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Circular on pending health check up schedule at Apollo hospital.
The health check up of employees <45 yrs is under taken (as per the Director of Factories Rule) inside the plant dispensary w.e.f. 01/02/2024. On daily basis 110 /120 persons can undergo check up. Hence all employees are requested to take permission from their sec heads & to attend the check up within the time period allotted from 01/02/2024 to 15/02/2014 (Morning 8.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M).except on Sundays. The list of employees section wise is attached herewith. It has come to our notice that only 15 employees have undergone health check up on 03 days (i.e. from 01/02/2024-03/02/2024). It is a matter of concern for us . Hence all HODS and Sec Heads are requested again to look into the matter and release employees to undergo check up within this stipulated period.
File Name
Emoloyee 45yrs below.xls