsibilities to facilitate online Audit. 17) Entries of Tax Deducted at Source by Customers in AR module of ERP: As communicated earlier, HO Taxation requires TDS Reconciliations Report for Tax Deducted at Source by our Customers. As discussed with them, to design and get this report, a standard practice needs to be followed uniformly across Units, HO & Marketing Offices in ERP. Users need to essentially follow the following. 1. TDS deducted by the Customer should be accounted for in AR Module only either through AR Receipt with Receipt Method as "TDS Deducted at Receipt" or through Credit Memo with Type as "TDS Ret". The Units/Marketing Offices where either Receipt Method as "TDS Deducted at Receipt" or Credit Memo Type as "TDS Ret" is not available, they can contact ERP team HO(ITS) for its creation. Till now, we have created it for very few State Offices as desired by them. 2. Income where GST is applicable or TDS is deducted by Customers should be booked through AR module only instead of AP or GL module. 3. Units/State Offices need to get TAN(Tax Deduction Account) number updated in ERP for all the Customers(who deducts TDS / from collect TCS). All the Users are requested to make use of the above features provided and provide feedback if any, to us. Regards A K Gupta Sr. General Manager (IT Services) IFFCO Sadan, C - 1 , District Centre, Saket Place, N. Delhi - 110017 011-26542842 ( Off.), 0124-4048258( Res.) Mobile : 9818264894