Created: 27/07/2016 16:04

Circular Title:

Online Vehicle Requisition & Vehicle Management System (VMS)*


System* Never Expired : Yes

An Integrated Vehicle Management System (VMS) has been designed , developed and is being implemented wef today i.e 27/07/2016. The new software has got the following features.

1. Online Vehicle Requisition by Users through PC and Mobile
2. Online Approval Process through workflow in PC and Mobile
3. Provision for vehicle allotment in advance & transaction there-after.
4. User-friendly vehicle allotment process and Clubbing of requisitions during vehicle allotment
5. Auto recognition by software for drop and pickup
6. Auto E-mail alert to all concerned persons starting from requisition till vehicle allotment.
7. Auto SMS to requisition requester after vehicle allotment .
7. Generation of vehicle gatepass , vehicle logbook and all relevant reports

Link for online vehicle requisition using LAN has been provided at MIS > Req > Online Vehicle Requisition
Link for booking requisition through internet or mobile is given as under. This link will work outside LAN .

Link for Vehicle Management System has been provided at SIS > VMS (This is to be operated by P & A Transport Section)

Login User Id/Password : Same as HRMS

In case of any issue pls. contact following.

1. Sh Arka Samanta , I/com no. 4886
2.Sh Pratyush Varshney , I/com No. 4894

आदर सहित,
निहार रंजन नायक
उप महाप्रबंधक (आई टी सेवाएं)
इफको पारादीप इकाई
ग्राम:मुसाड़िया जिला-जगतसिंहपुर
उड़ीसा -754142

With Regards
N R Nayak
DGM(IT Services)
IFFCO Paradeep Unit
Dist.Jagatsingpur , Odisha 754142
Land Line : 06722-224883
Mob:+91- 9937238373