Created: 28/01/2017 10:16

Circular Title:

Nomination for Community Development Program on "The Complete Woman " for Ladies of IFFCO Township at Paradeep Unit on 31.01.17*


System* Never Expired : Yes

We are pleased to inform that we are going to organize a short duration in-house Community Development program for Ladies of IFFCO Township at our Complex
on 31st Jan' 2017 on the subject
" The Complete Woman ". The duration of program will be for two hours.
The program will be conducted by external faculties from
M/s Medico Media, Ahmedabad

The program schedule is as follows:

Date: 31.01.17

Timings: 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m

Venue: Training Hall of New Guest House

Participants: Ladies of IFFCO Township

Deptt./ Sectional heads are requested to kindly inform personnel working under their control to send in their nominations by 29th Jan' 2017 to the following officers and enable us to organize the program.

Shri S.N. Srivastava

Manager (Trg.)
Phone: 4415

Mail address:

Shri D.K.Mishra

Manager (HR)

Phone: 4745

Mail address:
