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ERP Downtime From 16.11.2024 (Saturday) 08.30 PM to 17.11.2024 (Sunday) 8.00 AM
Due to upgrading activity, ERP will not be available for users from today i.e. 16.11.2024 (Saturday) 08.30 PM to 17.11.2024 (Sunday) 8.00 AM. However all other applications and E-mail, Internet will be available. ****** Received following message from IT Services, Head Office: ****** We are upgrading Oracle EBS(ERP) to version 12.2.12. We need to take downtime of 11 hours 30 minutes from 16.11.2024 (Saturday) 08.30 PM to 17.11.2024 (Sunday) 8.00 AM. During this period ERP Production will not be available for users. All other applications will be available. All are requested to communicate to the concerned users of your Units/Offices/Departments for planning their activities accordingly. This message is sent with the consent of Director (ITS). Regards, --------------- Amitabh Mishra, General Manager (IT Services), IFFCO Sadan, C-1 , District Centre, Saket Place, New Delhi - 110017
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