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Stoppage of water supply on 27.01.2025 - GM Bungalow, A & B Type Quarters
A water leakage has been observed in the water supply pipeline (CI Line) near the outside boundary wall of Madhav (Unit Head Bungalow) and the surrounding area. To address this issue, pipeline repair work will be carried out. Accordingly, to execute the subject jobs, Excavation and pipeline repairing work shall be carried out by civil department on 27.01.2025. In view of this, water supply will be stopped accordingly for following buildings /Qtrs. On 27.01.2025 from 8.30 AM to 6.30 PM for carrying out the repairing job. GM Bungalow (all) A Type Quarters (all) B Type Quarters (B-1 to B-24) All above residents are requested to store suffcient water. Cooperation from above residents are highly solicited. Regards, B K Parida Chief Manager (HR)
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