Created: 16/03/2015 18:40

Circular Title:

Award Function on 20.03.2015 at Guest House lawn for felicitation of suggestors of approved suggestions for the period (01.12.2013 to 30.11.2014)*


Technical* Never Expired : Yes

Under IFFCO Employee suggestion scheme, 775 numbers of suggestions were received in online Suggestion Scheme during the period December, 2013 to November, 2014.

Based on the review / comments for the suggestions received from the concerned Sections / Departments, suggestion evaluation committee has evaluated all the suggestions and following 130 suggestions have been accepted and considered for Implementation.

All the suggestors whose suggestions are accepted will be felicitated with Certificate and award to be presented to the concerned employees on 20.03.2015 evening at 06:20 PM as per the details given below. The award money shall be deposited in each suggesters salary account.

Awarded Suggestions (Dec. 2013 to Nov. 2014).pdf

Date : 20th March , 2015

Time : 06:20 PM

Venue : Guest House lawn

All suggesters are cordially invited along with spouse to receive the award from our Honourable Sr. General Manager followed by dinner.

With regards,

Jt. GM (Process)
IFFCO - Paradeep Unit
Ph : +916722 224015
(M) : +91 9937294604
Fax : 06722 - 228160

Copy to:
- Senior General Manager: for kind information Please.
- General Managers: for kind information
- Suggestion Committee Members: for kind information,
- President and General Secretary IFFCO Officers Association,
- President and General Secretary IFFCO Employees Union,
-All Award winning Suggestors: with a request to collect the invitation letter from their respective HoD/Sec. Head.