Created: 23/12/2015 11:09

Circular Title:

Procedure to attach Annexure in Suggestion*


System* Never Expired : Yes

The online suggestion system has been started since August, 2012.
Still the suggesters are making mistake and attachment to the suggestion are not getting opened.

Taking hard copy of the suggestion will defeat the purpose of making the Suggestion System ONLINE. It will require to send hard copy of the suggestion / annexure to reviewers, HODs and also to Committee.

In view to avoid handling of hard copy of the suggestion / annexure, to avoid delay in review and to avoid similar problem of uploading of annexure with other suggesters, it is suggested
To circulate once again the procedure to attach the annexure to the suggestion through circular.

With regards,

C. N. Shah
JGM (Technical),
IFFCO Paradeep Unit
Ph: +916722 224015
(M): +919937294604


1. After filling all the relevant fields in the suggestion entry screen , click on 'Get' button to select the desired file (format - pdf , all office files , jpg etc)
2. After selecting the file , click on 'Upload' button
3. Save the record.

N R Nayak