Created: 23/12/2016 16:36

Circular Title:

Downtime Legacy Database Server on 24-December-2016 (Saturday) at 06:00 PM for 8 Hours*


System* Never Expired : Yes

Dear All,

We have planned downtime for Legacy Database Server on 24-Dec-2016 (Saturday) at 06:00 PM for 8 Hours for applying patch to address some urgent issues.
During this Legacy applications like Plant Despatch, HRMS, eVikas, Plant Maintenance Management System (PMMS) ,Hospital Management System (HMS), Port Operations etc will not be available.

However e-mail, ERP, Internet will not be affected.

This is with the consent of Dir ( IT Services)

A K Gupta
General Manager (IT Services)
IFFCO Sadan, C - 1 , District Centre, Saket Place,
N. Delhi - 110017
011-26542842 ( Off.), 0124-2347446 ( Res.)
Mobile : 9818264894