Following activities were carried out during November - 2016
A. New Software Developed /Facilities Added
2. Employee Directory : Facility to add Contact directly in mobile contacts
4. Documents : Holidays list in forms format , data integrated with HRMS.
5. Feedback : Feedback option is provided at the first page after login.
b) Golden Jubilee Portal : Facility added to capture the details of participants in GJC events
1. Hiring Charges Recovery System(HCRS)
2. Heavy Mobile Equipment System(HME)
3. Document Dispatch Management System
b) GST
c) ERP : 1. Identification of duplicate items related to Steel and Pipes & Fittings.
2. GSL(Global Supplier List) preparation for Categories related to Fire & Safety , Production, Inspection, Workshop and Technical
3. Development and Testing of iprocurement module
d) Up-gradation of Legacy Database and applications in 12c
With kind regards M.R. Patel Director(IT Services) Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd. 011 42592605 Twitter : @mrpatel1954