Created: 20/01/2017 09:15

Circular Title:

Feedback on UAT held at HO on 12th & 13th January, 2017 for "Supplier Registration Information & Management System"*


System* Never Expired : Yes

The team of Kandla, Kalol and Paradeep units and HO & MKCO participated in User Acceptance Testing(UAT) on 12th & 13th January, 2017 at HO for "Supplier Registration Information & Management System" conducted by M/s Evosys. The test feedback were noted which are given in the file attached herewith.

Feedback UAT - Supplier Reg System.xlsx

M/s Evosys is working on these feedback.

With kind regards,

M.R. Patel
Director(IT Services)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd.
011 42592605
Twitter : @mrpatel1954