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'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive- 2024' from 11-11-2024 to 12-11-2024
'IFFCO: Vigilance Awareness Drive-2024' ( सतर्कता जागरूकता अभियान -२०२४) will be observed at IFFCO from 11th November, 2024 to 12th November, 2024 with the theme and focus on "Culture of Integrity for Nation’s Prosperity (सत्यनिष्ठा की संस्कृति से राष्ट्र की समृद्धि)” Hon’ble Dr. U.S Awasthi, Managing Director, IFFCO will administer “Pledge” to all employees, followed by his inaugural address through Online webinar mode. As a part of observance of IFFCO Vigilance Awareness drive, a central ONLINE Quiz will be conducted on 11.11.2024 at 02.30 PM for all Employees of IFFCO. The details of the Quiz are enclosed in the attached file Vigilance Quiz 2024- Link and Instructions.pdf. Various Programs to be undertaken for the Employees/Dependent Family Members /Contractors will be as per details mentioned in the VAD Schedule (Annexure -1) -2024. Everyone's participation is highly solicited. Regards, ------------------------ Rakesh Pandey Sr. Manager (Vigilance) IFFCO, Paradeep Unit MOBILE PHONE +91 9937650657 / 06722 -224771 (O)
File Name
VAD Schedule (Annexure-I).pdf
Vigilance Quiz 2024- Link_Instruct.pdf
IOC VAD-2024 (CVO).pdf
IOC VAD-2024 (Director-HR&Legal).pdf
Circular (VAD).pdf