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Health Check up for below 45 years at Plant Dispensary
The health checkup of employees <45 yrs will be undertaken (as per the Director of Factories Rule) inside the plant dispensary w.e.f. 24/02/2025. On daily basis 100 persons can undergo checkup. Hence all employees are requested to take permission from their sectional heads to attend the health checkup within the time allotted from 24/02/2025 (Morning 8.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M).except on Sundays. The health check up should get completed positively before the scheduled plant shutdown. The list of eligible employees’ section wise is attached herewith. All sectional heads and HODs are requested to see that employees working under them should undergo health check up within the scheduled date without fail. Regards, Dr.Puspa Mohanty Dy. General Manager(M&HS) IFFCO Ltd M.No.9937238331 Intercom-06722224701(O),5701( R)
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