Created: 28/10/2013 14:29

Circular Title:

ERP : Indentor Manual *


System* Never Expired : Yes

ERP Indentor Manual has been provided at MIS > ERP > ERP Reports (Screen shot attached). Select Module name as 'Indentor' and write 'Manual' in the search string and click on 'Retrieve' button. You will get the following record. Double click on the format field to view the manual. This particular application has also got other features i.e. viewing sample reports on the search words . Just give a key word in the search field and click on retrieve. It will show the different reports available in ERP and just double click on the format to view the sample report. This will help Indentor to know the exact report which will suffice the need. In case of any clarification pls. contact Systems.

N R Nayak