Created: 22/04/2014 13:27

Circular Title:

Licensing issue in ERP : Creation of a common user id*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Dear All,

Keeping in view the licensing policy, we are here-by making one single common user 'sivparadeep' for the purpose of making Move Orders.

User id/password : sivparadeep/sivparadeep

Following functions will be removed from Indenter's responsibility & will be available with 'sivparadeep' user

1. Move Order
2. Material transactions
3. On hand Availability.

Important Note :

While creating the move order request , the users are advised to capture their personal no in the header DFF (Move Order Requester) available in the move order request screen. This information will be used to track the employee requested for issue of item.

This is in line with HO Guidelines. Pls. contact Systems Dept. in case of any further clarfication.


N R Nayak