24/05/2016 10:52
Circular Title:
ERP : Changes made in Requisition
Never Expired :
The provision to enter following fields has been done on production instance today.
1. Preferred Delivery Week (Mandatory)
Proprietary Supplier List has been discontinued and the same DFF is used to capture the Preferred delivery week. The data entered in preferred delivery week will be defaulted in the RFQ ( Delivery Preferred week) during the auto create process. The buyer will have the option to moderate the value as per requirement . Proprietary Supplier List will be printed in requisition from the information available in supplier list DFF . All are advised to verify and update the currently active supplier list data for proprietary Supplier Lists .
2. Justification (Mandatory)
Import Required DFF has been discontinued .The users are advised to enter the information pertaining to Import requirement for communicating to buyers in RFQ Remark . The same DFF is now configured for entering the Procurement Justification . Also the justification entered in 1st line of requisition has been copied in the header DFF for previous requisitions.
Requisition Printing Report and List of Proprietary purchase Orders has been modified to take the impact of the changes . Please check for few cases and revert.
With Regards
Dayanand Prasad | Chief Manager (IT Services)
Work #: 011 26542879 Mobile #: 9810228701
Twitter : @dprasad72